Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 862: Empty Hands

The scene in front of him really shocked Lin Youde.

At first, he was confused as to why the two sword-fighting Strike Gundams did not take any protective action when faced with beam attacks. Is it possible that all the enhanced people sent by the librarian this time are not afraid of death at all?

This doubt did not last for 2 seconds, and everything was answered.

It turns out that the two enhanced beings of the sword-fighting Strike Gundam are not afraid of death at all. But they know the effect of the white smoke.

They understood that the beam could not penetrate the white smoke, so they did not take any protective measures.

The white smoke just became their protective layer at this time, making the beam weapons of the Strike Freedom Gundam ineffective.

It was at this time that Lin Youde finally understood why the Librarians organization would include a sword-fighting Strike Gundam that was obviously of little use in this capture operation.

It turns out that everything was a preparation for this moment.

As long as the vicinity of Lin Youde's body is filled with this kind of white smoke that can interfere with the beam. The attack methods of the machine driven by Lin Youde will be greatly limited.

In this era where beam weapons are rampant, the latest Gundams are generally not equipped with too many live ammunition weapons.

And ordinary live ammunition weapons, even if equipped, cannot break through the protection of PS armor.

As long as most weapons can be rendered useless, Lin Youde's threat will be greatly reduced.

This is the core essence of this capture operation.

At this moment, Lin Youde finally understood the librarian's intention.

Apart from being surprised, Lin Youde was also very puzzled.

‘How is this white smoke that can reduce the effect of the beam achieved? ’

As for the smoke that can reduce the effect of the beam, Lin Youde's memory did not appear in the world of "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED".

At least Lin Youde himself didn't remember that such a thing existed in this world.

On the contrary, in the world of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" next door, there is something like this that can interfere with the beam particle effect.

It was precisely because there was no such thing in his memory that Lin Youde didn't think about it at first.

I never thought that this world would actually develop such strange things.

I don’t know if this technology is an exclusive black technology for librarians...

"Very good, the interference operation is successful, attack immediately. Now is the best chance to defeat Kira Yamato!"

X01 said excitedly, controlling the Divine Gundam and rushing over quickly.

"The first one to defeat Kira Yamato will definitely be me!"

Not to be outdone, X02 controlled the Freedom Gundam and flew over.

Lin Youde didn't know what the mentality of these two people was, but he actually shouted it out on the public channel.

But Lin Youde didn't care about this.

As a veteran warrior, Lin Youde already has a big heart that can adapt quickly to anything.

"Since long-range beam weapons are ineffective, let's use short-range weapons!"

"It's not that easy to defeat my Strike Freedom Gundam!"

Before the white smoke behind him was completely close to the Strike Freedom Gundam, Lin Youde controlled the machine body, pulled out two beam sabers and rushed towards the two sword-fighting Strike Gundams.

Just as Lin Youde expected, even if the machine body was damaged, the two sword-fighting Strike Gundams were not afraid and faced them directly.

The beam sword that continuously outputs can also be used normally in white smoke that can interfere with the beam particles.

It’s just that the energy consumption effect seems to be 2 or 3 times higher than before.

But this is nothing to the nuclear-powered Strike Freedom Gundam.

Seeing that the beam saber did not collapse after it was formed, Lin Youde was convinced.

As long as there are weapons available, this battle can be fought.

Relying on the powerful thrust of the Nimbus Propulsion Wing, the Strike Freedom Gundam rushed in front of the sword combat type Strike Gundam on the left in a moment.

The Vulcan cannon on the head of the Strike Freedom Gundam, which had never been used before, opened fire quickly, and bullets were fired at the sword-fighting Strike Gundam, picking up dense sparks.

Faced with this ineffective attack, the sword-fighting Strike Gundam struck directly with its ship-cutting sword.

When Lin Youde saw this, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, and he controlled the Strike Freedom Gundam to move sideways and circled behind the sword-fighting Strike Gundam.

The two beam swordsmen raised and lowered their swords, and both arms of the sword fighting type Strike Gundam were cut off directly.

The two rail cannons on the waist of the Strike Freedom Gundam were raised, and they were aimed at the thrusters behind the sword fighting type Strike Freedom Gundam.

The sword-fighting Strike Gundam, which had its arms cut off, was destroyed on the spot.

