Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 851 The actual situation

Lin Youde actually had a plan for the magic reform of attacking freedom.

After all, the situation in reality is different from that in the dungeon. There is a BGM field and a telepathy framework.

In terms of mobility, there is actually no need to pursue ultimate mobility in the Strike Freedom Gundam.

After all, you are almost useless over there. You still need to be able to defeat the dimensional beasts and other enemies and break through the defenses.

But it's different here. There aren't many weird technologies here, so conventional weapons won't be a problem in breaking through defenses.

Since breaking defense is not a problem, there is no need to pursue attack power.

And besides Lin Youde himself, there are no other new humans in this world. There is no need to bring out the technology of the telepathy framework.

No one can test this new thing, and it can easily disrupt the technological development of the current world.

Therefore, Lin Youde does not intend to take over many technologies from the real world. He wants the world to develop technologically according to the original timeline and technology tree.

Some people have already done magic modification technology in the real world. Let’s tinker with some local black technology in the C.E world.

With these considerations in mind, Lin Youde did not modify the Strike Freedom Gundam in the current world, but only manufactured it according to the original design.

At most, the skeleton and key aspects can be greatly strengthened according to your own fighting style.

After all, Lin Youde is not Kira. Kira can only stab people with a beam sword. Lin Youde, who studied under Amuro, is also very keen on boxing and kicking kung fu...

"That's right. But Kira, are you sure you don't want to add Dawn's Yata mirror system as well?"

Facing Mu's questioning, Lin Youde shook his head.

"No, after experiencing it before, I discovered a flaw in that system."

Mu was startled: "Flaw? What's the flaw in the Yata mirror system?"

Lin Youde explained: "You may not have noticed that when the Yata mirror system is activated and the beam bounces, the body will stiffen briefly."

"I discovered this when I used the Dawn Gundam to deflect beam attacks from a bunch of dagger-type aircraft."

"Because according to my idea at the time, after bouncing all the beams, I drove the machine forward directly to defeat the enemy."

"However, at that time, the body's energy function was switched to the Yata mirror system. Before the rebound was over, the energy supply to the thrusters was limited."

"Although this kind of stiffness is short-lived, it only lasts about 1 second. Under normal circumstances, it will have little impact."

"But in a duel between experts, this kind of stiffness can be fatal."

"And in a master duel, it is difficult to hit a real decisive blow with beam gun fire."

"Therefore, I feel that compared to the beam-reflecting effect of the Yata mirror system, the live-fire defense effect of the VPS armor is better."

"At least, with the VPS armor, I don't have to dodge when faced with some close-range live ammunition attacks."

"For other attacks, just rely on operations to dodge them, or use the light wave defense shield to block them."

Mu held his chin: "Is there a problem with the Yata mirror system? This is indeed something I haven't considered before."

"But I always feel that it would be a pity if the technology of bouncing beams is not used."

Lin Youde waved his hand: "It's no shame."

"The beam rebound effect may be miraculous when you first see it, but for real experts and people who have seen it once, the effect is not great."

At least in the original work, Zhen Asuka was not affected by this rebound effect. Instead, it was a beam boomerang that cut off Dawn Gundam's arm.

This is also one of the reasons why Lin Youde abandoned the Eight-tatami Mirror System.

"In short, until the technical department overcomes the weakness of the Yata mirror system, I don't plan to use this system for the time being."

"And that special coating of pure gold is currently the coating and camouflage that maximizes the effect of the Yata Mirror."

"Until the problem of stiffness and paint changes that won't affect the effect is solved, I don't plan to put this ability on other airframes other than Dawn Gundam."

Mu nodded: "Okay, since you said so, let's do it. After all, this is your body."

"Let's go, help me adjust the OS of Shiranui's backpack first."

"In the following battles, I will still need to rely on this backpack to fight."

Lin Youde said angrily: "I know, let's go."

After helping Mu get the new OS, Lin Youde had just returned to the room when he saw Lux waking up from the room.

"How's it going, Lux, nothing happened in real life?"

Lux shook her head: "It's okay. In the real world, Sister Mengmeng is taking care of me, so nothing serious happened."

"It's just that Stegosaurus, Ryoma, and Kai are planning to make an appointment with you to get together. It's said that since the Dimension Beast War, no one has had a good get-together."

Lin Youde scratched his head: "'s true that I was busy with various things before and couldn't spare any time. Let's just wait until the world here settles down and I'll find time to make an appointment with them."

Lacus nodded slightly: "That's what I said to them. Tell them that you are tinkering with new technologies in the special mode, and they will tell them that you are busy first."

"They can't wait to take advantage of you."

Lin Youde's face was full of dark lines: "Are those guys so straightforward?"

Lux covered her mouth and chuckled: "I can't help it, they are all 24K straight men. If they could beat around the bush, Sayaka and the others wouldn't have to work so hard."

While Lin Youde shook his head and had a speechless expression, Lux added.

"In addition, Kasbar has sent the No. 1 unit of Grungast III."

"I have followed your instructions and asked Li Te and Nanye to conduct driving training. They can use the telekinesis system of the Type 3 Type 1 machine without any adjustment."

Lin Youde touched his chin: "That's it. It seems that Casbar's side is also moving very quickly."

"What's the situation with the Tiger King and the Dragon King?"

Lux: "Before I went online, I went to the underground hangar to take a look."

"The injuries of Dragon King and Tiger King have almost been repaired. They will be able to fully recover in another 1 or 2 months."

"Other than that, there was no other movement."

Hearing this, Lin Youde was a little disappointed: "Is there no movement?"

As he said that, Lin Youde muttered to himself: "I thought that if I got the Type 3 Type 1 machine, there would be no response there." ’

‘It seems that in order for the Dragon King Machine and Tiger King Machine to fully awaken, other conditions are needed. ’

Seeing Lin Youde's disappointed expression, although Lux was puzzled, she didn't ask in detail, she just wondered secretly.

‘Is there any connection between Type 3 and Unit 1 and Dragon King and Tiger King? Why do youde expect it so much? ’

Lin Youde didn't say anything, and she felt there was no need to ask for the time being.

Anyway, Lin Youde has many secrets, and it has long been known to everyone in the institute.

If he doesn't want to say it, there's no point in asking. If he wants to say it, he doesn't even need to ask, he'll just tell it himself.

Therefore, Lux did not ask, but continued: "Well, the Dragon King and Tiger King are silent."

"In addition, the dimensional beasts on the Free Federation and Silla Alliance have almost been cleared away."

"The second war between humans and dimensional beasts is now finally over."

"The dimensional beasts that unified the border have also been cleared."

"I just don't know when the coup Kasbar mentioned before will start..."

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