Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 928 Anxiety

In the distance, near the hills outside the battlefield, Ingram and the masked man were talking to Gu Tie and Lin Youde.

Lin Youde himself was extremely unhappy at the moment.

Since the New Year, Lin Youde felt that he had not experienced anything comfortable.

First, the Dragon King Machine and the Tiger King Machine were inexplicably targeted and tried to take them away.

Later, Li Te and Nan Ye were unable to gain recognition from the Dragon King Machine and Tiger King Machine. Besides, they and Lei Mengmeng were even targeted by strange beings.

Although last night, Lin Youde had vaguely guessed whether the ones targeting him and Lei Mengmeng were native species.

But last night, when he couldn't sleep and tossed and turned, Lin Youde still felt that it was unlikely.

After all, I am not Nanbu Kyousuke, and the person I was before time travel was not special. Without the factor of transcending this level, I am destined to be inactive and spend my life in an ordinary way.

This kind of self is fundamentally different from the macho guy like Nanbu Kyousuke.

Therefore, it is unlikely that the native species would like a good-for-nothing like him, so he would not have anything to do with him and Lei Mengmeng in the past.

Therefore, it is unlikely that he and Lei Mengmeng will become replicas of Nanbu Xiosuke and Exelin.

After all, Nanbu Kyousuke and Exelin were in a plane accident in the original work, and were hit by a native species and suffered life-threatening injuries. They were then rescued by a native species, thus forming a connection.

He and Lei Mengmeng have not had this kind of experience, so they cannot establish a causal relationship with the native species.

The self in the parallel world also defected from the human innovation unity before becoming a native species and seeking revenge.

This is fundamentally different from the fact that Nanbu Xiosuke was first turned into a native species, and then went crazy and attacked friendly forces.

The change in the sequence of cause and effect gave Lin Youde a basis to deny that he and Lei Mengmeng were related to the native species.

Although in the parallel world, he and Nanbu Xiosuke both died of their wives first and then became native species.

But one is active surrender, and the other is passive possession and transformation. There is a huge difference.

Moreover, in the original work, Exelin is not in a daze or distracted state like Lei Mengmeng from time to time.

In addition, Raymond's situation is very different from that in the original work. In addition, she also knew about Lei Mengmeng and Axelin, so the situation seemed a bit special.

Therefore, Lin Youde made comprehensive inferences and concluded that he and Lei Mengmeng had nothing to do with the original species.

However, in just one night, Lin Youde was severely slapped in the face by reality.

Those who were eyeing him and Lei Mengmeng were really native species.

Even more outrageous, he was controlled by a native species.

If it weren't for the help of Amuro, Char, Camus, Jeto, and Phoenix Lita, he would have been completely controlled and devoured by the native species.

This is a treatment that Kousuke Nanbu did not have in the original work.

One can imagine how shocked Lin Youde was when he woke up.

But reality didn't give him much time to be shocked.

The successive appearance of native species, as well as the appearance of the Seat of Souls and Alufemi, all showed to Lin Youde.

The situation between myself now and myself in the parallel world is really different.

He and Lei Mengmeng definitely had contact with native species in the earlier past.

And unlike Nanbu Kyousuke, he didn't rely on his talent of luck to survive. Instead, they relied on the help of native species to survive.

In the original novel, Axelin was controlled because many of the missing parts of her body were filled in by native species, so she survived and was controlled.

And you must be in the same situation before you can be controlled.

Otherwise, it makes no sense why he was controlled.

According to his memories so far, perhaps the only thing that could cause this situation was the dimensional beast invasion incident that he experienced with Lei Mengmeng and Amari Amano in the past.

In fact, even now, Lin Youde has no memory of how he survived.

After all, according to the scene in the dream, he was definitely eaten by the dimensional beast Velociraptor.

The pain of being pierced through the body by those huge teeth was one of the key things that scared Lin Youde out of his sleep. It is still fresh in his memory, and he thinks of it from time to time.

Therefore, the fact that I was able to survive in the first place may really be related to the native species.

