Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 861 The function of white smoke

The white smoke spread abnormally and quickly, and you knew something was wrong at a glance.

However, Lin Youde's new human telepathy did not sense any sense of crisis.

This also shows that the white smoke itself does not have any lethality.

Even if it had no lethality, Lin Youde didn't intend to just stand there and let the white smoke wrap up the Strike Freedom Gundam while the situation was unknown.

But just as Lin Youde controlled the Strike Freedom Gundam and prepared to accelerate away from the white smoke range, the enemy made a move.

The only remaining air combat type Strike Gundam held up its shield and rushed straight towards the Strike Freedom Gundam.

The three sword-fighting Strike Gundams also pulled out their beam boomerangs and threw them towards the Strike Freedom Gundam.

On both sides below, the originally fleeing Freedom Gundam and Divine Will Gundam stopped retreating and began to return and attack.

X02: "Kira Yamato, take a shot from me!"

The colorful cannons of the Freedom Gundam shot out from below, not aiming at the Strike Freedom Gundam, but directly behind the Strike Freedom Gundam.

The God's Will Gundam also fired from the other side with a long-range beam cannon, and the direction was also to attack directly behind the Freedom Gundam.

These six attacks in total just blocked all the retreat routes behind the Strike Freedom Gundam, forcing Lin Youde to be unable to retreat backwards.

And directly above, three beam boomerangs just flew over. It was very dangerous to rush forward rashly.

On both sides, two sword-fighting Strike Gundams rushed towards them with ship-cutting knives.

Facing this all-round siege with no blind spots, Lin Youde had to praise him.

"It seems that you are indeed well prepared."

"If this Freedom Gundam is still open, maybe it really can't do anything to you."

"But now I'm driving the Strike Freedom Gundam, which is different from the previous Freedom Gundam."

With the thrusters fully activated, the Strike Freedom Gundam advanced instead of retreating.

Under the powerful thrust of the nimbus propulsion wing behind it, the Strike Freedom Gundam rushed in front of the air combat type Strike Gundam.

Seeing this scene, X02 was overjoyed: "He fell into the trap!"

X01 warned: "Although this is the wisest choice, is it really so easy for the main body to fall into the trap?"

This is of course impossible.

Of course, Lin Youde also knew that the other party forcing him so hard must be deceiving.

It's just that the performance of the Strike Freedom Gundam gave Lin Youde the confidence to take advantage of the situation.

Under Lin Youde's control, the Strike Freedom Gundam did not attack directly.

But before the air combat type Strike Gundam could react, it relied on the propulsion of the devil to move sideways to the side of the air combat type Strike Gundam and grabbed its right arm holding the beam rifle.

Lin Youde shouted softly: "Get up!!!"

Strike Freedom Gundam grabbed the right arm of this aerial combat type Strike Gundam, and with its powerful force, directly threw it in the direction where Strike Freedom Gundam just rushed.

There, there were three beam boomerangs whirling over, and two sword-fighting Strike Gundams flying over on the left and right, preparing for a flanking attack.

Dropping the air combat type Strike Gundam to its center, the Strike Freedom Gundam's shoulder cannons and waist cannons deployed at the same time, and red light began to gather in its abdomen.

"No matter what your plans are, as long as you kill them all in one go, it won't matter."

"This is near the Heavenly Pillar, and it's Orb's territory!"

Adjust the output, and real colorful cannons explode from the Strike Freedom Gundam.

The double shoulder cannon beams blasted at three beam boomerangs.

Due to the adjustment of the output, the beam of the beam cannon, which was not too thick, hit it and did not directly penetrate and explode the three beam boomerangs on the spot.

Instead, due to insufficient output, the beam cannon's beam collided with the light blade of the beam boomerang, causing the beam cannon's beam to sputter in all directions.

These sputtering beams instantly destroyed the head monitors of the two sword-fighting Strike Gundams that were unprepared from above.


As X02 screamed, two live ammunition rail cannons accurately hit the broken head monitors of the two air combat Strike Gundams, causing an explosion.

The two sword-fighting Strike Gundams were severely damaged before they even got close to the Strike Freedom Gundam.

The head armor that was damaged by the beam could not stop the rail gun attack at all.

However, compared to these two sword combat Strike Gundams, the air combat Strike Gundam that was just thrown out was even worse.

Because it is the closest to the three beam boomerangs, most of the reflected beams attack it.

And because he was thrown away, his posture was completely uncontrollable. The red beam shot from the Strike Freedom Gundam's abdomen directly penetrated its entire waist.

Three beam boomerangs flew past his head and arms, cutting off his head and arms on the spot. The last air combat type Strike Gundam finally exploded.

As before, abnormally large amounts of white smoke continued to fly out, enveloping the two sword-fighting Strike Gundams with damaged heads.

Lin Youde took a look and found that the two sword-fighting Strike Gundams wrapped in white smoke had no effect and continued to fly towards him.

‘There doesn’t seem to be any change in the body. The white smoke has no effect on corroding the armor or blocking the propulsion nozzle? ’

It's not like Lin Youde hasn't thought about what the white smoke is used for.

But according to the development of the technology tree in the world of "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED", the first thing Lin Youde thought of was a special substance that blocked the thruster nozzle like an adhesive.

After all, in addition to firepower, the most powerful thing in the Freedom Gundam was its powerful mobility.

In order to reduce the mobility of the Freedom Gundam, this special adhesive-like substance should be the most likely to appear.

Although there is no such thing in the original work. But there are many black technologies in the world of "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED". Who knows if such a thing will be developed due to demand.

In addition to the special substance that blocked the thruster nozzle, another possibility was something that Lin Youde had seen before in the Shuguang Society.

It was an extremely corrosive spray. It was said to be an unexpected product. It could quickly corrode the phantom particles on the PS armor, causing the PS armor to directly fail.

It was precisely because Shuguang Club had such a thing that Lin Youde wondered whether the librarians would also develop such a thing.

After all, Liberty Gundam also uses PS armor. Once the PS armor fails, many physical attacks can damage the Freedom Gundam. Lin Youde must perform more operations to prevent the Freedom Gundam from being attacked.

But the current situation confirmed that Lin Youde's guess was wrong. This white smoke does not have the above two characteristics and seems to have no effect?

Puzzled, Lin Youde also calmly controlled the Strike Freedom Gundam and pulled out the two beam rifles he had just put away.

‘Forget it, although I don’t know what the white smoke is for the moment, let’s kill these two Strike Gundams quickly. ’

Two green beams were fired from the beam rifle and shot towards the two sword fighting type Strike Gundams.

Under Lin Youde's puzzled gaze, the sword-fighting Strike Gundam didn't make any defensive moves in the past two days and charged straight towards it.

Before Lin Youde could think about it, he saw that the two beams of light that had just been shot by the Strike Freedom Gundam were bounced away.

This scene shocked Lin Youde: "This white smoke...has the property of reducing the effect of beam particles!?"

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