Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 936 Sadness

The mysterious woman's words left everyone speechless for a while, but also made Lin Youde reply.

"I do not guess you guess guess?"

"Haha... you still have a sense of humor~! Keeping a straight face every day is definitely not suitable for you."

The mysterious woman's words made Lin Youde frown.


Before Lin Youde could finish speaking, obvious cracks appeared on the mysterious body.

The sudden abnormality of the mysterious body made everyone stunned.

Before anyone could figure out what was going on, the cracks on the mysterious machine increased rapidly, and in less than a moment, they were all over the entire machine.

From everyone's perspective, the mysterious machine is like a piece of art that is about to collapse and will be shattered at any time.

At this time, the mysterious woman also sighed.

"It seems that the time has come. Sure enough, there is only so much time left for me..."

After saying something that made everyone confused, the mysterious body looked at the ancient iron giant, and the mysterious woman said to Lin Youde.

"The next journey is up to you."

"I don't need to tell you, I believe you also understand how difficult and bumpy the journey you will face in the future."

"But, don't give up. You are not only the hope of Amuro and Camus, but also the hope of everyone around you."

"Our journey ends here, but yours has just begun."

"So, no matter how painful it is, we must struggle and keep moving forward."

"As long as you keep moving forward, the road will continue to stretch until the end."

"The future will be opened by you yourself. Wherever there will be..."


Before the mysterious woman could finish her words, the entire machine shattered like glass and turned into tiny fragments. Finally, it turned into dots of white light and dissipated in mid-air...

Seeing the mysterious body that suddenly shattered and disappeared, everyone, including Lin Youde, looked stunned and didn't understand what happened.

Looking at the place where the mysterious body collapsed, Lin Youde and others could not regain their consciousness for a long time.

It wasn't until a communication call came from a mass-produced extreme special forces unit stationed near City B that Lin Youde was freed from his thoughts where the mysterious body suddenly collapsed and the mysterious female voice stopped abruptly.

"...Can you hear me? This is the garrison in City B, Lieutenant Zhou Qingfeng. Dr. Lin Youde, please reply if you hear me!"

Listening to the voice on the communicator, Lin Youde blinked and pressed the communication button.

"This is Lin Youde, the director of the Lin Research Institute, Lieutenant Zhou Qingfeng, what can I do?"

Communications·Zhou Qingfeng: "Doctor, just hope you're fine."

"I'm sorry to have arrived just now for support."

"Many mysterious creatures suddenly appeared around City B before."

"Obstructed by those mysterious creatures, we were unable to rush to support immediately."

"After those mysterious creatures disappeared, we came to provide support as soon as possible."

"Fortunately, doctor, you are safe and sound."

Listening to Lieutenant Zhou Qingfeng's words in the communication, Lin Youde replied calmly.

"Thank you for your support. The battle is over now and no support is needed."

"Please Lieutenant lead the team back immediately to protect the city to prevent those mysterious creatures from appearing again."

"The post-war cleanup work here will be taken care of by the "Londe Bell" unit of the Lin Research Institute. "

Lin Youde's words stopped the advance of the Jishu troops that had appeared within the field of vision.

Communications·Zhou Qingfeng: "I understand. I'm sorry, Doctor, we couldn't come to support at the first time."

"The commander of our military base will personally go to the institute to apologize to you later."

"Then we won't disturb you anymore!"

The Jishu troops turned around on the spot and began to retreat.

Watching the Jishu troops retreat, the pure white knight also fell beside the ancient iron giant.

Lei Mengmeng asked: "Is this really okay? Wouldn't this offend the commander of the garrison base in City B?"

Lin Youde turned his head and looked at the hole where the Kraken lay.

"It doesn't matter whether we are guilty or not. For the troops that attacked us to invade to this extent and launch an attack on us, the commander of that base must bear the blame."

"When the responsibilities begin to be settled later, he will definitely be indispensable."

"The reason why he sent people here just now is for support, but in fact, it's probably more to see if we are dead or not, right?"

"And I specially left someone alive. I haven't asked anything yet, so I can't give them any advantage."

"Who knows if the commander of that base will deal with the driver of the Kraken and silence him?"

"The Kraken is also a black box body that can release the BGM field. After being captured by us, it will naturally be recovered by us."

"Not everyone deserves a piece of the pie from me."

Hearing that Lin Youde was obviously not in a high mood, Lei Mengmeng looked at the direction where the Siren was pinned to the ground by the ancient iron giant and said deliberately.

"Hoho~! So that's what happened. I thought you started to pity her again when you heard that the pilot of the Kraken was a woman."

Lin Youde rolled his eyes angrily: "Don't make trouble, it's not appropriate for me to use Lianxiangxiyu."

"It was just because I couldn't avenge Lamia that I forcibly resisted the urge to kill her and kept her until now."

"This matter is not over until we find out Axel's whereabouts."

Lei Mengmeng was silent for a moment and sighed: "Lamia... it's such a pity. We owe her a life."

As Lei Mengmeng sighed, everyone at the scene became depressed.

As soon as everyone followed Lin Youde, there was attrition for the first time.

Although everyone understands that sooner or later when setting foot on the battlefield, they will face this kind of thing.

But seeing a familiar friend die in front of their eyes, everyone was still dissatisfied and felt uncomfortable.

As if aware of the depressed atmosphere, Lei Mengmeng shook her head and patted her face, deliberately provoking the topic.

"By the way, Youde, why did you only keep the pilot of the Kraken?"

"If we want to capture prisoners, wouldn't other R-1 mass-produced aircraft be more suitable?"

"You really don't have any special emotions?"

Although I understood that Lei Mengmeng was deliberately opening up the conversation to make the atmosphere less depressing.

But Lei Mengmeng was obviously affected by Lamia's death this time, and the topic was not so good.

However, Lin Youde, who understood Lei Mengmeng's intentions, still answered.

"I can't say not at all, but only a little bit."

"Although I'm confused about the Kraken's pilot calling me teacher."

"But leaving her alive was indeed the best solution at the time."

"You may not know that apart from her and Axel, there was only a woman named Ozidna who had spiritual power."

Lei Mengmeng was shocked: "Wait a minute, what do you mean..."

Lin Youde nodded slightly: "Yes, those pilots in those mass-produced R-1 bodies are probably not normal humans, but some kind of robots similar to artificial humans..."

"So, apart from the woman named Ozidna, she is the only real survivor..."

"Once she is killed, where will I find Axel's whereabouts?"

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