Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 927 Ingram and the Masked Man

Looking at the lively atmosphere below, Alfemi watched with interest and had no intention of intervening in a hurry.

Not far away, near the hills.

The blue-haired man, Ingram, was also sitting in a machine at the moment, constantly observing the battle situation.

To be precise, his eyes have been fixed on Axel's Soul Reaver.

"Is that the rumored troop called Shadow Mirror?"

"It is indeed an organism that is not in the data at all. If he can solve it or suppress that Lin Youde, it will be a lot easier for the next plan."

As he spoke, Ingram focused his eyes on Gu Tie.

"Lin Youde is really a troublesome person."

"Obviously before I came into contact with "Machine War", all the information was mediocre, just like an ordinary person who wiped out everyone."

"After being exposed to "Machine War", my whole person has undergone earth-shaking changes."

"As the first person to excavate Gundam, he can rely on luck to get 1 or 2 new units, which is normal."

"But he has obtained one new Gundam after another. This may be related to the souls of some of the dead that exist in the world of "Machine War" mentioned in the data."

"If that's the case, it can be explained by the fact that he is just a lucky guy."

"However, in addition to the good luck related to Gundam, he also showed excellent personal research and development capabilities and terrifying combat capabilities."

"More importantly, he has also developed a completely incomprehensible ability in the field of BGM. He can even accurately find the most suitable person to inspire the BGM field of various black box bodies."

"It is absolutely impossible for such a person to say that he does not have any special secrets."

"No wonder there are people even within the Human Innovation Alliance who want to catch him and find out his secrets. His performance is really too impressive."

Ingram narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression gradually becoming playful, and in his eyes, the shadow of a masked person faintly appeared.

At the same time, Ingram's tone began to change.

"Haha, this probably means what the old saying about human innovation and integration means: a tree that is as beautiful as the forest will be destroyed by the wind, right?"

"Once the sun and moon shine too brightly, all kinds of monsters and monsters in the shadows will have nowhere to hide."

"The better he and his team perform, the more they make certain people appear useless and unworthy."

"In order to pull down this dazzling light and maintain their own rights and status, those guys actually allowed troops like Shadow Mirror, who are obviously no match for Lin Youde, to enter the territory of the Human Innovation Union."

"The jealousy of humans on Aqua Blue Planet is really ugly..."

"This is still under the condition that Zhao Zheng, the supreme head of humanity's reform and integration, is taking care of him."

"It's not hard to imagine what would happen to Lin Youde in Wen Drew's world without such a dazzling and protective Zhao Zheng."

"However, there is nothing we can do about it. Who can let it go? This is human nature..."

Ingram's tone returned to normal, his expression was startled, and he looked up at the Seat of Souls.

"We are completely clear about the reason why Lin Youde was jealous and ostracized because he was too good, which ultimately led to the current situation. Even in the world where Wendru and the others were forced to flee from the Human Revolutionary Integration. "

"But why do these monsters come to him?"

"Could it be that there is something about him that attracts these monsters?"

"Are those monsters also interested in his secrets? That shouldn't be the case, right?"

The shadow in Ingram's eyes appeared again, and his tone began to change.

"Haha, who knows."

“These beings in this silent place really think in a very different way than humans do.”

"They may not necessarily care about the secrets and values ​​that humans care about, so it's really hard to say in this regard."

"However, these monsters, whether in the past or present, still love the pilots of Gu Tie and the White Knight as always."

"Perhaps this is the inevitability contained in history, or is it some kind of cause and effect?"

Ingram's eyes suddenly cleared and he asked: "In the past and now?"

"Could it be that these monsters also appeared in the past?"

"But, that's not right. I have specifically investigated before and found that none of the three major countries of Aquamarine Star has any records of these monsters."

"These monsters are so strange, as long as there is a little record, I will never forget them."

The shadow in his eyes appeared again, and Ingram's tone changed again: "You don't need to know this, stop playing tricks on me, and don't try to trick me, Ingram."

"You just need to be my puppet and be obedient."

"In this way, I will at least turn a blind eye to some of your little tricks."

"After all, you don't want me to attack someone you have high hopes for, right?"

After Ingram regained consciousness, he was silent for a moment, and the shadow appeared in his eyes again.

"That's it, cooperate with me and I will give you at least one chance to resist me."

"After all, unlike you, I know you very well."

"After experiencing so many failures, even I understand that sometimes it is necessary to maneuver..."

Ingram regained consciousness and asked, "What do you mean?"

The masked man appeared again in Ingram's eyes: "Haha, that's not what you need to know."

"Your mission now is to capture R-1, and then find an opportunity to give him one last blow after Lin Youde's Gutie was severely damaged, and send him on his way completely."

Ingram woke up and frowned in confusion: "What do you mean?"

"Capture R-1, I know this. You need a telepath, and the driver of R-1, Ni Xingxing, according to Windrew, is the strongest telepath on the Aqua Planet. "

"Although there are differences between the two worlds, judging from Ni Xingxing's current performance, his telekinesis is indeed worth looking forward to."

"But Gutie is still fine now. Why do you think so firmly that it will be severely damaged? Do you still want me to do a last-ditch attack?"

"Aren't you interested in the secrets of Lin Youde?"

The shadow of the masked man appeared in Ingram's eyes again.

"Of course I am also very interested in the secrets of Lin Youde."

"But in my opinion, his existence is a great uncertainty and a factor of instability."

"For me, I need stability, not variability."

"And he is also demanding by the native species just like the other world. It would be disadvantageous for me to let him be absorbed by the native species."

"So, to me, he's better dead than alive."

"Of course, you can also try to resist me, provided that you can do it."

Ingram himself fell silent, while the masked man continued.

"As for why Gutie was severely damaged? This has to be mentioned as a certain historical and causal inevitability."

"Although I'm not sure, now that things have developed to this point. Do you think Axel and those native species will let him go?"

"So, just wait and see. If the cause and effect of that layer of history is still there, maybe we will see a good show soon."

"It's just that this time, I won't repeat the mistakes of the past and let them continue to grow."

After Ingram was silent for a moment, he responded: "I... understand, if there is a chance, I will take action. However, if the opportunity is not suitable, I will not take action."

"You also know Gu Tie's defensive power. With the firepower of my machine, I only have one chance at most. Once I miss the chance, I will be in danger."

"I'm doing pretty well in the Human Innovation Unity now. You don't want me to be exposed right now, right?"

Masked Man: "You are very smart, so be it. As long as you are willing to be my dog, rather than letting you die in vain, I think it may be more useful to keep you alive~!"

Ingram: "..."


PS: It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand. I will find an opportunity to explain it later, so there is no need to rush.

I really can’t wait. If you’re really good at it, you can watch the two seasons of the “Super Robot Wars OG” animated TV series. It’s available on Bilibili for free.

Although the content has been re-edited and will not be the same as the original work, it can be brought in accordingly for reference.

If you are not interested in making up for it, you can wait for book friends to post popular science posts, or wait for subsequent authors to expand on it in the text.

After all, the mecha series and the classic Riddler series are still indispensable (funny)...

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