Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 942 Raymond’s true identity

"Mom? What do you mean?"

Lei Mengmeng's words left Lei Mengmeng completely confused.

Lin Youde looked at Raymond in confusion.

"Lemon, why are you here? Or rather, how did you get here?"

Raymond sat on the sofa, poured a cup of tea by himself, and then asked without answering.

"If I don't come, who else do you think can cure Lamia now besides me?"

Lin Youde was stunned, while Lei Mengmeng became even more confused.

"Lamia? What is your relationship with Lamia?"

Raymond drank tea and said calmly: "Everyone, please sit down first. Now that we all have time, we can chat slowly."

"Also, are you sure you want to talk about this with the door open?"

Lin Youde was silent for a moment and looked at Shinji Ikari, Asuka and others standing at the door.

Shinji Ikari immediately stood up straight: "I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

Asuka spat: "Hey, forget it if you don't listen, this aunt is really annoying."

Raymond's eyebrows twitched and he didn't answer.

Makiha smiled and pulled Ikari and followed Ikari Shinji away.

Nagisa Kaoru smiled: "Then, we won't disturb your chat."

After everyone in the EVA team left, the door to the reception room was closed.

In the end, only Lin Youde, Lei Mengmeng, Alufemi, Raymond, Lux, Wang Liumei and Rita were left in the room.

Lin Youde glanced at Wang Liumei and Rita, thought for a moment, said nothing, and turned to look at Raymond.

Lei Mengmeng also glanced at Wang Liumei, and when Wang Liumei shrugged, she turned to ask Lei Meng.

"So, who are you? What is the purpose of coming to us?"

Raymond chuckled and said, "Me? In a sense, I am you, Mengmeng."

"Eh? Are you me?" Lei Mengmeng was dumbfounded.

Not only Lei Mengmeng, but also Lux, Wang Liumei, and Rita also had confused expressions on their faces.

On the other hand, Alufemi sat in Lin Youde's arms and tilted her head: "Sure enough, you are not the real Raymond, but a new individual born with "I" as the main body? "

Raymond looked at Alfemi: "It seems that you have remembered something? Or is it someone else who told you those things?"

Alufemi didn't answer, so Raymond shrugged and said, "Well, no matter which one it is, it doesn't matter anymore."

"Youde aside, since I'm here now, I'm naturally here to show off my cards."

Raymond looked at the confused Lei Mengmeng and introduced herself: "I am Raymond Browning, the chief technical officer of the Blue Star Joint Special Operations Force "Shadow Mirror". "

Lei Mengmeng was startled for a moment: "Browning? Isn't this surname the surname of Sister Axelline? What is your relationship with Sister Axelline?"

Rita was also stunned for a moment: "Huh? Wait a minute, Shadow Mirror Troop? Isn't that the troop that attacked Dad before?"

Lux nodded slightly: "Yes, that's right. It's the same team that Youde and the others were attacked overseas before."

"I was surprised when I saw her come to my door at first."

"It's just that she said she had something to do with Youde, and Youde seemed to have known her before. Youde even let someone go specifically for her."

"So I discussed it with Sister Liu Mei and agreed for her to come in and wait for Youde to come back."

Wang Liumei also spoke at this time: "That's right, her body has been specially taken care of by us and locked in a special hangar outside."

"The other party is very sincere and knows Youde. We think we can let her wait for Youde to come back and see what she wants to say."

"And after Lamia was sent back just now, she also volunteered to help with the treatment."

"Judging from her current actions, I think she is sincere in coming to talk."

Lux and Wang Liumei's words made Lei Mengmeng nodded slightly.

"That's it..."

Raymond drank tea and answered slowly.

"Indeed, I do have some relationship with Axelin."

"To be precise, the person I used to be was Axelline Browning herself."

Lemon's words confused everyone including Lin Youde.

Lin Youde frowned: "What do you mean?"

Lei Mengmeng asked even more puzzledly: "No, didn't you say you were me before? Why are you now Sister Exelin herself?"

Raymond replied: "Don't worry, now that we have time, I will answer it for you bit by bit."

Lei Mengmeng also calmed down a little: "Okay, I'm all ears."

Under everyone's gaze, Lei Meng said calmly.

"Although I am Raymond Browning now, to be precise, I was once Axelline Browning, and I was also Lei Mengmeng."

