Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 935 Everyone takes a step back

These words of the mysterious woman directly put Lin Youde and the native species arbitrator out of the question.

Others were also struck by this rhetoric and didn't know how to respond.

You said she was helping the native species, but she was trying to persuade the native species arbitrator to leave.

You said she helped Lin Youde, but she just arranged for Lin Youde to become a member of the native species.

Such strange behavior of helping both sides does seem to be somewhat consistent with what she said, that she came to break up the fight.

While everyone in the audience was watching and didn't know what to say, the mysterious woman talked eloquently.

"A human life span lasts only a hundred years, and compared to native species, a hundred years is just a blink of an eye."

"Lin Youde doesn't agree now, but that doesn't mean he won't agree in the future."

"Before he dies of old age, as long as he changes his tune, we still have a chance to recruit him as our spokesperson."

"And we are not the only ones who covet the original power."

"As long as Lin Youde is still human and this planet has not been controlled by our native species, foreign enemies will inevitably swarm us."

"Lin Youde can protect mankind for one lifetime, but can he protect mankind for eternity?"

"So, whether he died of old age or died fighting other foreign enemies."

"As long as we absorb and transform it before its vitality is completely cut off, the results will be the same."

"After all, we have the capability."

The words of the mysterious woman silenced the native species Arbiter. It also made Lin Youde's mouth twitch slightly.

Under everyone's gaze, the mysterious machine spread its hands, and the mysterious woman continued.

"If that's the case, why should we be in a hurry?"

"We can definitely wait until Lin Youde dies of old age, illness, or battle, or is defeated by other foreign enemies, and then bows his head to us for help."

"Lin Youde may not care about his own life or death, but how can he not care about the life and death of those around him?"

"When faced with an invincible enemy, he will naturally join us voluntarily for the lives of his companions."

“If we achieve any of the above points, we will have the strongest spokesperson.”

"So, there is no need for us to force him, right?"

After the mysterious woman finished speaking, the churning dark clouds in the sky gradually returned to calm.

The native species Arbiter glanced at Lin Youde's Ancient Iron Titan, and then looked at the mysterious machine.

"What you say makes sense. I can take a step back and wait for a hundred years."

" need to answer my question."

The mysterious woman asked: "What's the problem?"

Native Species Arbiter: "Who are you, and why do you have the power of my race?"

In response to this, the mysterious woman chuckled: "This, it's very simple, just wait a minute~!"

The mysterious body raised its right hand, and a red ball of light the size of a football rose from its hand, quickly rising to the surface of the native species Arbiter.

The native species Arbiter stretched out a finger on his huge palm and tapped the red light ball with his fingertip, and the red light ball was quickly absorbed by it.

After a moment, the native species Arbiter's eyes flashed with green light.

"I see...I already know your origin. I can adopt your suggestions."

The huge head turned, and the native species Arbiter looked at the ancient iron giant.

"Candidates, what do you think?"

Lin Youde, who had been silent the whole time listening to the conversation between the mysterious woman and the native species Arbiter, knew that he had to speak up at this time.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Youde returned.


"Youde (Brother Youde) (Director) (Uncle Director)!?"*N

As Lin Youde responded, everyone exclaimed.

However, Lin Youde did not explain to everyone, and the native species arbiter also ignored the people below, but slightly moved his huge head.

"So, very good."

"It's settled now. We'll wait for a hundred years."

Saying that, the native species Arbiter looked towards the Seat of Souls.

"My clan will not take any blame for what you did."

"You can always be by the candidate's side from now on."

"When the candidate recognizes the reality and voluntarily joins our clan, you are responsible for bringing him back."

Alufemi in the Seat of Souls was shocked and nodded quickly: "I understand."

The native species Arbiter looked at the ancient iron giant and the pure white knight.

"Candidate, when you desire the power of my clan, I will respond."

"Looking forward to the day we meet again..."

After saying that, the native species Arbiter looked at the mysterious body.


A strange white mist began to emit around the native Arbiter, shrouding its huge body...

The white mist completely enveloped the native species Arbiter and then quickly shrank and rose into the dark clouds...

As the dark clouds rolled and gradually dispersed, the native species Arbiter finally disappeared without a trace...

The blue sky appeared again, and the early morning sunshine shone on everyone's bodies.

Looking at the cloudless blue sky, everyone was at a loss.

"So... is this the end?" Ni Xingxing looked at Lin Youde's Ancient Iron Giant in confusion.

Latoni looked at the blue sky with a dazed expression: "It seems..."

Asuka lay on the seat in the cockpit of EVA Unit 2: "Huh~ It's over. I'm really exhausted."

Shinji Ikari responded with a smile: "Yes, it's finally over."

Makiha curled her lips and said in confusion: "However, that big guy was unexpectedly straightforward. He left obediently like this, which is really unexpected."

"Didn't that guy think that Mr. Director was lying to him and was just delaying time?"

Gu Lincai thought for a moment, then looked up at the mysterious machine that had not disappeared together: "Perhaps they have something to rely on?"

Lin Youde also stared at the mysterious machine and said: "No matter what, at least for a few decades, there is no need to worry about the original species attacking again."

The mysterious woman smiled and replied: "Yes, at least it is temporarily delayed, and there is no need to engage in a decisive battle between races with the native race."

"No matter what, this is a gratifying thing."

"After all, the humans on this planet are not yet ready for a racial decisive battle."

"Exchanging a verbal promise for nearly a hundred years of stability. No matter how you look at it, it's a very good deal, isn't it?"

Lin Youde looked solemnly and stared at the mysterious machine: "Anything like that is fine."

"Although I am very grateful to you for convincing that big guy to retreat."

"But, I still want to ask, who are you?"

"Also, what happened to your machine!?"

Through previous conversations, Lin Youde already understood that the origin of this guy was absolutely unknown to the native Arbitrator at the beginning.

One is obviously a native species, but the native species arbitrator does not know about it.

If the opponent is not the same as the pure white knight, rely on the power of the black box to force the white knight to transform into a pure white knight.

Then the origin of this guy is very questionable...

Under Lin Youde's gaze, the mysterious woman chuckled and said, "Guess~~~!"

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