Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 848 Small Party

P.L.A.N.T. Homeland, a certain base.

"Hehe, did you see that!? As long as the machine can keep up, I will not be worse than Kira and Aslan~!"

"No matter what nuclear bombs or rain of missiles, as long as there are Freedom Gundam and Meteor System, I will kill as many as they come!"

Looking at Yitzhak, who was holding a wine bottle and putting his foot on the stool, looking like a kid seeking credit, Diego shrugged helplessly.

"Hey, hey, hey, my ears are almost callused after hearing what you said."

Nicole smoothed things over and said: "Haha, there is nothing we can do about it. After the incident of shooting down the nuclear bomb, Yitzhak, who piloted the Freedom Gundam, was the major contributor."

Yitzhak held the wine bottle and pointed at Diego: "Diego, you must be envious of me, right? You are definitely envious of me, right?"

"I know you are envious. I know it even if you don't say it out loud."

Diego became even more helpless: "Ah, yes, yes, I am indeed envious. After becoming a great hero, you have become more and more popular in the army. You must be very happy, right?"

"To be honest, just talking about this, I am indeed very envious. After all, my current popularity is indeed not as high as yours."

"However, Yitzhak, I have to remind you. Don't get too carried away, otherwise be careful of being hacked."

"Women's jealousy is terrible."

For a moment, Yitzhak's expression froze.

Seeing that Yitzhak was obviously thinking of something and had some scared expressions on his face, Diego was relieved.

Even he would get tired of hearing Yitzhak boast about his achievements every day.

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it."

"After all, the Freedom Gundam was originally a new machine based on the Duel Gundam a year ago."

"According to the original plan, the Freedom Gundam will be assigned to Yitzhak as a dedicated aircraft for combat."

"It's just that when Kira's incident happened, the Freedom Gundam was assigned to Kira, thus attracting Orb to join our front here."

"Now the Freedom Gundam has been returned to its original owner."

Diego held his chin with one hand and smacked his lips: "Nicole, of course I know what you said."

"But the question is, why did Yitzhak and Aslan both have reservations for new models, but we didn't?"

Nicole smiled bitterly and said: "How do I know this kind of thing?"

Diego was dissatisfied: "Obviously the five of us all used Gundams to fight because of the Archangel."

"But now Yitzhak and Aslan both have Gundam pilots, and that guy Kira has no shortage of Gundam pilots."

"Only the two of us are still driving Zaku. Do you think this is too unfair?"

Nicole comforted: "Actually, the Zaku Phantom is also a very good machine. Although it does not have the PS armor of the Gundam series, its mobility and firepower are actually not weak. It is just not as strong as the Gundam."

"And now, after a year of updates and iterations, the newly built Gundams are already as good as the Freedom Gundam and Justice Gundam in terms of performance."

"Except for nuclear power, today's Freedom Gundam and Justice Gundam do not rely on the meteor system. Compared with other new models, they do not have many advantages."

Diego lamented: "I know everything you said. But I just can't swallow this breath."

"I also want a new model to open, even if it's an old G, it doesn't matter, as long as it's a Gundam..."

"I miss my Storm so much. Although its firepower and range are no longer comparable to the heavy-fire Zaku Phantom, I can use it easily."

Nicole reminisced and recalled: "Yes, I also miss the Thunder Gundam a little bit. Since the armistice agreement was signed, the Thunder Gundam was returned to the United Earth and has not been touched for a long time."

Yitzhak, who had been silent until now, blushed and interrupted: "About this, I don't think you need to worry too much."

Diego and Nicole turned back immediately.

Diego even asked more: "Yitzhak, have you received any news?"

Yitzhak burped and returned: "That's right. Didn't that guy Kira kill a lot of G-series derivatives before?"

"After the wreckage has been recovered, it seems that it is being integrated and repaired. Several Gundams should be produced, and you should be able to distribute them by then."

Diego hammered his palm: "Yes, among the G series that Kira destroyed, there seems to be a derivative model of the storm. Maybe I can go to the military headquarters and ask for one."

Nicole's eyes also lit up: "Speaking of which, when the librarian's organization ambushed Kira before, it seemed that they sent out more than a dozen Thunderbolts."

"Although all those machines have been destroyed, there are so many of them and the parts have been pieced together. It should be possible to build a brand new Thunder."

Seeing the enthusiasm in the eyes of the two friends, Yitzhak continued to show off: "It's more than that."

"I also heard news that the scientific research department seems to be developing several new machines."

"Maybe there's your body inside."

Diego geared up: "Now I am looking forward more and more to what machine I will be assigned to in the future."

Nicole shrugged and said, "It's most likely a repaired model of the G-series derivative machine, right?"

"After all, the current Speaker is not from our faction. He will not hand over new machines to us casually."

"The new machine is destined to be given to his direct descendants, the people on the Minerva whom we met before."

"In fact, Yitzhak's mother also fought for the Freedom Gundam, wasn't it?"

Diego said nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter. The performance of the refurbished G series is also very good. As long as we use our usual weapons, I dare to fight even against newer aircraft."

"As long as the opponent is not Kira, there is nothing to be afraid of."

Nicole sighed: "I'm just afraid that I'll run into Kira's clone later."

"The technology that can completely copy a person through genes, photocopy people, is really a terrifying technology..."

Diego's enthusiasm also declined a little: "Yes, I hope that in the next battle, I won't encounter Kira's photocopier. Even if the genes are incomplete, Kira is still very scary."

As one of the few people who had pursued the Archangel and been educated by Lin Youde every day, Nicole nodded with deep understanding.

"But, then again, where did that boy Aslan go?"

Yitzhak blushed and looked around: "Didn't we agree to have a drink together? Where is that guy?"

Nicole held her forehead: "Probably he is busy at home. After all, he has a family now."

Diego teased: "Yitzhak, when do you plan to get married?"

For a moment, Yitzhak froze again.

That awkward look made Diego and Nicole laugh, and the atmosphere was quite joyful...


PS: My cousin is getting married. Well, among my peers, I am the only one who is not married yet...

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