Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 909 (1st update) Abnormality

PS: The previous book friend "Balumongk of the Sky" gave a lot of rewards, and the previous "Arrogant Little Nightingale", "Peerless Sword King" and "Blooded Green Onion" also gave a lot of rewards, but there are still no rewards. return.

There will be a wave today, please pay them all back.

—Text below—

After that, Lin Youde tried several times, almost two or three times a day, trying to forcibly awaken the Dragon King and Tiger King with his spiritual power.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to drag Nan Ye, Li Te, Ni Xingxing, Lita, Youlin and others over to try together.

But without exception, all failed.

The deadline has come to the last 3 days...

"Youde, you should take a rest first. You haven't had a good rest in the past few days."

After everyone gathered together to try to wake up the Dragon King and Tiger King again and failed, Lux couldn't help but walked to Lin Youde with a towel and comforted him.

"Thanks, Lux. I'm fine, it's just..."

Lin Youde wanted to say more, but Lux quietly pulled his sleeve and pointed at Lita, Yulin and others.

Seeing the tired expressions of a group of little guys, Lin Youde looked stunned for a moment and waved to everyone.

"That's it for today. It's getting late, so everyone should leave."

With Lin Youde's words, everyone dispersed and went to rest.

After everyone dispersed, Lin Youde thanked Lacus.

"Thank you, Lux. Maybe I have been a little too impatient recently. Unless you reminded me, I didn't even notice. Lita and Yulin are almost exhausted."

Lacus shook her head slightly: "It's nothing, this is what I should do. Besides, you are the one who is under the greatest pressure now, right?"

Lin Youde pursed his lips and turned to look at the sleeping Dragon King and Tiger King: "I'm just... a little reluctant."

"Obviously all the cards have been gathered, but I don't get the final chance of winning. No matter how I think about it, I'm not willing to accept it..."

Although Lux didn't quite understand what Lin Youde meant. I don’t quite understand what the cards he calls are.

But Lux still took the towel and helped Lin Youde wipe the sweat on his cheeks.

"I know you are not willing to give in. Not only you, but also everyone in the institute is not willing to give in."

Lin Youde gently held Lux's hand and sighed: "Am I too greedy?"

"You have obviously made plans to sell those people a favor, but you still want to swallow up the Dragon King and Tiger King and keep them in your own hands."

"Sure enough, eating two things with one fish is something that even God does not allow?"

Lacus shook her head slightly: "I don't know, maybe it's a little greedy or something. But who in this world is not greedy?"

"Just like Sister Mengmeng said, you are also a human being, an ordinary person. So, since you are a human being, it is normal to have greedy thoughts, right? After all, you are also a human being."

Lin Youde was stunned and laughed at himself: "Yes, I am also a human being, so naturally I am not exempt from vulgarity. It's just..."

Looking back at the Dragon King and Tiger King for the last time, Lin Youde sighed again: "I'm still a little unwilling..."

"After all, what is missing? Why are these two big guys just unwilling to wake up?"

As he said that, Lin Youde smiled bitterly in his heart and said: 'I can't go out and find a Chi You Tomb, bury you in it, and let you wake up from Chi You's Tomb like in the original work, right? ’

Naturally, Lux couldn't answer Lin Youde's doubts.

In other words, no one in the entire Lin Research Institute can answer it.

Therefore, Lux changed her words and said: "Anyway, let's take a good rest today and relax. If you always tense up, something will happen sooner or later."

"And I don't know if you have noticed it, because you are getting more and more anxious, and the atmosphere in the entire institute is getting heavier and heavier."

When Lin Youde heard this, he immediately released the new human telepathy and enveloped the entire Lin Research Institute.

Then, Lin Youde smiled bitterly.

"It''s true. I've influenced everyone."

Lux helped Lin Youde trim his hair and reminded: "Youde, you are now the pillar of everyone in the entire institute and the leader of everyone."

"Your state will also affect others. So, maybe you should also learn how to become a superior person."

Lin Youde smacked his lips and said, "Become a superior? Maybe I am not suitable to be a superior. After all, I am often very impulsive."

Lux chuckled and said: "Haha, who says impulsive people can't become superiors? As long as they have charisma, anyone can become a superior."

"It's just that how far we can lead everyone depends on the leader's personal will and a small amount of luck."

Lin Youde was stunned for a moment and said thoughtfully: "Is it luck?"

Lux tilted her head in confusion: "What's wrong?"

Lin Youde shook his head: "Nothing, by the way, where is Mengmeng?"

Lux replied: "Sister Mengmeng is collecting some information. Don't we have plans to go to Mars in the future?"

"Sister Mengmeng is collecting relevant information and preparations for going to Mars."

"It is impossible for us to go to Mars without preparing all the information in advance."

When Lin Youde heard this, he was moved: "I've made you worry about it."

Lux smiled sweetly: "Isn't this what it should be? After all, we can't always rely on you~!"

On the other side is the director’s dedicated office.

Wang Liumei sat sideways on the edge of the desk and looked at Lei Mengmeng solemnly.

"Hey, Mengmeng, are you sure you're okay?"

Lei Mengmeng rubbed her temples: "I'm fine. By the way, where's my coffee?"

Wang Liumei said worriedly after passing the coffee on the side to Lei Mengmeng.

"After drinking this cup of coffee, please stop what you are doing and go out and relax."

"Originally I just came here to inquire about the Dragon King and Tiger King, and I was a little worried about Youde's situation."

"But now it seems that you are the one who needs to worry the most."

Lei Mengmeng took a sip of coffee and looked at Wang Liumei doubtfully.

"Worried about me? What do I have to worry about? Am I not doing well?"

Wang Liumei tapped her fingers lightly on the desk surface and said calmly.

"Didn't you notice it yourself?"

"I was here with you for three hours today, and you were in a daze no less than four times."

"Although you can come back to your senses every time I call you. But as long as I don't call you, you will stay in a daze for a long time every time."

Wang Liumei lowered her head and stared at Lei Mengmeng: "So... what happened to you?"

"Your situation is obviously abnormal. Do you want to see a doctor?"

Lei Mengmeng smiled bitterly and shook her head: "Sure enough, if I can hide it from Lux, I can't hide it from you either."

Wang Liumei sneered: "Of course, don't underestimate a businessman's vision. I am different from the flowers that grow up in the greenhouse."

"So, is it time for you to talk? What's wrong with you?"

Lei Mengmeng leaned on the chair and said with a sense of loss: "I... don't know either..."

Wang Liumei was surprised: "You don't know either?"

Lei Mengmeng nodded slightly: "Well, I don't know what's going on."

"Since returning from overseas, I have occasionally become distracted and in a daze."

"Originally I thought it was just because I was too tired and didn't get a good rest."

"But now it seems that is not the case..."

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