Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 852: Artesia wants to go through the back door?

Lin Youde groaned and replied.

"It should take some time, right?"

"After all, the Dimensional Beast War has just ended, and rescues have not been completed in many places."

"A coup at this time will not only affect rescue operations, but also affect the preparation of border troops."

"The Silla Union is different from the Free Federation in that its territory is adjacent to the unification."

"Once there is a coup and the border troops are affected, the other side will definitely be worried about unifying the troops here and bringing people there to fight."

"After all, the current relationship between the Silla Alliance and the Unification is not a good one."

"Even if the Silla Alliance has a machine such as the Earth God at the national level, it is hard to say whether it can be deployed when a coup occurs."

"And the town-level aircraft should not be easily dispatched and cause unnecessary impact."

"Because in terms of true combat power, the unified Dragon King is more powerful."

"So, I think the Silla Alliance should not dare to launch a coup immediately after the Dimension Beast War has just ended."

Lacus nodded slightly: "In other words, the coup should be launched after the disaster relief is completed, the border troops are repaired, and the national security is ensured, then the internal coup will be launched?"

"But, wouldn't such a coup be too difficult?"

"When everyone is done resting, won't the core members of the Silla Alliance have enough energy to deal with the DC who is about to stage a coup?"

"And even Kasbal has learned about this matter. I don't think the top leaders of the Silla Alliance will know anything about it."

Lin Youde shook his head: "Who knows about this kind of thing?"

"Maybe the commander-in-chief of the DC army has his own ideas."

In this regard, Lux also showed a thoughtful expression.

In fact, Lin Youde had this part of his own guess.

In Lin Youde's view, the commander of the DC army is most likely the original BOSS in the Super Robot Wars series, Dr. Bian Zoldak.

This BOSS is a reformist who cares about the earth. He wants to develop the earth's combat power, fight against aliens, and protect the earth.

From a standpoint, he is indeed an Earthling who loves his home planet, has abilities and ideas.

It's just that his thoughts are different from the heroism of leading the world to save the earth.

He believes that he is getting old. Under his leadership, the DC Army may be able to protect the Earth for a while, but it will never be able to protect the Earth for the rest of its life.

Therefore, he decided to use himself and the DC army as a whetstone to sharpen the newly rising stars. For example, Amuro from the Gundam family, Kabuto from the Demon God family, and Ryuma from the Geta family.

He believes that as long as these young people can beat himself. That means these young people can replace middle-aged and elderly people like themselves to protect their home planet.

The future belongs to young people, not old men like me.

This is what Bian thinks.

To do this, he is willing to sacrifice himself and DC.

The above are all things that Lin Youde learned through playing the Super Robot Wars series.

At the same time, this is also the plot of the first half of the first season of the "Super Robot Wars OG" TV animation.

Through all the above, Lin Youde felt. If the commander-in-chief of the DC army is still Bi An, then he should first ensure the safety of the people and then consider the issue of a coup.

After all, in addition to the aliens that have not yet been clearly invaded in this world, there are also dimensional beasts that have been wreaking havoc on Aqua Blue Planet for many years.

Moreover, dimensional beasts can come and go freely, and if some combat power is not reserved, the people will suffer heavy casualties.

Of course, the most important thing is that Bian now has the Gulanson card in his hand.

Dr. Bian is the driver and manufacturer of Gulansen. Bai Hechou is one of the few people he can talk to and is willing to take the initiative to help.

As long as Bian opens his mouth, Bai Hechou will definitely drive Gu Lansen to take action.

With Gu Lansen's fighting power, even if the Silla Alliance sends out all the super robots, it will be difficult to resist.

Because Gu Lansen is a true BOSS-level machine, gravity control can easily paralyze all miscellaneous aircraft within the range.

The ultimate move, Black Hole Cannon, is so powerful that most bosses would not dare to attack it head-on.

And Lin Youde doesn't think that at this point in time, Bai Hechou will not know how to obtain the BGM field.

Whether it's through black boxes or through machine combat games.

As long as Bai Hechou obtains Gu Lansen's BGM field, even if it is a mass-produced BGM field. Its combat power is definitely one that can reach the national level.

Although the Earth God is strong, it does not have the blessing of the original driver and BGM. If you want to defeat Gu Lansen, the difficulty is still too high.

After all, that was Gu Lansen driven by Bai Hechou himself.

If you want to fight, you have to let Zeng Jia open the Earth God.

other people? Forget it, it's not that Lin Youde looked down on them, it was just that the gap was too big, and there was no other possibility except delivering food.

"In addition, Kasbal's sister was sent along with Grungast Type 3 Unit 1."

Lux's abrupt words made Lin Youde unable to do anything.


"Casbal's sister?"

Seeing Lin Youde's confused expression, Lux explained helplessly.

"Yes, she is Casbal's sister, and she is his biological sister."

"My name is Artesia Rem Daken, she is a very beautiful girl."

As he spoke, Lux added: "In addition, Casbar sent someone to let me tell you not to take action against Artesia. He said that you already have Nanai, so don't provoke Artesia."

Lin Youde rolled his eyes crazily: "What do you mean you don't want me to take action against his sister? Am I the kind of person who will pounce on a woman when I see her?"

As he said that, Lin Youde added in his heart: 'Duck girl is not my cup of tea. I have nothing to do with her. ’

After muttering in his mind, Lin Youde suddenly seemed to have thought of something and tilted his head: "Also, Nanay was originally the trouble that Casbar pushed to me, right?"

"Is Nanay not causing trouble for him now?"

Lux smiled: "You shouldn't have time, right? There are so many things going on recently, and Nanay is also a member of the Silla Alliance military. I guess there are a lot of things going on."

"Isn't Youdeqi a good friend of Nanayi? Hasn't she contacted you?"

Lin Youde shook his head: "Since the outbreak of the Dimensional Beast War, the contact with Nanayi has been severed."

"I was a little worried about how she was doing and whether something had happened to her."

"Looking at Kaspar's attitude now, it seems like nothing is wrong."

"By the way, why did Casbar send his sister here?"

Lux snorted and explained: "Casbar seems to think that the Silla Alliance's coup is imminent and is very dangerous, so it is not suitable for Artesia to go back."

"In addition, Artesia was studying abroad in our unified school before."

"Recently, just in time for the launch of "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED", the drama series in which Freedom Gundam appeared and showed its prowess has become unprecedentedly popular."

"Altissia seems to be a Gundam fan. She said she wanted to participate in the dubbing of subsequent series or something, so she came to us and wanted to use the back door."

"By the way, after the dimensional beasts made a big fuss before, Caspar also felt that the integration may not be completely safe, and wanted us to take care of Artesia. To ensure her safety."

"I guess you're afraid that the Silla Alliance will capture Artesia and blackmail him, right?"

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