Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 859 As expected

Regarding X03's strange cry on the battlefield, Lin Youde's mouth twitched slightly and he was speechless.

‘Does this guy have more of my genes? Or does Dad Mu have more genes? Why is it so noisy? ’

‘I don’t remember that I have a habit of yelling? ’

‘Mu’s father doesn’t seem to have it either. After all, Law Lou Cruze can only talk trash, not yell. ’

‘Sure enough, is it a genetic mutation that occurred after genetic adjustment? ’

Lin Youde shook his head secretly, controlled the steering of the Strike Freedom Gundam, and directed the Justice Gundam to fly backwards. He raised the two coins in his hands and fired 4 consecutive rounds.

"X01, X02, why are you two still standing there? Help me!"

With a strange scream, X03 controlled the Justice Gundam to move left and right. After quickly dodging, he reached for his waist with his right hand, pulled out the beam rifle hanging on his waist, and aimed a shot at the Strike Freedom Gundam directly in front of him.

Lin Youde smacked his lips as he dodged the beam of light, "Sure enough, did you react at the last moment?"

Looking at Justice Gundam's hands, Lin Youde curled his lips.

Don't look at the Justice Gundam just around the corner of X03, with its arms smoking and flying backwards.

In fact, Justice Gundam's injuries were not serious.

The waist cannon of the Strike Freedom Gundam has been updated and replaced with the latest rail gun, which is far more powerful than the previous Freedom Gundam period.

But the waist cannon is a live ammunition, and it has little effect on the Justice Gundam equipped with PS armor.

The explosion just now was more caused by the two beam sabers of the Justice Gundam being penetrated by the railgun shells and hitting the Justice Gundam.

According to Lin Youde's estimation, X03 should have released the hilts of the two beam sabers at the moment when the shells from the railgun on the waist of the Freedom Gundam were fired in the final assault. Trying to get his hands back. Plans to use PS armor on both arms for defense.

It's just that the shells of the railgun on the waist of the Freedom Gundam were too fast, and the Justice Gundam was unable to fully react, thus causing some damage.

In fact, except for the connecting rod of the shield on the left arm being blown away and the fingers on the left and right hands being damaged to varying degrees, the damage to the Justice Gundam was actually quite limited.

After the smoke from the explosion dissipated, his damaged right finger could still pull the trigger of the beam rifle, which verified Lin Youde's previous guess.

It can be said that the results of the previous counterattack against the Freedom Gundam were not too obvious except for destroying the Justice Gundam's jetpack.

But this result was enough for Lin Youde.

Because in Lin Youde's view, the biggest threat to the Justice Gundam is the flight backpack that can be used as a pedal and a large floating cannon.

As long as this is destroyed, the Justice Gundam will only have two beam sabers and a beam rifle left.

But now, the two beam sabers have been completely destroyed, and the Justice Gundam, which has only one beam rifle left, can only play a very limited role.

"I know, I know, can't you delay it a little longer?"

Amidst X02's speechless complaints, the colorful cannons of the Freedom Gundam struck again.

Also attacking at the same time was the dragoon that had just finished charging and was released again by the Divine Gundam.

Several artillery-type Strike Gundams in the distance began bombarding again to provide fire support.

Faced with the firepower of many beams of fire, Lin Youde should logically avoid its sharp edges, ensure his own safety, and then fight back.

However, Lin Youde went completely opposite to X01 and X02's expectations.

There was no retreat to dodge the attack, and he looked for opportunities again.

The two pairs of wings on the back of Strike Freedom Gundam unfolded, and the blue and white light wings bloomed brilliantly.

"The light wheel propulsion wing system is working well, so let's get on to the Strike Freedom Gundam~!"

Lin Youde shouted softly, and a light flashed in his eyes as he attacked the Freedom Gundam. The two pairs of wings behind him spread out backwards.

With the boost of the Nimbus Propulsion Wing, the Strike Freedom Gundam burst out at astonishing speeds.

The Dragoons released by Freedom Gundam and Divination Gundam before, but the beams fired by the bombardment Strike Gundam have not yet arrived. The Strike Freedom Gundam rushed out with its light wings.

