Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 933 Native Species·Arbitrator

Zhan Budu looked at the red light on the magatama on his chest and felt a little at a loss.

And on the other side, far outside the revolutionary unity of mankind...

In the underground treasure house of a certain research institute in the Romantic City of the Silla Alliance.

The three black boxes suddenly began to emit red, blue, and yellow light.

At the same time, near a hillside outside this research institute.

The young shota with purple and white hair, wearing a white robe and holding a staff, couldn't help but change his expression when he saw that the originally bright starry night sky was suddenly obscured by dark clouds.

"No, this evil thought is... we can't wait any longer, we can only force it."

Xiao Zhengtai held the staff and stabbed the end of the staff hard on the ground, causing a magic circle to appear under his feet.

Then, Shota recited a spell quickly with his mouth, which was so fast that no one could hear it. After reciting the spell for 3 or 4 seconds, Shota faced the research institute directly in front of him and raised his staff high.

"Use my magic power as food, wake up, the devil who protects the world, now is the time to return!"

As Shota Xiao finished speaking, a 300-meter magic circle spread out from the sky above the research institute.

The light of the magic circle immediately illuminated the night sky, allowing the people on guard at the institute to spot the anomaly at a glance.

All of a sudden, the alarm bells blared in the research institute.

However, the alarm bell ringing at this time has no meaning.

Because, when the magic circle appeared above the research institute, it was in a sealed treasure house underground.

The three black boxes that were emitting red, blue, and yellow light, under the pull of the power of the magic circle, turned into three rays of light that passed through the barrier of the treasure house wall and soared into the sky.

On the hillside outside the institute, the little shota was holding a staff. When he saw the three red, blue, and yellow light balls flying out, he looked happy.

"Have you finally woken up? Three Pillar Gods, then let's go back... eh?"

In the stunned expression of Xiao Zhengtai, the red, blue, and yellow light balls suddenly turned and flew towards the center of the city when they flew below the magic circle.

Little Shota couldn't help but exclaimed: "Where are you going!!!???"

On the Eiffel Tower in the heart of the romantic city.

Shido Hikari, Ryusaki Kai, and Phoenix Infaze were standing by the floor-to-ceiling windows. Phoenix Infeng, who was packing his sleeping bags, suddenly turned his head to look at the dark cloud-covered sky. .

"Eh? What's going on? Why did the stars disappear all of a sudden?"

Shido Hikaru quickly ran over: "Eh? Is it going to rain? No, didn't you say it won't rain today?"

Long Sakihai also leaned over and echoed: "Yes, it was because the weather forecast said there would be no rain that the teacher agreed to let the three of us come here to wait for the sunrise and take commemorative photos."

Phoenix Academy Feng smiled bitterly and said, "You ask me, who should I ask?"

Shidoguang scratched his head frantically: "Ah ah ah, what should I do? I didn't bring an umbrella...Eh? What is that?"

When Shido Hikari stretched out his hand and exclaimed, Ryuu Sakihai and Phoenix Infeng turned their heads and saw three rays of light roaring from the distance.

Long Xihai's expression changed: "Wait a minute, are the three-color lights getting closer?"

Phoenix Academy Feng Ye's expression changed greatly: "No, those three lights are about to collide with each other, run away!"

Hearing this, Shidoguang took their hands and started to run.

But before the three of them took two steps, they were enveloped by the red, yellow, and blue lights.

As the light swept across the Eiffel Tower, Shido Hikaru, Ryūsaki Kai, and Phoenix Infaze suddenly disappeared without a trace.

And when Xiao Shota, who had just deployed the magic circle, was anxious about what to do, he saw the three-color light that suddenly flew back, and couldn't help but look happy.

"Back? Huh?"

As if he had discovered something, Xiao Zhengtai was shocked: "I see, is it right to choose the summoner here? It is indeed a good idea. This can save a lot of effort."

"Now that the summoner has been found, let's go back!"

Xiaoshota waved his staff, and a magic circle appeared again, covering Xiaoshota and the three-color light that flew over.

There was a flash of light on the magic circle, and the young shota and the three-color light disappeared without a trace...

However, at the moment when Xiaoshota disappeared with three colors of light.

Human Innovation Integration Territory·L City·A Small Park

Just when Zhan Budu was looking at the glowing red magatama on his clothes, he was hesitant, thinking about whether to go home first and ask his father.

Suddenly, the lake next to it suddenly exploded.


As Zhan Budu exclaimed, a golden dragon head suddenly emerged from the lake.

Looking at the dragon head, Zhan Budu was dumbfounded: "Dragon, dragon? Did dad's story come true? Is there really a dragon in this lake?"

The golden dragon head stared at Zhan Budu and said: "I found you, Xiaodu..."

Outside of City B, various mutations caused by the sudden rampage of the native species and supervisors are emerging one after another.

However, Lin Youde and others who were at the scene and faced the native species supervisors knew nothing about it.

Now everyone is looking at the huge monster in the sky, which is gradually solidifying from a virtual shadow into a real entity.

Alufemi looked at the monster, her tone full of shock: "How, how could this happen? The Arbitrator would actually be dispatched?"

After hearing Alufemi's words, Gu Lincai couldn't help but ask.

"Arbitrator? What is that?"

Alufemi explained: "The Arbitrator is the supervisor of the supervisor and a higher-ranking being among the native species."

In the cockpit of the ancient iron giant, Lin Youde frowned slightly: 'Native species Arbitrator? Is there such a thing among the native species? Why don't I remember? ’

In doubt, Lin Youde asked Nanfang Xiangjie in a low voice: "Xiangjie, do you know this thing? Isn't the supervisor the highest-ranking existence in the native species?"

Nanbu Xiosuke: (I don’t know, when I was alive, the highest-ranking existence among the native species was the supervisor.)

(However, this is not surprising. After experiencing so many things in the past, it is not strange that the native species has evolved based on the past events and evolved a higher-ranking arbiter from the supervisor.)

(Originally, the original species is a race that can continuously evolve, isn’t it?)

Hearing Nanbu Xiangsuke's words, Lin Youde couldn't help but nodded: "That's true...but, how should we deal with this guy now?"

"This Arbitrator is bigger than the Supervisor. This size is already over 2,000 meters, comparable to a Space Noah-class battleship, right?"

"I'm afraid it won't be that easy to deal with this guy."

Nanbu Xiangsuke said in a deep voice: (It doesn’t matter, I’ve seen bigger ones. This level...)

Before he finished speaking, Nanbu Xiosuke was stunned.

Also stunned at the same time were Lei Mengmeng, Exelin, Alufemi and...the native species Arbitrator.

"You are..."

The native species arbitrator lowered his head.

Others raised their heads and looked at the sky.

Then, everyone was shocked.

It turned out that at some point, in the mid-air between the native species Arbitrator, the ancient iron giant, and the pure white knight, a gray-purple body with red orbs of the same type as the native species appeared on its body, with a long tail behind it. , with a strange body that resembles insect armor-type wing thrusters behind its shoulders.

Since the pure white knight was nearby, everyone made a quick comparison and understood that this might also be a machine that had been parasitized by a native species.

Lin Youde, in particular, had a rather strange expression: ‘Why does this guy look so much like the robot in the Sebastian and the Holy Warriors series? ’

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