Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 817 We fought 200 mock battles

The rapid approach of the Justice Gundam caused Lance, the pilot of the Blue Disaster Gundam, to turn his head suddenly.


The Justice Gundam rushes towards the Blue Disaster Gundam at super high speed.

Aslan: "Kira, leave this to me, and I'll leave the prohibition and robbery to you!"

Lin Youde: "Okay!"

The Justice Gundam rushed towards the Blue Disaster Gundam, and the Blue Disaster Gundam fired urgently in an attempt to intercept it.

I don't know whether it was because he was too worried about the situation on Lin Youde's side or because he was eager to solve the Blue Disaster Gundam, which made Aslan's fighting spirit high.

Almost the moment the Blue Calamity Gundam took action, a seed exploded in Aslan's mind.

In an instant, Aslan's eyes were as cold and lifeless as Lin Youde's.

In a highly maneuverable detour, all attacks from the Blue Calamity Gundam were dodged.

The Justice Gundam's backpack separated and crashed directly into the Blue Disaster Gundam, knocking it backwards on the spot.

Lance: "Wow..."

The violent impact caused Lance, the pilot of the Blue Calamity Gundam, to scream in surprise.

This exclamation made Dali, the pilot of the Crimson Forbidden Gundam, and Bont, the pilot of the Ochre Robbery Gundam, turn around subconsciously.

"What's going on, Lance?"*2

But it was such a small distraction that Lin Youde noticed and seized the opportunity.

"You dare to be distracted at this time. You really haven't practiced enough in simulated battles!"

The thrusters behind the Freedom Gundam were fully opened. With the powerful thrust, the Freedom Gundam stopped the force caused by the ocher Robbery Gundam's double-edged heavy scythe on the shield.

Under the roar of the thrusters behind the Freedom Gundam, the Freedom Gundam grabbed the meteor hammer floating in the space beside it and rushed towards the nearest Crimson Forbidden Gundam.

"What? You guy..."

Dali, the pilot of the Crimson Forbidden Gundam, didn't even finish his words when he saw a huge meteor hammer rapidly zooming in on the monitor.

At a speed that it could not react at all, the meteor hammer that originally belonged to the Ochre Robbery Gundam directly hit the head of the Crimson Forbidden Gundam.

Even with the protection of TP armor, the impact of this moment sent the Crimson Forbidden Gundam flying backwards. The eyes of the head monitor were shattered on the spot, and sparks and arcs continued.

Seeing his teammates being attacked by the Freedom Gundam, Ocher Yellow Robbery Gundam raised the four gun barrels in his right hand and aimed at the Freedom Gundam and fired fiercely.

At the same time, the position where his left hand originally held the meteor hammer was replaced by a huge pliers.

The machine body continued to rush forward, and the pliers in the hand of the Ochre Robbery Gundam were aimed at the Freedom Gundam and opened. The moment it was grabbed, a green beam of light shot out from the middle barrel.

Facing the pursuit of the Ocher Yellow Robbery Gundam, the Freedom Gundam calmly turned slightly sideways and avoided the bombardment of the Ocher Yellow Robbery Gundam.

The electromagnetic gun on his waist was raised and aimed at the Crimson Forbidden Gundam that flew backwards and fired two shots.

Two yellow rail cannons blasted out, accurately hitting the spot on the shoulders of the Crimson Forbidden Gundam where the link beam distorted the shield.

Dali: "Wow ah ah ah..."

Along with Bunter's exclamation, two explosions erupted from the Crimson Forbidden Gundam. With explosion fire and smoke, the entire body flew out upside down. Its two beam distortion shields also exploded towards both sides.

After firing two cannons, the Freedom Gundam calmly picked up the meteor hammer in his hand, pointed it at the ocher-yellow Robbery Gundam, and threw it away.

This meteor hammer directly blocked the light beam emitted from the center of the pliers in the hands of the Ochre Robbery Gundam. Not only did it hit the pliers entirely, it knocked away the pliers in the hands of the Ocher Yellow Robbery Gundam on the spot.

And relying on its strong inertia, the ocher-yellow Robbery Gundam, which is relatively bulky in itself, was also knocked off its side. Stop the momentum.

"How can it be!?"

Bunter, the pilot of the Ochre Robbery Gundam, looked at the speedingly approaching Freedom Gundam in disbelief, his eyes full of horror.

"Why is this happening?"

"Obviously everything went very smoothly in the simulated battle, it shouldn't have turned out like this!"

With an expression distorted by anger, Bunt operated quickly. The two gun barrels on the back of the Ochre Robbery Gundam were bent, and they were aimed at the approaching Freedom Gundam.

