Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 908 The approaching deadline

More than three weeks have passed since I said goodbye to Li Xingke, and it will be four weeks soon.

In other words, the original one-month deadline now has less than seven days left.

Everyone in the Lin Research Institute, not to mention Li Te and Nan Ye, knew that the Dragon King and Tiger King were about to be transferred.

Lin Youde himself had no intention of hiding it from everyone, but only told Li Te and Nan Ye alone.

As a result, when Ni Xingxing came back from her hometown and brought Nanye some local specialties for Nanye's parents, she found that Nanye and Li Te were very tired, so she curiously asked what was going on.

Then, Ni Xingxing learned that the Dragon King and Tiger King were about to be transferred.

This made the impatient Ni Xingxing angry and wanted to find someone to argue with him.

But when he found Lin Youde, Lin Youde told him that this matter could not be changed.

Seeing that Lin Youde couldn't change the matter, he felt depressed and took a few people with whom he had been on good terms recently to complain, to relieve his depression and at the same time defend Lin Youde.

Coincidentally, among these people were Robert from the maintenance team and technical department, Shinji Ikari and Kaoru Nagisa from the EVA team, and Toby Watson, the golden retriever from the Guardians and Glory Star.

Once a few young people knew about it, it could be said that the entire Lin Institute knew about it.

In addition, several young people are not very strict with their mouths. After returning, they will talk to the surrounding team members and partners.

The entire Lin Research Institute knew about it.

As a result, everyone in the entire institute was not in a very happy mood.

Even Lin Mingmei, who had already started her career as a singer, came back to ask about this. It can be seen that this matter has spread widely.

Lin Youde had his own little plan here, planning to sell favors and then take the Dragon King and Tiger King into his pocket together, so that it would be a win-win situation, win twice.

But other people didn't know these things, so a group of people were full of resentment while they were busy.

Lin Youde saw this but didn't say anything.

After all, there are some things that he, the superior, knows but cannot tell.

Not to mention that Li Te and Nan Ye have been unable to gain recognition from the Dragon King and Tiger King, which also makes Lin Youde worried.

Unlike the super robot pilot in the original work, he can directly enter the super robot, drive and fight side by side.

The pilots of the super robots in this world cannot enter without being recognized.

This resulted in Lin Youde knowing that Nan Ye and Li Te could forcibly activate the Dragon King and Tiger King, but they could not let them enter.

This helplessness made Lin Youde's face not pretty.

After others saw Lin Youde's face, they felt even more sorry for Lin Youde.

After all, in the eyes of everyone, it was Lin Youde who single-handedly raised the development level of the integrated mass production machine in order to win all kinds of glory. He also personally led the team to take risks and repel the attack of the dimensional beasts.

Not only is this a great contribution, it can also be said to be a great military exploit, right?

But Lin Youde was like this. He had finally obtained two black box machines before, but they were stolen by hackers.

Now we are working hard to restore the Dragon King and Tiger King, but they are still being stolen.

Regarding the previous Olympic black box being hacked, everyone was not in the research institute before, so it was fine not to know about it.

Everyone was in the research institute at this moment. After everyone found out, their dissatisfaction almost overflowed.

And the most important thing is, I wonder if the Liu family, Ma family, and those families who covet the Dragon King and Tiger King are trying to take away the Dragon King and Tiger King from Lin Youde as soon as possible.

They actually started to jointly build momentum, saying that they wanted to jointly compete for the ownership of the Dragon King and Tiger King.

Although these messages were not spread among the people, they were only spread among some powerful people.

But the formation that seemed to have excluded the Lin Institute still made everyone very angry.

When the time reached the 15th day, even Du Jianlong, Liu Longma, Wang Kai and others couldn't help but call personally to ask Lin Youde whether the matter was true.

This shows how widely this matter was spread.

Du Jianlong, Liu Longma, Wang Kai and others were also very angry that Lin Youde had been dealt with by someone else.

But even if everyone unites together, their political influence is still very limited.

When it comes to fighting, these people are not afraid of anything, even if the King of Heaven comes, they will have to throw two punches.

But when it comes to doing politics, these people are not very good at it. Taken together, there may not be a single Lin Youde who can be useful.

Therefore, Lin Youde had to comfort these friends himself and tell them not to worry. You can do it yourself.

It was the fourth week of being so busy. Seeing that the deadline was getting closer and closer, Lin Youde himself was a little anxious.

After simply using telekinesis to awaken the Dragon King and Tiger King, he got their approval.

Lin Youde had the Dragon King and Tiger King transported from the underground hangar of Risheng University of Science and Technology to the Lin Research Institute.

Since the ownership of Dragon King and Tiger King is still in Lin Youde's hands, and Risheng University of Science and Technology is Lin Youde's alma mater, even Lin Youde himself has not graduated from Risheng University of Science and Technology.

Therefore, Risheng University of Science and Technology cooperated very well to transport the Dragon King and Tiger King there without anyone else knowing.

After that, Lin Youde asked people to pull the Dragon King and Tiger King to the tarmac to bask in the sun.

Let Li Te and Nanye fly around the Dragon King and Tiger King in Grungast Type 3 and Unit 1, train, and even spar with others.

After trying all the methods, Lin Youde found that the Dragon King and Tiger King had no reaction at all.

These two guys seemed to have completely slept to death. Even if they were moved to Brave Laitin and asked Brave Laitin to help wake them up, it would have no effect at all.

Lin Youde was naturally unable to accept such a result.

With no other choice, Lin Youde decided to go out in person again and use the huge mental power unique to his new human race to forcefully wake up these two big guys who were sleeping to death.

For this reason, the Dragon King and Tiger King were moved to the hangar again, and everyone pushed away for fear of disturbing Lin Youde.

Lin Youde stood alone on both sides of the Dragon King and Tiger King, using his mental power to the maximum to hit the Dragon King and Tiger King.

(Wake me up!!!)

The huge concentration power shrouded the Dragon King and Tiger King, and its intensity shocked the three new humans, Rita, Jonah, and Michelle.

However, no matter how powerful Lin Youde's mental power was, he could not awaken the Dragon King and Tiger King.

The two big guys stood motionless in front of Lin Youde, without any reaction.

This situation makes everyone feel discouraged.

‘Not even Youde (Brother Youde) (Dad) (Director) (Brother Director)? '*N

Countless people couldn't help but sigh secretly...

But what no one knows is...

Just when Lin Youde maximized his mental power and poured it into the Dragon King and Tiger King...

In an unknown space, countless scarlet eyes opened one after another in the darkness...

At the same time, no one noticed that Lei Mengmeng was standing there, with one side of her eyes red and her expression a little dull...


PS: The author knows that everyone is in a hurry, but when telling a story, it is important to have a beginning and an end, and be orderly.

In terms of plot, the author will arrange it, and in terms of rhythm, the author also has his own considerations.

Therefore, the author will update according to the predetermined story arrangement and rhythm, above.

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