The whole process was very smooth and silky, and the other party didn't react at all.

Lin Youde was not surprised by this.

Because Lin Youde had driven Strike Gundam before, he knew very well where the Strike Gundam's visual blind spots were.

After the head monitor is damaged, as long as the Vulcan cannon is used to deliberately hit the PS device in certain places, picking up sparks can effectively block the view of other monitors.

Once the vision is blocked, there is no possibility for an enhanced person without the new human telepathy to react.

This is the real reason why Lin Youde deliberately used the head Vulcan cannon to attack just now.

After doing all this, Lin Youde simply read one word.



The smoke of the explosion was dispersed, and the sword-fighting Strike Gundam from the other direction rushed over from behind the Strike Freedom Gundam.

"Kill him now!"

As X02 roared, the second sword-fighting Strike Gundam wielded its ship-cutting sword and slashed at the thruster behind the Strike Freedom Gundam.

In this regard, Lin Youde did very simply.

The Strike Freedom Gundam performed an arc maneuver + turning around, cleverly avoiding the sneak attack from behind, and cut the sword-fighting Strike Gundam in half on the spot.

Lin Youde: "Two."

X02 angrily shouted: "Damn it, mass-produced enhanced humans are really unreliable..."

Suddenly, in the white smoke, a pink light blade appeared out of thin air, and a sword-fighting Strike Gundam appeared out of thin air beside the Strike Freedom Gundam.

The rocket ejection anchor from its shoulder flew out and flew towards the wings on the side of the Strike Freedom Gundam, intending to catch it.

The Strike Freedom Gundam twisted and dodged.

But this dodge gave this sword-fighting Strike Gundam a chance.

Wielding the ship-cutting sword, the sword-fighting Strike Gundam struck head-on at the Strike Freedom Gundam.

The Strike Freedom Gundam did not dodge, but actively threw away the two beam sabers.

Then, under the stunned gazes of X01 and X02. Strike Freedom Gundam stretched out his hands upwards and firmly caught the vertical chop of the ship-cutting sword with both hands.

X01 felt his scalp numb at the sight: "Is this... empty-handed?"

X02 exploded on the spot: "F**K, is this okay?"

With the two of them standing upside down in shock, relying on powerful force, the Strike Freedom Gundam clamped the ship-cutting sword behind with both hands. No matter how the sword fighting type Strike Gundam explodes its thrusters, it can no longer let the ship-cutting sword slash downwards.

What Strike Freedom Gundam does is very simple.

The two rail guns on his waist were raised, and two live rounds were simply fired.

Two unpretentious cannons were fired at the sword fighting type Strike Gundam.

Under the protection of the PS armor, the sword-fighting Strike Gundam was not destroyed, but the ship-cutting sword in its hand was accidentally released due to the impact.

And this determines the outcome of the battle.

Grabbing the ship-cutting sword, the Strike Freedom Gundam slashed this sword-fighting Strike Gundam through with a backhand strike.

During the explosion of the last sword-fighting Strike Gundam, Lin Youde muttered simply.


Because it was in a public channel, I was talking about it.

Therefore, Lin Youde's voice reading the numbers also reached the ears of X01 and X02.

The report without any emotion sounded like the whisper of the devil to X01 and X02.

The cold voice made X01 and X02's hands and feet feel cold.

Especially when the Strike Freedom Gundam rushed out of the white smoke with the light wheel propulsion wing behind it, and once again deployed its full-body gun barrels, aiming at the two of them.

At that moment, X01 and X02 knew that they were doomed.

The Freedom Gundam and Divine Will Gundam flying forward were hit by numerous beams of light without even making a move to resist or dodge, turning into two gorgeous fireworks in the universe.

Looking at the two fireworks, Lin Youde raised his head, looked at the last two bombardment-type Strike Gundams in the distance, and whispered.

"There are 2 more..."

The light wings unfolded, and with brilliant white light, the Strike Freedom Gundam rushed towards the last two enemy aircraft.

The battle is completely without any suspense at this moment...

In the Heavenly Pillar, Mu sat in the cockpit and shrugged at Mina on the communication screen.

"Look, I told you everything. We don't even need to do it, Kira can handle it by herself."

"From the moment those guys made trouble for Kira, their fate was already doomed..."

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