Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 867 All-Field Universal Machine·Destiny Gundam

As a revised script that was uploaded online, it is a controversial but very commercially successful work.

There are many rumors about the two seasons of "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED" animation. Even Lin Youde, who does not read other derivative works, such as comics and novels, has heard about it.

The orange Heine Destiny Gundam is one of the representatives.

According to the Internet, except for the Destiny Gundam driven by Zhen Asuka. Destiny Gundam actually has a Heine-specific model.

It's just that in the TV plot, Heine died too early, causing this plan to abort.

This rumor has spread very widely, and before Lin Youde traveled through time, he even saw the orange-yellow painted Destiny Gundam model, which appeared in some chat groups.

Therefore, at the first glance, Lin Youde began to speculate whether the second Destiny Gundam might be driven by Heine.

After all, regardless of the color or the rumors before the time travel, it seems that the second Destiny Gundam can only be said to be driven by Heine.

Destiny Gundam is different from other mechas. As an all-round mecha, it is balanced in all aspects.

But it is precisely because of the balance that it seems featureless, difficult to drive, and very driver-picky.

Don't get me wrong, what I'm talking about here is that it has no special features. It's compared to the two final machines of the protagonist, Strike Freedom Gundam and Infinite Justice Gundam.

Unlike the Strike Freedom Gundam, which emphasizes mobility and extreme firepower, the Destiny Gundam does not have too much firepower. In addition to the beam rifle and the long-range beam cannon behind him, the only long-range weapons are beam boomerangs.

Compared with the Strike Freedom Gundam with gun barrels inserted all over its body, the Destiny Gundam's firepower is indeed not enough.

In terms of maneuverability, both airframes are equipped with light wheel propulsion wing systems, so there is not much difference in maximum propulsion speed.

The Infinite Justice Gundam is the other extreme, with beam sabers all over its body, pursuing the ultimate in close combat.

Compared with Infinite Justice, Destiny Gundam has no other melee combat weapons except the "palm gun", ship-cutting sword, and beam sword.

Moreover, these three ways of using weapons are also somewhat conflicting and cannot be compared with Infinite Justice Gundam.

In terms of ultimate long-range and extreme melee combat, the Destiny Gundam, which is not bad in all aspects, seems very mediocre.

But this mediocrity is, in a sense, very versatile.

Compared with other ordinary aircraft, Destiny Gundam has almost no shortcomings and can adapt to various types of battles.

As long as the weapon is used correctly, the Destiny Gundam can even defeat Strike Freedom Gundam and Infinite Justice Gundam in one-on-one combat.

Because the Destiny Gundam has rich armaments suitable for combat in all fields and a light wheel propulsion wing system that provides powerful maneuverability.

But in the original work, Zhen Asuka was not blackened or killed by the plot. The real Asuka can take advantage of the Destiny Gundam's own advantages to play close combat with Strike Freedom Gundam, play long-range containment with Infinite Justice Gundam, and use kiting tactics to sneak away Infinite Justice Gundam.

Unfortunately, due to various reasons, Zhen Asuka was not able to do this. It became a stepping stone for Kira to achieve the legend of super god.

Even Shin Asuka cannot properly use all the weapons of the Destiny Gundam. Others have it harder.

This is also the reason why, although Destiny Gundam is powerful and has obvious weaknesses, few people can use it.

Some people even speculated that if Heine had not died in the early stage and he had piloted the Destiny Gundam to participate in the final battle, Shin Asuka might not have lost so ugly.

Because Heine was an ace pilot who was recognized by Durandal earlier than Shin Asuka.

If you say he doesn't have any real skills, that's really an insult to Durandal.

This is also one of the sources of the argument that once Heine's Destiny Gundam, which was very popular in forums before time travel, appears, the ending may be rewritten.

However, this is just speculation. The direction of original TV has already been decided. Even when speculations arose, the TV animation had been completed for a long time.

Lin Youde watched the two Destiny Gundams galloping in the sky. He couldn't help but touch his chin and think.

‘If I become a real Asuka and face Kira and Aslan in the original plot, can I win? ’

This is not because Lin Youde seems to be idle, but because he carefully considered the characteristics of the three mobile suits of Strike Freedom Gundam, Infinite Justice Gundam and Destiny Gundam and made a serious comparison.

Because Lin Youde had previously vaguely felt that compared to the Strike Freedom Gundam, which purely pursues long-range firepower, and the Infinite Justice Gundam, which pursues close combat to the extreme.

Destiny Gundam, which is not weak in all fields, may be more suitable for him than Strike Freedom Gundam.

There was no way, Lin Youde preferred the combination of close combat and long-range shooting. Then use the enemy's weaknesses to defeat them.

Lin Youde, who studied under Amuro, is very powerful in both melee and long-range combat, and can switch at any time according to combat needs.

The Destiny Gundam, which can also switch weapons according to combat needs, suits Lin Youde quite well in this regard.

Therefore, Lin Youde tried to compare. If he were allowed to pilot the Destiny Gundam, he would be able to fight against Kira's Strike Freedom Gundam and Aslan's Infinite Justice Gundam. The certainty of capturing them both is really quite high...

‘Forget it, I don’t think about this now. I will go back and find a way to test drive the Destiny Gundam to see how it fits me. ’

While Lin Youde was focused on running the train, Lux's voice suddenly reached Lin Youde's ears.

"Kira, the Destruction Gundam has begun to enter the combat area."

"Aslan sent a communication saying that the mobile suit group will be responsible for solving the problem. I hope you can cooperate with Shin Asuka and Heine Westenflus to defeat the three Destruction Gundams."

"The two Destiny Gundams with light wheel propulsion wing systems are piloted by Shin Asuka and Heine Westenflus."

Lin Youde was certain in his mind: ‘Is it really Zhenhe Heine? ’

Lin Youde nodded, turned and walked towards the bridge door: "Understood, I will attack now, by the way, where is Aslan himself?"

Lux put on her earphones and returned: "Aslan and the others are still preparing the aircraft at the base and will attack soon."

Lin Youde smiled slightly: "Okay, then I'll attack."

After running all the way to the Gnaku and activating the Strike Freedom Gundam, Lin Youde was secretly looking forward to seeing if there would be any other aircraft on the battlefield that were not seen in the original work.

It didn't take long for the Strike Freedom Gundam to fly out of the Archangel and rush straight towards the three Destruction Gundams.

In the sky above the Panama base where the fierce battle was raging, a blue figure suddenly passed across.

Accompanied by the urgent alarm in the Earth Alliance's MS, a series of beams of light fell from the sky, destroying more than a dozen dagger Ls guarding the Destruction Gundam.

In a series of explosions and flames, the Strike Freedom Gundam spread its wings and floated above the sky.

At the same time, Lin Youde's voice also sounded on the regional public channel.

"Finally found, the Gundam that symbolizes sin..."

"Today, for the sake of the people of the world and for the execution of justice, I will destroy you with my own hands!"

"Kira Ashar, Strike Freedom Gundam, attack!"

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