Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 868 Positron Reflection Shield?

Because of Lin Youde's appearance and the regional public channel, two completely different situations occurred on the entire battlefield.

The ZAFT army cheered loudly, unlike Aslan and others who had known about Lin Youde's arrival for a long time. Ordinary ZAFT Army soldiers had no idea that Lin Youde would appear here.

"It's Freedom, it's Freedom piloted by Kira Ashar!"

"As expected, Miss Lux's husband is on our side!"

"The heroes from the last battle are here. We will definitely win this battle!"

Unlike the cheers from the ZAFT army, the people from the Earth United Army saw the appearance of the Strike Freedom Gundam. Veterans with rich combat experience are like mourning their heirs.

"It's over, why does this god of plague appear here?"

"This is not the Freedom of the ZAFT army, but the Freedom piloted by the real Kira Ashar. How can we fight this?"

"Is this a new machine after upgrading Freedom? Is it definitely stronger than the previous Freedom?"

"As I said, your Atlantic Federation always uses such crazy things as Destruction Gundam, sooner or later you will suffer retribution. Look, retribution has come now, right?"

"It's all caused by you Atlantic Federation people..."

Feeling the fear, resentment and other negative emotions that pervaded the Earth United Army, Lin Youde was filled with questions.

‘What’s going on with the Earth United Army? ’

With doubts, Lin Youde drove the Strike Freedom Gundam and began to approach the three Destruction Gundams.

I don’t know if it was because the last war was too popular, or if it was simply because of civil strife that the morale within the Earth United Army was low.

As soon as Lin Youde's Assault Freedom Gundam passed, many mobile suits began to retreat and left away from the Destruction Gundam.

A random shot of the six-color cannon (shoulder cannon + waist cannon + double gun) passed by. Regardless of whether the shot hit or not, many MS pretended to be shot, dropped their weapons, and began to evade and retreat.

This scene was seen by Zhen Asuka and Heine Westenflus who rushed over.

Zhen Asuka's face was full of confusion: "What is this...? Is the Earth United Army so afraid of Mr. Kira that they will collapse without a fight?"

Heine Westenflus was also puzzled: "I don't know. This is the first time I have seen such an outrageous thing."

"But really, now is not the time to talk about this. The main thing is that we work together to help Kira Asha defeat the Destruction Gundam as soon as possible."

"Once the Destruction Gundam is allowed to approach the base, the consequences will be disastrous."

Zhen Feiniao quickly came to his senses: "Understood."

The Nimbus propulsion wings unfolded, and the Destiny Gundam rushed to the edge of the Strike Freedom Gundam, unfolded the long-range high-energy beam cannon behind it, and aimed a shot at one of the Destruction Gundams.

The red beam shot out and was blocked by the hand light shield of a Destruction Gundam, leaving it unscathed.

True Asuka: "Mr. Kira, we are here to help."

Lin Youde turned his head: "Really, how are you? Are Stella and Sister You okay?"

The Destruction Gundam didn't flinch like other mobile suits. Three Destruction Gundams launched a brazen attack on Lin Youde and others.

The three Destruction Gundams spread out their fingers, 20 small cannon ports around the huge disc behind them, and three huge scarlet energy cannons on the chest began to charge.

In less than a breath, three Destruction Gundams, with a total of 99 beams, blasted towards the Strike Freedom Gundam, Destiny Gundam, and Heine's Destiny Gundam.

The huge firepower forced the two Destiny Gundams to unfold their light wheel propulsion wings, quickly take off together with the Strike Freedom Gundam, and dodge.

"This firepower is really difficult to deal with."

Heine Westenflus, who had not spoken before, looked at the three Destruction Gundams standing side by side with a gloomy expression.

After being attacked, Zhen Feiniao had no time to reminisce with Lin Youde. He looked at the three Destruction Gundams seriously.

"Mr. Kira, these three Destruction Gundams are difficult to deal with. Let's defeat them first and then reminisce about old times."

In response, Lin Youde did not refuse: "Okay, let's get down to business first and then let's talk."

Unfolding the barrels of its entire body, the Strike Freedom Gundam aimed its colorful cannon at one of the three Destruction Gundams.

The colorful cannon blasted past, and the attacked Gundam of Destruction raised its wrist in front of its body. The beam shield that had previously blocked the Destiny Gundam's long-range high-energy beam cannon was deployed again.

The colorful cannon that attacked the Freedom Gundam was blocked by this beam shield, exploding countless light droplets and smoke from live ammunition explosions in front of the shield.

Seeing this scene, Lin Youde's eyebrows twitched: "Can't even live ammunition penetrate it? Is that thing a light wave defense shield?"

While Lin Youde was complaining, Heine piloted the orange Destiny Gundam, unfolded its light wheel propulsion wings, and rushed behind a Destruction Gundam.

Heine: "If you rush here, you won't be able to defend yourself, right? The disadvantage of a big man is that he has weak mobility and slow turns. This was accomplished by my Destiny Gundam...what!?"

Six multi-purpose missiles were mounted on the back of the disc behind the Destruction Gundam. A total of twelve missiles flew out and hit Heine's Destiny Gundam, which was urgently raising its shield to block it.

Along with the smoke of the explosion, Heine's dedicated Destiny Gundam quickly retreated, and after pulling up, the long-range high-energy beam cannon was ready to fire.

But he found that the third Destruction Gundam turned around at this time and stretched out a hand towards him.

The hand clicked and the wrist fell off. The entire palm flew out like a floating cannon, aiming at Heine's Destiny Gundam with five green beams.

Because the distance was too close, Heine, who was deploying a long-range high-energy beam cannon at this time, had no time to dodge.

Just when Heine's Destiny Gundam was about to be hit by the beam, a scarlet beam of light roared from the other side and stopped directly in front of Heine's Destiny Gundam, intercepting the five green beams.

Heine turned around and saw that the direction the scarlet beam was coming from was actually the Strike Freedom Gundam.

Heine: "Kira Asha!?"

Lin Youde: "Don't mess around. This thing is just a mobile fortress. It's not that easy to handle."

Use the complex phase beam cannon to attack the abdomen of the Freedom Gundam to intercept the finger beam of the Destruction Gundam and save Heine. Lin Youde turned to look at Zhen Feiniao.

"Really, you mean, the beam shield on the Destruction Gundam's wrist is not a light wave defense shield?"

Zhen Asuka nodded: "Yes, Mr. Kira. I heard the captain say it before. The Earth United once had an MA that used a beam shield to bounce off our army's positron city-breaking cannon, knocking out one of our battleships on the spot. Sink."

"As we all know, although the light wave defense shield has extremely strong defense against light beams and live ammunition, it has sufficient energy and can withstand positron cannons."

"But the light wave defense shield cannot reflect the positron city-breaking cannon."

"So, the beam shield deployed by the Destruction Gundam may be the special beam shield that can reflect the positron cannon, the positron reflection shield!"


PS: The author remembers that in the original work, there seemed to be an MA equipped with this special beam shield, which blocked the Minerva's positron cannon.

I forgot whether it rebounded, but when I checked the information, I found that the name of this thing is called positron reflective shield.

Since the name contains reflection, it should be able to bounce back, right? At least the positron cannon is reflective, right?

I have to say that there are so many black technologies in the SEED world. Positron cannons can reflect them, which is really outrageous...

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