Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 849 The name is... Assault on Freedom!

Compared with the joy and relaxation on Yitzhak's side, the atmosphere on the other side, where Aslan is located, is not so relaxed.

Asra sat on the sofa, with his hands clenched in fists and a sullen face, and stated to his father, Padric Sala and Lin Youde's father-in-law, Siegel Klein.

"...That's it. This is what happened in the Julius 7 crash incident."

Padric Sala looked at Siegel Klein expressionlessly: "Super Adjuster...Sigel, do you know?"

Siegel Klein shook his head: "No, I haven't heard of it. But now, these are not important anymore, are they?"

Patrick Sala looked at the information in his hand and touched his chin.

"Super adjuster and SEED, these two things are things that can change the upper limit of our adjuster, and even change the fate of our P.L.A.N.T."

Sigur Klein sighed: "Yeah, I really didn't expect that kid Kira to be carrying so many secrets."

"Thanks to that kid Kira for being able to tell everything now."

"Otherwise, we might not know at all that there is such a thing as a super adjuster above ordinary adjusters."

Patrick Sala sneered and said: "Ha, that was just the boy's choice after being cornered by the librarian and having no other choice."

"If it hadn't been for the librarian's revelation, do you believe that your son-in-law would have kept these things secret from you?"

Siegel Klein didn't care much about this: "This is normal. Once something like the Super Adjuster is announced, he will definitely become the target of everyone's fight. He will also become a thorn in the eyes of the United Earth and a thorn in the flesh. "

"We adjusters are originally stronger than natural people. Once the adjusters become super adjusters, then the natural people will not go crazy unless they go crazy."

"For this matter, it would have been a better choice to just take him to the grave."

Padric Sala snorted coldly: "It's useless to talk about this now. That kid has been targeted now, and Orb alone may not be able to protect him."

"And librarians are also a very troublesome organization. The technology that is destined to make photocopiers must be destroyed. If it doesn't work, it must be sealed."

"Otherwise, the whole world will be in chaos."

Siegel Klein nodded slightly: "I will send people to investigate the librarian's matter. This organization must be eliminated."

Looking at Sigurd Klein with a fierce look on his face, Aslan was a little surprised.

His Uncle Siegel had never shown such a look since he could remember.

He, who has always been kind, actually said such things. Obviously, the presence of the librarian angered him.

In other words, it trampled on some of his bottom lines.

Aslan was not surprised by this.

After all, a normal person would not tolerate the behavior of randomly cloning people and treating people as toys.

This is the most straightforward blasphemy against human beings and is an unacceptable existence.

Padric Sala showed a rare smile and patted Siegel Klein hard on the shoulder.

"Haha, you finally agree with me for once."

In the helpless expression of Sigel Klein, Padric Sala laughed, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Librarians must be eliminated. This world does not belong to those guys who are not even human beings."

"The future of P.L.A.N.T. will be guided by my grandson, Apollo Sara, the librarian and all, watch me crush him all!"

Ignoring the rhetoric of his good friend, Siegel Klein said to Aslan.

"I will send people to conduct research on the matter of the Super Adjuster. I will also send people to carefully keep the genetic samples provided by Kira so that they will not be stolen by librarians."

"However, there is basically no research on SEED's special abilities here."

"According to the Kirana kid, Durandal seems to have done some research."

"He has a background in genetics. It will save time to leave this research to him."

"I will say hello to Durandal later, so you don't need to worry about these things."

"You should spend more time with Cagalli and Apollo from now on. The war has broken out, and as a hero of P.L.A.N.T., you will soon be on the battlefield again."

"Cherish the peaceful time now."

Aslan nodded heavily: "Yes, I understand."

After finalizing the good things, Siegel Klein turned to look at his good friend, Padric Sala.

"How is the research and development of new aircraft going? War is unavoidable, and necessary force is indispensable."

Patrick Sala said angrily: "You don't need to remind me about this kind of thing."

"Aslan's new car, the upgraded version of Justice, is currently under construction."

"But I heard that guy Durandal seems to be making a batch of new machines as well. He seems to have his own ideas."

Sigel Klein smiled and said: "It's normal for young people to have their own ideas. We old people can just do our part."

Patrick Sala nodded: "I hope so..."

Watching Padric Sala and Sigurd Klein chatting calmly. Aslan, who had finished chatting, also looked out the window.

'Kira, the preparations on my side have been completed, but I don't know what's going on on your side...'

Earth·Orb·Dawn Society.

Lin Youde stood in the factory with his arms folded, looking at the machines being manufactured downstairs.

"Kira, are you free?"

Lin Youde turned his head and looked at Mu who was walking over: "What's wrong, Uncle Mu?"

Mu scratched his head: "Can you help me adjust the OS of Assault? I feel that there is something wrong with the parameters of the Dragoon. It seems that the speed can be faster."

Lin Youde was a little confused: "Didn't you adjust it before? The new Strike Gundam and Shiranui backpack are completely matched, so there shouldn't be any problems, right?"

Mu scratched his head: "It's not the smart AI you installed before."

Lin Youde tilted his head: "Is it the highly intelligent AI taken from Stargazer Gundam? What's wrong? Is there something wrong with that intelligent AI? Doesn't it react fast enough?"

Mu shook his head: "Quick, very fast, that's too fast, that's the problem."

In Lin Youde's puzzled eyes, Mu complained: "That intelligent AI has its own ideas. The way and speed of controlling the dragoon attack are too fast, and I can't keep up."

"Can you help me adjust it? If this continues, I feel like I am a turret controlling the attack. The dragoons are all in charge of the intelligent AI, which is too inoperable."

Lin Youde rolled his eyes angrily: "That's an intelligent AI iterated by a quantum computer. If you compare it to its speed, you'd be in a hurry."

Mu clasped his hands together: "Please, if this continues, my majesty in front of my disciples will be ruined."

Lin Youde chuckled: "You sound like you have some kind of majesty."

Mu: "Kira~!"

Lin Youde was helpless: "Okay, okay, I understand. I'll help you adjust it later. When you have time, ask the engineers from Shuguang Society to get you a brainwave controller. You can control the dragoons directly with brainwaves. Much more relaxed.”

Mu hugged Lin Youde: "As expected of Kira, I knew you were right. By the way, how is the progress of your new machine? Have you decided on the name?"

Lin Youde looked downstairs and said firmly: "Well, it has been decided a long time ago. My new machine is called... Strike Freedom!"

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