Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 940 Farewell

Nanbu Xiangsuke's words made Lin Youde completely silent.

Although he had expected it, Lin Youde still felt a little uncomfortable when Nanbu Xiangsuke admitted it personally.

‘Sure enough, if you want to gain something, do you have to lose something? ’

‘Although I gained new strength in this battle, I didn’t seem to have lost anything. I also successfully protected Mengmeng and abducted Alufemi back. ’

‘But the real price is paid by Kousuke and Exelin for us. ’

'Our peace is built on their sacrifice...'

Thinking of this, Lin Youde felt full of guilt for Nanbu Xiangsuke.

"I'm sorry, it's all because I'm so unsatisfied. If I continue... you don't have to..."

Looking at Lin Youde, who was sitting in the driver's seat with his fists clenched and his head bowed. Nanbu Xiangsuke shook his head and patted Lin Youde's shoulder.

(Don’t think too much, this is all of our own free will.)

(We have been prepared for this from the beginning.)

(In the end, Exelin and I are just dead people, remnants of a bygone era.)

(We would be very happy to be able to meet our respective successors before disappearing and to help you avoid making the same mistakes again.)

(Compared to being trapped in a black box all the time, it is enough for us to be liberated from the black box and find hope for people in this era to live.)

(And, as far as the current results are concerned, what we are waiting for is already one of the best endings.)

Lin Youde raised his head and looked at Nanbu Xiangsuke with red eyes: "What do you mean?"

Nanbu Xiangsuke leaned beside Lin Youde: (Before we made a choice, many of our partners relied on some method to foresee dozens of possible futures.)

(Although those futures are filled with much uncertainty and even a lot of sense of fragmentation.)

(But within that lies an incredible future.)

Nanbu Xiangsuke raised his head and looked at the ceiling of the cockpit of the Ancient Iron Titan.

(Princess Xia Yin saw this future with the help of others and at the cost of overdrafting her soul.)

(In this future, there will be a soul that accidentally comes to this world from another dimension for some reason.)

(This soul seems to have the ability to predict the future. It seems to know certain things in our past era, and is also very clear and familiar with certain things about us.)

(Although Princess Xia Yin was not able to see much in the end, she only saw him driving the ν Gundam and single-handedly pushing back Axis, who was about to fall to the earth. He did something that even Amuro could not do. things.)

(But we all feel that if it is such a person, if it is this future...)

(Perhaps he can rely on an ability similar to that of a prophet to unite everyone and overcome difficulties together before the real enemy arrives.)

(We believe that as long as everyone does not engage in internal strife and unites, we will definitely find a way to defeat the real enemy and open up a real future for people in this era!)

In Lin Youde's shocked expression, Nanbu Xiangsuke patted Lin Youde's shoulder heavily and showed a pleased smile.

(Obviously, we've been waiting for this future.)

(And very fortunately, I became the guide of this alien traveler.)

Nanbu Xiangsuke squeezed Lin Youde's shoulder heavily and smiled.

(So, keep your head up. You are the successor I have been waiting for and chosen.)

(Inheriting everything from me and Axelin, you will definitely be able to guide everyone to the most perfect ending.)

As he said this, Nanbu Xiangsuke suddenly thought of something and shook his head with a smile.

(Although Amuro and Char didn't seem to believe that everything would go so smoothly, they still stubbornly wanted to implement their other plans. And they took a gamble with me.)

(But obviously, I won the bet with them.)

(The vaguest and most promising future is in our hands...)

(So, don’t give up. You are the hope of Amuro and the others, the hope of me and Exelin, and the hope of everyone around you.)

(Go on with our will.)

(I believe that if it is you, you can definitely do it!)

Nanbu Xiosuke's body began to gradually become transparent, and the fingers holding Lin Youde's shoulders began to gradually disappear...

Seeing this scene, Lin Youde knew that Nanbu Xiangsuke was leaving.

Nanbu Xiangsuke also moved away his hand and put it in front of his eyes.

(Looks like my time is coming too.)

(As a leader who was the first to activate the BGM field, the first to activate the body replacement function in the black box, and the first to activate spiritual commands, I have no regrets.)

(Before I leave, let me hand over all the functions of the black box to you.)

Nanbu Xiosuke did not give Lin Youde a chance to speak, and immediately told Lin Youde a series of things related to the black box function such as how to switch the body form and how to activate mental commands more smoothly.

Finally, Nanbu Xiangsuke crossed his arms and leaned against the wall of the cockpit, staring at Lin Youde.

(That’s it, I’ve told you all the functions of the black box that I know.)

(You are now a qualified warrior, and you must become an excellent leader in the future. Making full use of the various advantages of the black box will be of great help to you in future battles.)

(In future battles, Gu Tie may not be able to accompany you to the end.)

(So ​​you don’t have to worry too much. Once the battle situation requires it, just replace the ancient iron.)

(As long as we can win the final victory, it doesn’t matter what type of aircraft we pilot.)

(Don’t think too much about me, I have already beaten Amuro, Ryoma, and Koji too much.)

(I don’t value false fame or anything like that. What really matters is the future you can reach.)

Looking at Nanfang Xiangjie, who was gradually becoming transparent and almost invisible, and could only hear his voice, Lin Youde's eyes were red and he choked for a long time before he uttered two words.


Nanbu Xiosuke's body can no longer be seen, but his voice can still be heard.

(Let’s go on with everyone’s hope.)

(It is already a miracle that you can come to this world and meet us.)

(I believe that our encounter will not be a meaningless accident, but an inevitable outcome that everyone expects.)

(So, continue to continue this miracle and continue to create new miracles.)

(There will definitely be the future we expect!)

(Our story is over, next is your story...)

As Nanbu Xiosuke's voice gradually became blurred, it finally disappeared completely.

Lin Youde finally couldn't control it anymore. He covered his face with his hands and burst into tears...


In the cockpit of the Ancient Iron God, Lin Youde was crying silently alone.

In the cockpit of the Pure White Knight, Lei Mengmeng and Alufemi hugged each other and cried loudly.

Rita stood under the two machines, silently shaking her head at the people below who were waiting for Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng to come down.

"At this time, it's better not to disturb dad and the others. They need to be alone for a while..."

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