When these beams arrived at where the Strike Freedom Gundam had just been, the Strike Freedom Gundam had already rushed in front of the Justice Gundam amidst X03's frightened screams.


Before he finished speaking, X03's Justice Gundam was rushed in front of him by the Strike Freedom Gundam with its light wings spread out. He kicked it in the chest in the air and was kicked away on the spot and lost its combat status.

Then, simple, unpretentious twin guns opened fire.

Two green beams shot through Justice Gundam's chest and waist at the same time.

The beam penetrates and the Assault Freedom Gundam rapidly climbs to a height.

The sound of X03 stopped suddenly, and the Justice Gundam also exploded on the spot below the Strike Freedom Gundam.

The huge nuclear explosion caused X01 and X02 to lose their voices.

Only Lin Youde calmly whispered: "Sure enough, the librarian also replaced the body with nuclear power."

In order to fight against Lin Youde who was too powerful, the librarian couldn't make a fuss about the driver and could only make a fuss about the performance of the machine. In order to further improve the performance of the body and increase the output, replacing the body with nuclear power was something that Lin Youde expected.

Now that the speculation had become reality, Lin Youde just glanced at the Freedom Gundam and Divine Will Gundam in the distance.

‘Be careful of the nuclear explosions that will occur when these two machines are shot down. ’

All you have to do is add this sentence in your mind.

Regarding the instant downing of the Justice Gundam, Lin Youde did not have any psychological fluctuations and his mood was quite calm.

After all, the Justice Gundam was already in a broken state before, and its performance could not be compared with the Strike Freedom Gundam.

In the face of absolute poor performance and poor driver skills, this result is very normal.

But this kind of thing, which seemed very normal to Lin Youde, was shocking to others.

"Second, instant kill!?"

"How can the gap between us and the main body be so huge!?"

"The complete body is so much stronger than us?"

"Or is this the result of that new machine!?"

Faced with X02's shocked inquiry, X01 did not answer.

He was about to answer now and his eyes widened.

Because just when the two of them were shocked by the fact that the Justice Gundam was instantly defeated.

X01 made a fatal mistake. He asked the Dragoons of the Divine Gundam to return home according to the default trajectory of the central control computer and recharge their batteries.

Originally, this was not a big deal.

But the bad thing is that Lin Youde is a new human being.

The Super Dragoon just released by the Strike Freedom Gundam did not take back, but moved quickly through the universe without attacking again.

And just when everyone's eyes were attracted by the main body of the Strike Freedom Gundam, these Super Dragoons were temporarily forgotten.

These super dragoons popped up from all corners in an instant and attacked with their remaining energy.

Countless rays of light swept across, under the precise perception and control of Lin Youde's new human abilities.

The dragoons of the God's Will Gundam, who relied on rigid computer operations to perform their return flight, were defeated in an instant.

Small explosions of fire made X01 wake up from a dream and exclaimed.


Before he finished speaking, a green beam of light spanned an extremely exaggerated distance and penetrated an artillery-type Strike Gundam on the edge of the battlefield.

The explosion of fire once again made X01 and X02 look sideways.

X01's eyes are like bells: "What happened?"

X02 stumbled and said: "The support aircraft at a safe distance has been destroyed."

"And the beam just now seems not to be a long-range beam cannon, but a beam rifle?"

X01 was shocked: "How is it possible? Aren't the support aircraft always maintaining an absolutely safe distance from the main body at which non-long-range cannons cannot be effective?"

"Can a beam rifle have such a range?"

X02: "No, I don't know..."

When X01 and X02 were stunned, Lin Youde glanced at the Freedom Gundam and Justice Gundam, shook his head and complained.

"Have you never seen a combined long-range beam rifle? You really have no experience..."

The long-range beam rifle in his hand was disassembled and transformed into two beam rifles. The Strike Freedom Gundam unfolded its light wings and began to charge towards the Freedom Gundam and Divination Gundam...


PS: A lot of unlucky things happened today, and I’m not in the mood to type. It’s so unlucky...

It's bad luck, I still have to keep updating. There will still be two updates today, so just code.

Only code words are my destination...

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