Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 858 A dazzling operation


Just after returning to the Heavenly Pillar and getting off the broken Strike Gundam, Mu sneezed for no reason.

"Who's talking bad about me?"

Rubbing his nose, Mu looked towards the direction outside the port with a strange expression.

Mu suspected that the reason why he sneezed just now was because Lin Youde was speaking ill of him.

But considering that Lin Youde seemed to be fighting now, he resisted the desire to complain.

However, Mina glanced at him coldly and asked.

"Don't just stand there stupidly, the backup machine is ready. Ready to attack at any time to support Kira."

"As Kira's subordinate, if anything happens to him, you won't be able to continue to receive wages."

With a pained expression on his face, Mu responded feebly: "Yes, yes, I'll get ready right now."

"But I think that kid Kira doesn't need me to worry about."

"Instead of worrying about him, we might as well worry about those who attacked Kira."

"From the moment that kid boarded the Strike Gundam, those who became his enemies never had an easy time."

Mina ignored Mu and left.

Mu looked at the spare airframe shipped out of Gnakuli at the port and bared his teeth.

"Is there overtime pay for working overtime this time?"

"Go back and ask Kira to give me a salary increase."

Just when Mu was muttering and asking Lin Youde to give him a salary increase.

On the battlefield, a group of people were already fighting together.

The Justice Gundam made a high-mobility maneuver and narrowly avoided the red composite laser cannon, then X03 screamed.

"What the hell? Isn't that a high-energy beam cannon? Why did it become some kind of corpse-energy underworld wave?"

With a strange scream, the two shoulder cannons on the flight pack behind the Justice Gundam pressed down, raised the beam rifle in their hands, and fired three beams at the Strike Freedom Gundam in the distance.

At the same time, the Freedom Gundam flew to the left, also raised its shoulder cannon, waist cannon and beam rifle in its hand, and the colorful cannon exploded on the spot.

The God's Will Gundam flew to the right, and all the dragoons behind it spread out. The long-range beam cannon in their hands aimed at the side of the Strike Freedom Gundam and fired.

Behind these three mechas, all nine Strike Gundams spread out.

The three bombardment-type Strike Gundams climbed up one after another, raised their high-energy beam cannons, and started firing.

The remaining six air combat type Strike Gundams and sword combat type Strike Gundams disappeared on both sides and did not directly participate in the battle.

Many beams of light flew in one after another, Lin Youde replied while controlling the Strike Freedom Gundam to start charging forward.

"The high-energy laser cannon is a long-range attack, and the zombie energy underworld wave is also a long-range attack."

"You will die if you are hit by a high-energy laser cannon, and you will die if you are hit by a wave of corpse energy from the underworld."

"So, high-energy laser cannons are waves from the underworld that accumulate corpse energy. Isn't it reasonable!?"

X03 replied in seconds: "What nonsense!"

Watching Lin Youde complaining, he made the Strike Freedom Gundam fly around like a battlefield artist under the siege of countless beams, but he didn't get hit at all.

The trio of clones exclaimed.

X02: "As expected of the true body, it can't even hit!?"

X03: "Although I like to talk nonsense, in terms of dodge talent, I am definitely full of points."

X01: "In that case, let's attack according to the previous tactics."

"The entire army spreads out and covers us. X02 and I will block the main body's dodge space together. X03, come on!"

X03: "Oh oh oh oh, I'm on it!"

With a strange scream, flames erupted from the thrusters and flight pack behind the Justice Gundam and began to charge forward.

The Justice Gundam was very fast. In a blink of an eye, it rushed to the side of the Strike Freedom Gundam that had just finished dodging. It raised its two beam swords and was about to cross and slash the Strike Freedom Gundam.

On both sides, the Freedom Gundam and Divine Will Gundam also raised their beam rifles and fired in support.

All around the front, left, right, up and down, the dragoons of the Divine Gundam were also shooting.

Faced with this siege, Lin Youde operated without any chaos.

The light wave defense shields with both hands were unfolded to block the side of the body. The two beam swords stood on the light wave defense shields and picked up countless light foam.

The wings behind them spread out, and the eight Super Dragoons aimed at the beams fired by the Divine Gundam Dragoons, and deployed a beam defense network to intercept them.

The next moment, the beams fired by the Freedom Gundam and the God's Will Gundam passed by the Strike Freedom Gundam.

The beams of the Divine Will Gundam Dragoon were also intercepted by the beams of the Strike Freedom Gundam Super Dragoon.

At the same time, the two-handed beam swords of the Justice Gundam that rushed to the front of the Strike Freedom Gundam failed to penetrate the light wave defense shields of the Strike Freedom Gundam's hands in terms of power output.

This time, the clone trio was shocked.

X02's voice changed slightly: "Isn't it, the dragoon beam intercepts the dragoon beam? Is this okay?"

"Hasn't the main body never used dragoons before? Why is it suddenly installed this time?"

"Also, the main body predicted that our attack was not a threat? Did it just stop dodging?"

X01 said solemnly: "Sure enough, the main body has a talent similar to Mu's, and has a talent for controlling the dragoon that is different from ordinary people."

"I didn't pretend before, just to attack us at this moment."

"That's so despicable, Kira Yamato!!!"

X03 even exclaimed: "X01, X02, you two bastards, could you please pay a little attention to me!"

"My beam sword cannot penetrate the beam shield of the main body."

"My Justice Gundam is nuclear-powered, but it actually loses in terms of output. Don't you think it's outrageous?"

"Also, I feel like I'm about to die. Help!"

While shouting, the Justice Gundam's shoulder cannon on its flight pack pressed down, aiming at the Strong Freedom Gundam.

And in an instant, the Justice Gundam turned off the function of the two-handed beam sword and detached the body from the flight pack.

With a dive, he rushed under the Strike Freedom Gundam, raised his hands, and tried to open the beam saber again.

I have to say that this operation made Lin Youde feel bright.

Although Lin Youde didn't deliberately not install dragoons on the Freedom Gundam as the clones said, he would just attack the Yin people now.

But after the battle with Dawn Gundam, the battlefield was cleaned up without leaving any combat data. The purpose is not just to ensure that the eight-foot mirror system of Dawn Gundam can bounce light beams.

In a sense, he also wanted to control the dragoons for himself, keeping it a secret.

But now, even though the opponent was shocked that he could control the dragoon, he could still operate so quickly, looking for loopholes to create a chance of victory.

In terms of combat talent, piloting the Justice Gundam X03 was enough for Lin Youde to praise: "Well done."

However, X03's operation did not pose a threat to Lin Youde.

Because before the Justice Gundam restored its beam saber function, the shells in the waist cannons on both sides of the Strike Freedom Gundam's waist had already been fired first.

At the same time, the angle of the two shoulder cannons that were pressed down before does not need to be adjusted. The two cannons are aimed straight ahead.

In an instant, smoke from four explosions erupted around the Strike Freedom Gundam.

"Wow ah ah..."

As X03 screamed, Justice Gundam flew backwards with smoking arms, and its flight pack exploded on the spot.

The smoke of the explosion was instantly broken through, and the Strike Freedom Gundam reappeared in front of everyone intact.

"X01, X02, you two bastards, if you don't hurry up, are you selling me out?"

The battlefield was filled with the shouts of X03...

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