And it was probably because of that time that Lei Mengmeng was seriously injured for some reason and was rescued by the original species, so that the original species obtained the genetic sample.

Then, like Exelin, she was used by the original species to use genetic samples to create a similar semi-clone, which is now Alfemi.

Unlike the situation between myself and Nanbu Xiosuke, the situation of Lei Mengmeng and Axelin is actually very similar to some extent.

It is only because of the surprise of the world view that the details are so different.

Due to the memory before time travel, Lin Youde thought of these the moment he saw the Soul Seat and Alufemi.

But it was because he knew too much that Lin Youde became increasingly anxious.

Because Lin Youde understood that once caught by the native species, Lei Mengmeng's spirit would be eroded and he would gradually transform from the human side to the native species side.

The native race is similar to the Vakira race (Zerg race) in Macross. They are all similar to the insect swarm control method, where the leader has absolute control over his subordinates.

And the difference between the native species and the Vakira tribe is that the Vakira tribe only obeys the orders of the leader.

The original species is the kind where the leader's will represents everything, and the leader's will can assimilate the spiritual erosion of personal will. Or a state of mental synchrony.

The situation is even worse for humans.

Once Lei Mengmeng becomes a native species, she will completely lose herself and be dominated by the native species, thus causing Lei Mengmeng's existence to perish in a spiritual sense.

In fact, in the original work, Exelin was not completely transformed into a native species because of Alfemi's selfishness and only the use of mental control.

Only then did he have the possibility of being rescued. As a result, Nannan Kousuke relied on the help of his companions to break the red crystal that Alfemi controlled Exelin, freeing Exelin from the state of mental control. Only then did we have a relatively happy ending.

You can mention these, but in the final analysis, they are all plots in the original world, and there is a very large element of luck in them. Who knows whether these elements of luck are caused by the aura of the protagonist?

Moreover, Lei Mengmeng is not Exelin. Others don’t know whether she has the aura of a protagonist. How can Lin Youde still not know?

In fact, if he hadn't saved her in the first place, she would have died twice in the parallel world.

With such bad luck, there is probably no so-called protagonist halo.

As a time traveler, Lin Youde may have a little bit of it, but Lei Mengmeng probably doesn't have it.

Based on this reasoning, how could Lin Youde dare to ask her to repeat Exelin's path.

What if I make a wrong bet and lose my wife?

Without the halo of the protagonist, the failure rate is too high, the risks are too high, and the consequences are unbearable for Lin Youde.

After experiencing the pain of losing Azari Amano, Lin Youde no longer wanted to lose anyone else.

Lin Youde did not dare to have any adventurous thoughts. He had some confidence in his own luck, but had no confidence in Lei Mengmeng's luck at all.

Therefore, Lin Youde is very anxious now.

But at this juncture, Axel drove the Soul Reaver to disrupt the situation and cause trouble for himself.

This is just adding insult to injury.

If the Dragon King Machine and the Tiger King Machine hadn't completely awakened and merged to become the Dragon Tiger King, it would have brought Lin Youde a glimmer of comfort and a chance to turn the tide of the war.

Lin Youde didn't even know how to handle this situation.

These were all Lin Youde's thoughts after he attacked from the research institute and when Axel appeared.

But now, he didn't want to talk nonsense with Axel at all, he just wanted to get rid of him quickly. Now Lin Youde's only thought was to save Lei Mengmeng.


The ancient iron engine roars...

"Axel, I said, I have no time to care about you now, don't hinder me. If you have anything to do, we will talk about it later. Get out of my way now, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!!!"


PS: After thinking about it for a while, I decided to add a scene about the inner activities of the protagonist.

Previously, in order to keep up with the progress, I had omitted all the inner activities of the protagonist.

The previous episode where Amano Azari disappeared lacked the inner activities of Lei Mengmeng, Wang Liumei, and Lux, which caused many people to find it abrupt and incomprehensible.

So the author thought about it and decided to add this paragraph.

For readers who want to catch up, it may be a bit confusing, so please forgive me~!

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