Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 932 Blocking out the sky and the sun, dark clouds pressing down on the environment

As the head of the native species supervisor exploded, everyone could not help but let out a sigh of relief.

"'s over..."

Ni Xingxing leaned in the cockpit of R-1 and pulled up his driving suit.

After hearing this, Gu Lincai smiled and said: "Yes, it's finally complete... Hmm!!!"

Before he could finish his words, a terrifying malice erupted from the sky.

In an instant, Ni Xingxing, Gu Lincai, Nan Ye, and Li Te couldn't help but cover their heads.

Alfemi even raised her head and exclaimed: "How could..."

Lin Youde (Nanbu Kyousuke) also suddenly raised his head with a solemn expression and looked at the explosion smoke that had not completely disappeared in the sky: "Do you still want to fight?"

Lei Mengmeng (Exelin) sighed: "You are so stubborn. Even now, you still refuse to give up? Do you really want us to fight to the land of silence before we give up?"

As everyone watched, the explosion in the sky that had not completely disappeared was torn apart by a gust of wind.

A black tornado erupted from it, fell to the ground, and shot straight into the sky, stirring the entire sky instantly.

In an instant, dark clouds came over, and the entire sky turned into a situation like dark clouds covering the sun at night.

Two green eyes lit up from the tornado.

The voice of the native species supervisor sounded again.


The black tornado soared into the sky and was sucked into the dark clouds in the sky.

For a time, the storm surged...

Above the sky, one almost turned red, with golden tentacles and claws all over its body. Its palms were blood-red, and it had steel tentacle-like wings on its back. It had a large white mouth on its abdomen, and three golden spiked tails hung from its tail. The size covered the entire sky from the sight of everyone present. Huge monsters that were bigger, more ferocious, and more terrifying than the original species, the Monitor, began to appear from the clouds...

Almost as soon as this monster appeared, various situations occurred throughout the Aqua Blue Planet.

Human Innovation and Integration·Jingcheng

Ying Longhuang soared into the sky from the place where the Dragon King lived, and occupied the sky. He glanced at the dark clouds in the sky and stared in the direction of City B.

At the same time, two rays of light, one red and one purple, emerged from the capital, flew to Emperor Yinglong's side, and transformed into a giant red bird and a purple turtle.

Emperor Yinglong glanced at him: (Are you awake, King Sparrow, King Wu?)

Giant Red Bird·King of Birds: (How can you not wake up from such evil thoughts?)

Purple Turtle·King Wu: (Death battle?)

Emperor Ying Long turned to look at City B: (Don't worry, just prepare for the battle. Whether to fight to the death or not depends on the Lord of Silence's decision.)

Human Innovation and Integration·W City·Photon Power Research Institute

With a horrified expression on his face, Yusaya opened the communication button: "Jianlong, Dingbang, what are you doing? The photon power reaction of Demon God Z and the Great Demon God is increasing rapidly. Are you going to blow up the research institute? "

In the Gnaku, Du Jianlong and Kang Dingbang, who were carrying parts, heard Gong Shayejia's words. They were also stunned for a moment, and suddenly looked to the side of Demon Z and Big Demon, who had not started up but had yellow light in their eyes.

Kang Dingbang exclaimed: "What happened? Why did Demon God Z and Big Demon God activate themselves?"

Du Jianlong turned his head and looked in the direction of City B: "Did something happen to Youde?"

Yan Chun, who was holding the box beside him, looked puzzled: "What do you mean?"

Du Jianlong narrowed his eyes and thought: "I don't know, but something may have happened to make Demon God Z and the Great Demon God activate themselves and increase their photon power crazily."

"According to the theory that there is some kind of will hidden in the black box of virtue, it is possible that Demon God Z and the Great Demon God, who also use the black box, sensed some threat from some existence in the black box and reacted on their own. "

Yan Chun was stunned for a moment: "No way?"

Du Jianlong shook his head: "It's hard to say, Sayaka, help me contact the Saotome Research Institute."

Yusaya added: "I understand..."

Human Innovation and Integration·W City·Saotome Research Institute

Liu Ryoma, Kamin Hayato, and Tomoe Musashi rushed to the command post.

Liu Longma asked loudly: "Old man, you are so anxious to call us over. What happened?"

God Falcon said coldly: "Suddenly it turns from daytime to dark outside, something must be wrong."

Tomoe Musashi said excitedly: "Are we going to build a tower?"

Dr. Saotome, who had a white afro, said solemnly.

"The Geta Tower has started on its own, and the Geta Tower Line in the Geta Tower Power Furnace is growing in a very violent way. You'd better be mentally prepared."

Liu Long was stunned for a moment: "What? The tower started on its own?"

God Hayato frowned: "The Geta power furnace went berserk?"

Tomoe Musashi sweated on his forehead: "Is it so exciting?"

Communications staff on the side: "Doctor, there is a call from the Photon Force Research Institute, asking us if the tower here has started on its own."

Liu Longma was shocked: "A prophet of uncertainty?"

Dr. Saotome squinted her eyes and stared at the dark clouds covering the sky outside the institute.

"Sure enough... not only the Geta power furnace, but also the photon power furnace?"

"It looks like something tricky has appeared."

"Reply our situation directly to the Photon Force Research Institute, and contact Wang Lixiong for me by the way. I guess there is something wrong with him, right?"

Human Innovation and Integration·Z City·GGG Secret Defense Base

Wang Kai rushed to the underground hangar: "Dad, is it true? Galeon?"

Mao Dumu Ming followed Wang Kai: "It suddenly turned dark outside. Did something happen?"

Wang Lixiong turned around and responded: "Yes, Galeon seems to be awake."

Wang Kai was ecstatic: "I'm going to see it right now~!"

Looking at Wang Kai's leaving figure, Wang Lixiong was not happy: "I didn't wake up early or late, but I woke up at this time. It seems that something big has happened..."

Human Innovation and Integration·City B·Lin Research Institute·A Hangar

The brave Laitin, who had been parked here without any movement, suddenly raised his head and looked towards the outside of the city.

An invisible wave emanated from the brave Laitin in all directions.

In city B, in an apartment.

A young man was holding a football and preparing to go out when a voice suddenly appeared in his mind.


The young man named Xiangguang stood there and was stunned for a moment: "Who is calling me?"

Human Innovation and Integration·L City

Holding a clay doll that resembled an ancient iron clay doll and carrying a schoolbag, Zhan Budu happily walked to school. He stood near a small park and looked up at the sky.

"What's going on? Why did it get dark all of a sudden? The weather forecast didn't say it's going to rain today? No, I have to go to school quickly, otherwise it will rain..."

After tightening his small school bag, Zhan Budu was about to start running when he suddenly noticed a red light emanating from the clothes on his chest.

Zhan Budu subconsciously opened his clothes and saw the red magatama on his chest, which was emitting red light.

"This is...the amulet my father gave me? Why is the amulet glowing?"

Thanks to "Arrogant Little Nightingale" and "Book Friend 20210301106518778586" for the reward of 1,500 starting coins.

Thanks to "Flickering Spark" for the reward of 100 starting coins.

The author will continue to update!

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