However, the next scene made Bunt's eyes widen in shock, like bells.

I saw that the charging Freedom Gundam did not dodge at all. He raised his shoulders and fired two cannon barrels at the ocher-yellow Robbery Gundam.

The four beams collided in the air and canceled out.

The attack of Ocher Huang's Robbery Gundam was intercepted by the Freedom Gundam in this incredible way at a distance of less than 100 meters.

The miraculous sight of the beam intercepting the beam left Bunt stunned.

Bunt didn't react to this shock until the impact of the Liberty Gundam on the screen continued to amplify.

"It's not over yet, I haven't lost yet!"

Bunt shouted, pressing a button.

The mouth of the ocher-yellow Robbery Gundam suddenly began to gather yellow light. When the Freedom Gundam was almost close, it aimed a mouth cannon at the Freedom Gundam's head.

However, this attack still failed to hit.

The Freedom Gundam moved slightly sideways, and the cannon beam passed by the Freedom Gundam's neck.

"This is impossible……"

In Bunter's horrified shouts, the Freedom Gundam raised the beam saber in his right hand and swung the sword down, slashing through the cockpit of the Ochre Robbery Gundam.

"Nothing is impossible. Actual combat and simulated combat are two completely different things."

After leaving this sentence indifferently, Lin Youde, the operator of the Freedom Gundam, turned around, left the Ocher Yellow Robbery Gundam, and flew towards the Crimson Forbidden Gundam.

Behind the Freedom Gundam, the ocher-yellow Robbery Gundam with a huge hole in its chest exploded on the spot, bringing with it billowing smoke, and flew backwards without moving any more...

Seeing such a scene, Dali, the pilot of the Crimson Forbidden Gundam who had just adjusted his body posture, had a look of horror on his face.

"This, this... this is impossible. We have trained more than 200 simulated battles. It shouldn't be like this!!!"

Amidst Dali's hysterical howling, all the weapon switches on the Crimson Forbidden Gundam were turned on.

Two 75mm "Porcupine Array" anti-air automatic Vulcan cannon; two 115mm "Arm of Fire" machine guns; two 88mm "Tusk" rail cannons; one induced "Vulture" plasma cannon; two scattering Beam cannon.

All beams and bullets were directed toward the Freedom Gundam for free.

Facing the Crimson Forbidden Gundam with full firepower, the Freedom Gundam responded with the same full firepower.

Shoulder cannons and waist cannons were set up, and colorful cannons were fired on the spot.

The beam intercepts the beam, the Vulcan cannon intercepts the Vulcan cannon, the railgun intercepts the railgun, the machine cannon is resisted with PS armor, and the beam gun is used backhand to destroy the two machine cannons.

Holding the beam sword in his right hand, he split the beams of all incoming beam scattering cannons.

All the attacks of the Crimson Forbidden Gundam were intercepted except for the two machine cannons that hit the PS armor and caused some sparks.

Such a battle situation made Dali's mind go blank, and he kept shaking his head with bloodshot eyes.

"No, this is impossible. This must be a dream. How could such a person exist? This kind of thing is absolutely impossible."

"Nothing is impossible."

In Lin Youde's indifferent expression, the colorful cannon of the Freedom Gundam fired again.

The Crimson Forbidden Gundam still wanted to resist, but the Liberty Gundam's rate of fire was faster, and its firepower completely overwhelmed it, destroying all the weapons on the Crimson Forbidden Gundam on the spot.

After a while, all the armor of the Crimson Forbidden Gundam was destroyed.

With billowing smoke, the Crimson Forbidden Gundam flew backwards.

The Freedom Gundam retracted its shoulder cannons and waist cannons, spread its wings and flew over.

The beam saber in his hand was raised again...

Dali roared hysterically: "We played a full 200 simulations..."

The beam saber fell, the cockpit was scratched, and Dali's voice suddenly stopped...

The Freedom Gundam retreated, and the beam sword Crimson Forbidden Gundam was pulled out from the chest.

"How can 200 simulated battles be enough? If you haven't even completed 2,000 simulated battles, then don't come out and say it."

Leaving these indifferent words, Lin Youde controlled the Freedom Gundam and turned around to leave.

With an explosion, the Crimson Forbidden Gundam flew backwards backwards with billowing smoke, and stopped moving...


PS: The three new enhanced humans are original creations for this book. Their names are all made up, so you don’t need to pay too much attention to them.

It won’t be in the original work, so there’s no need to look for it in the original work~!

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