Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 941 Unexpected Visitor

When Lin Youde got off the Ancient Iron Giant, it was already nearly an hour later.

As the cockpit door of the Ancient Iron Titan opened, Lin Youde came down on the elevator, and Lita immediately responded.

"Dad, are you okay?"

Looking at Rita with a worried face, Lin Youde smiled and touched her little head.

"Don't worry, it's okay,"

Seeing that Lin Youde's expression had returned to normal and his mood swings had calmed down, Lita nodded and sighed softly.

"Sure enough, dad is so awesome..."

Lin Youde smiled and said nothing.

Although he also wanted to stay in the Ancient Iron Giant God and not come out.

But his new human telepathy could sense that Lita, Jonah, and Michelle had been waiting for him outside.

Nanbu Xiangsuke told him that he must become an excellent leader and lead everyone to unite to face unknown dangers.

This is Nanbu Xiangsuke's legacy and also Nanbu Xiangsuke's last wish.

Therefore, Lin Youde forced himself to calm down, recover as soon as possible, and walked out of the Ancient Iron Giant God.

A qualified leader cannot remain immersed in sadness.

The battle with the native species had just ended, and there were still many things he needed to deal with.

Even if it was to stabilize everyone's mood, he had to pretend that nothing was wrong.

Gently stroking the soft golden hair on Lita's little head, Lin Youde showed a gentle smile.

"Sorry for making you worry."

Because they are all new humans, and Rita is the strongest new human besides herself. Lin Youde knew that he could hide some of his emotions from others, but he probably couldn't hide them from Lita.

Therefore, Lin Youde whispered to Lita in a low voice.

"People can't always be immersed in the past, they must grasp the present and look to the future."

"I promised him to keep going and not stop."

" I have to move on."

With that said, Lin Youde took a deep breath, calmed down, and waved to Jonah, Michelle, Fleet, Youlin, Emily and other little guys not far away.

"Don't worry, it's okay."

"Don't crowd around here. Go and do what you have to do."

"Jonah, and Fleet, have you two finished your homework for today?"

Hearing this, Jonah looked embarrassed, and Fleet responded very obediently.

"Not yet, I'll go right away. Let's go, brother Jonah."


In response, Jonah held his shoulder and left.

Youlin glanced at Lin Youde, bowed slightly, and pulled Emily away.

Michelle waved to Rita and then left.

Lin Youde looked at Lita and asked doubtfully: "What about you, why don't you go with us?"

Rita put her hands behind her back and shook her head: "No, I think it's better to stay with dad at this time."

When Lin Youde heard this, his heart warmed up and he joked: "If you do this, Jonah will be snatched away by Michelle."

Rita puffed up her little chest: "No way, we have made an appointment, the three of us will always be together. So, what dad is worried about will not happen."

Hearing this, Lin Youde was stunned for a moment: 'What's going on, Jonah is going to have a harem? Even if he had this intention, would he have the courage to say such things now? ’

In doubt, Lin Youde asked tentatively: "Who took the initiative? Could it be you?"

Rita blushed a little: "Oh, Dad, please don't ask in such detail."

"There are still business matters waiting for you to deal with now. Sister Lux said that there are guests looking for you, so you'd better go there quickly."

Seeing Rita's blushing little face after being shy, Lin Youde said with a smile.

"It looks like you took the initiative. I didn't expect you to be so bold, Rita."

"Besides, is there something wrong with your title? You call me daddy, but you call me sister Lux?"

Rita seemed to be unable to bear Lin Youde's teasing, so she covered her face with her little hands and replied.

"Sister Lux is so young, it's so inappropriate to call her mom."

"So it's more appropriate to call me sister. Sister Lux also thinks this is fine."

"We're all talking about our own things... Oh, Dad, look, Sister Mengmeng is down."

Hearing the sound of the White Knight's cockpit opening, Lita ran to the bottom of the elevator on the other side as if running away.

Lin Youde saw this and stopped teasing Lita. Instead, like Lita, she walked over and waited for Lei Mengmeng to come down with Alufemi.


As soon as he got off the ground, Alfemi pounced on him.

Lin Youde hugged her hurriedly, and just when he was about to speak, he saw the red eyes of the two people who had obviously just cried.

Glancing at Alufemi who buried her head in his arms, Lin Youde gently stroked Alufemi's hair and looked at Lei Mengmeng.


Lei Mengmeng shook her head and did not let Lin Youde continue.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine too."

"I promised Sister Exelin that I will accompany you until the end, so..."

Lei Mengmeng took a deep breath, held Lita's hand in front of her, and walked out.

"Let's go, aren't there still guests waiting for us?"

"It's not good to keep customers waiting for too long."

"This time the matter is so big, I'm afraid the turmoil will not be small."

Putting Alufemi down in his arms, Lin Youde also held Alufemi's hand and followed quickly.

"So what? We are the victims in this matter."

"It's not us who need to be worried now."

Lin Youde's face turned cold when he thought of the sudden appearance of the Shadow Mirror Troop.

Lei Mengmeng's face gradually became colder: "Yes, I have been tolerant, and it seems that some people have taken advantage of it."

"It's time to follow up on this incident and give some people a hard blow."


When Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng brought Alufemi and Rita to the reception room.

Lin Youde was dumbfounded...

"Are you... Raymond? Why are you here?"

Looking at the purple hair, one can vaguely see a pretty face that is 2-3 times similar to Lei Mengmeng. Lin Youde was completely confused.

When Lei Mengmeng heard Lin Youde's words, she was also shocked and looked at Lei Meng up and down.

"Are you Raymond?"

Raymond crossed his arms and chuckled.

"Should I just agree and disappear? You are virtuous and cute."

Saying that, Lei Meng looked at Lei Mengmeng with a complicated expression.

"Although I thought there might be such an opportunity before, actually meeting you in this face-to-face way still makes me feel unexplainably melancholy. And..."

Raymond turned his head and looked at Alufemi, who was following Lin Youde and looking at him curiously, with an even weirder expression.

"You actually brought her back..."

"I'm afraid mom will go crazy with joy now..."

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