Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 847 The beginning and end of the war

"So, what happened?"

Lin Youde, Lux, and even Malu, Natal Bakirulu, Mu De and others were not surprised that the Earth United and P.L.A.N.T. would start another war.

Because Lin Youde said in detail before that this war will break out sooner or later.

But no one expected that the war would break out so quickly.

Under Mina's explanation, everyone in the conference room quickly understood some of the major events that occurred during this period.

"What are you talking about? The Earth Alliance actually used nuclear bombs again, and this time it was not even an attack on ordinary military colonial satellites, but an attack on P.L.A.N.T.'s homeland!?"

Natal Bakilulu looked at Mina in shock.

Malu helplessly stroked his head and rubbed it slightly: "Those people are getting more and more crazy. Do they really want to drive away all adjusters? Even adjusters are still human beings."

Mu shook his head and said: "Those people from the Earth Alliance don't care about this at all. When they were willing to help terrorists push Julius 7 down, they no longer cared about this."

Malu and Bajilu were completely silent.

Lin Youde asked Mina: "So, what is the damage to P.L.A.N.T.?"

"The Earth United unilaterally tore up the armistice agreement and took the lead in using nuclear weapons. What is the situation in terms of public opinion?"

"There is no damage to P.L.A.N.T.," Miner explained.

"When the Earth Alliance launched a nuclear bomb to surprise P.L.A.N.T.'s homeland, the ZAFT army immediately sent troops to intercept it."

"Among them, the Justice Gundam and the Freedom Gundam appeared again and used the meteor system to intercept all nuclear bombs together with the ZAFT army. The colonial satellites were not hit successfully."

"The P.L.A.N.T. side recorded and played the footage of the intercepted nuclear bomb, and then denounced the United Earth's madness."

"At the same time, the fact that you returned the Liberty Gundam to P.L.A.N.T. was completely made public. After that, the Liberty Gundam has nothing to do with us Orb."

"As for public opinion, the situation is actually not good. Because Julius 7 almost fell before, it made people on the earth panic."

"Some people are spreading rumors that the fall of Julius 7 was planned by the adjusters. The adjusters want to massacre everyone on the earth."

"The Earth United used nuclear bombs to fight back out of self-defense."

Mina's words directly caused Mu to punch the conference table in anger.

"Those guys, Julius 7 was planned, directed and acted by themselves. Now, they still have the nerve to say such things."

Malu sighed helplessly: "The shamelessness and madness of some people in the Earth United Army is nothing new to us."

Baji Lulu asked Mina: "What was the reaction of the people?"

Mina replied calmly: "What other reaction could there be? Of course I believe in the unity of the earth."

"After all, they don't know so many inside stories. It's true that Julius 7 almost fell."

"In addition, the Earth Alliance takes the credit for Julius 7 not falling. It is said to be the result of the Earth Alliance's efforts."

"As soon as the news was announced, public opinion was in an uproar."

“Coupled with the fueling of some people, the sentiment of anti-regulators on the planet is even higher.”

"Although P.L.A.N.T. also sent out news later, saying that Julius 7 did not fall because of the efforts of P.L.A.N.T.. Even the Earth Alliance is suspected of pushing Julius 7 down in danger."

"But people no longer care about these things and don't believe them."

"Although the Earth United was the first to use nuclear bombs, many neutral countries on the earth issued condemnations."

"But Earth United and P.L.A.N.T. are irreversible facts."

"That's the whole process. You'd better prepare. The war is about to begin. This time, Orb may not be able to stay out of it."

Mina's words made Ma Liu, Baji Lulu and Mu fall silent.

Lin Youde and Lux ​​looked at each other and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The two of them had expected another war or something, so it wasn't a surprise.

What the two really care about is whether the nuclear bomb threatens P.L.A.N.T.'s homeland.

Lin Youde specifically reminded Sigel Klein that P.L.A.N.T. would be attacked by a nuclear bomb based on the original plot, so that he could prepare in advance.

Because Lin Youde remembered that in the original work, the Earth United took the lead in using nuclear bombs, which was the beginning of the Second World War.

However, in this conflict, P.L.A.N.T. took out a large disposable gamma ray device. Whether that thing was Genesis or something else, Lin Youde couldn't remember clearly.

Lin Youde only remembered that the thing was made privately by Durandal, and all the nuclear bombs could be destroyed with one shot. The brilliance of the nuclear explosion could be seen even by Kira, who was looking at the sea from Earth, and it was quite spectacular.

Now that neither Siegel Klein nor Padraic Sala is dead, Durandal's rights are restricted.

Whether Durandal can still create the weapons in the original work to deal with all nuclear bombs at once is a big question mark.

Moreover, nuclear bombs are as dangerous as large gamma ray devices, and once they are exposed, they will also be very detrimental to public opinion.

Therefore, Lin Youde proposed that in order to prevent the Earth United from frantically using nuclear bombs to attack P.L.A.N.T. again.

Two more meteor devices of Freedom Gundam and Justice Gundam must be built just in case they are needed. This is one of the reasons why Lin Youde returned the Freedom Gundam to P.L.A.N.T.

The only ones that can drive the meteor system are the Freedom Gundam and Justice Gundam that still retain nuclear power.

This is one of the reasons why the Justice Gundam is still nuclear-powered.

In Lin Youde's view, regardless of whether Durandal made the decisive weapon as in the original work.

At least before the war begins, this kind of thing must not be exposed.

Whether it is to show weakness to the enemy, or to gain more advantages in the public opinion war and win the sympathy of people on the earth. If a crisis can be solved without using decisive weapons, try not to use decisive weapons.

Judging from the current situation, P.L.A.N.T. is obviously well prepared and successfully used two Meteor systems and deployed a large number of personnel to resolve the crisis.

Of course, the result of this will definitely be that there will be changes to the situation where there are no casualties in the original work.

After all, manually intercepting nuclear bombs and destroying all nuclear bombs with one gamma ray cannon are two completely different situations.

If you are not careful, the ZAFT soldiers who intercept the nuclear bomb will suffer casualties.

But in order to fight for public opinion, gain more advantages for P.L.A.N.T., and quickly put the Earth United into an unfavorable state, Lin Youde could only suggest this.

The specific situation is beyond Lin Youde's ability to influence.

Lin Youde only hoped that the ZAFT army had prepared enough long-range attack weapons to minimize casualties.

After all, I have prepared in advance, and I will definitely not mess up. Now the ZAFT army is using female soldiers on the battlefield, and the population can no longer afford it. shouldn't be messing around, right?

Lin Youde prayed like this.

At the same time, Lin Youde was also a little confused.

Aslan must be driving the Justice Gundam, but who could be driving the Freedom Gundam that was returned to P.L.A.N.T.? ?

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