Lin Youde frowned, as if he thought of something, while Lei Mengmeng was still full of questions: "I still don't understand."

Alufemi, who was sitting in Lin Youde's arms, suddenly said: "She is Exelin from the parallel world in the past era."

Lei Meng was stunned for a moment, but Lei Meng smiled and said: "Yes, I used to live in the past era as Axelline Browning."

"But because of an accident, Nanbu Xiosuke and I were both injured and on the verge of death. Then, just like you and Yude now, we met the native species."

"The Exelin and Nanbu Kyousuke you saw are us who both survived. But in my world, I didn't survive, and Kyousuke was the only one who survived."

"My father, Dr. Browning, couldn't accept my sudden death in that world, so he used artificial human technology to bring me back to life."

"I just came back to life, although I still have my original memories, but because I died once, I can't live as Axelline Browning."

"So I became Raymond Browning and walked into a completely different life than the still-living Axelline Browning."

Lei Mengmeng somewhat understood: "If you put it that way, I generally understand why you claim to have been Exelyn Browning."

"But, what does this have to do with me..."

Halfway through the words, Lei Mengmeng suddenly seemed to think of something and was stunned.

With an expression of disbelief, Lei Mengmeng looked at Raymond in shock.

"Could it be that you..."

Raymond smiled slightly: "Did you finally react? That's right, you in the parallel world, just like me as Exelin in the past, failed to survive."

Lei Mengmeng looked at Lei Meng blankly: "The me in the parallel world... is dead?"

Wang Liumei looked at the stunned Lei Mengmeng, thoughtfully. Lux frowned, not knowing what she was thinking.

Looking at everyone's reactions, Raymond continued calmly: "Yes, you are dead in the parallel world."

"Like me in the past, your parents in the parallel world cannot accept the reality of your sudden death."

"But unlike Axelline Browning's father, your parents do not have the ability to turn you into an artificial person and make you alive again."

"For this reason, your father has been working outside to numb himself. And your mother is depressed and talking to herself every day."

After hearing what Lei Meng said, Lei Mengmeng clenched her fists and just listened to the situation of her parents in the parallel world. She felt very uncomfortable.

But Raymond continued to talk to himself.

"And by a very coincidental coincidence, they found the black box where I was by chance."

"My black box was wrapped in something so weird that they had no idea I existed."

"Then, for some reason, as Raymond, my consciousness woke up from the black box."

"Originally after I woke up, as Raymond, I didn't want to pay attention to the things of the current era. I was tired of fighting and just wanted to continue sleeping."

"But before falling asleep again, as Raymond, I heard your mother talking to herself every day."

"I don't know whether it was out of sympathy or a simple impulse. As Raymond, I chose to help your mother."

"After that, your parents used the artificial human technology provided by me as Raymond to successfully recreate your body."

"But because you have been dead for too long, your consciousness cannot be revived. But as Raymond, I discovered that after your death, your soul was left in the body by the power of the original species and did not leave."

"So, as Raymond, I decided to use the method of merging with your soul to forcibly dissolve the power of the original species and let you wake up again."

"Then, things went very smoothly. I came back to life. At the same time, I, as Exelin, and as Lei Mengmeng, came to life as Lei Meng at the same time."

"As a price, the black box I was in was completely shattered, and the memory of the past was completely lost. I only remember the part related to myself."

"So, now you can understand what I mean, right?"

Lei Meng's series of explanations finally made Lin Youde, Lei Mengmeng and others understand what Lei Meng had meant before. .

With a wry smile, Lei Mengmeng scratched her head: "No wonder you say it's me and you say it's sister Axelin."

"It turns out that we both came back to life through the fusion of souls after death?"

"It's no wonder..."

Suddenly, Lei Mengmeng looked at Lin Youde as if she suddenly remembered something.

"Wait a minute, Youde, you didn't let me fight with Raymond before. Is this the reason?"

"Youde, did you know from the beginning that Raymond was me in the parallel world?"

Lei Mengmeng's questions directly focused everyone's attention on Lin Youde.

Lin Youde also admitted this very simply.

"That's right, when I first met Raymond, I had already thought of this possibility. That's why I didn't let you and Raymond come into contact or fight, lest you..."

Lin Youde did not continue, but Alfemi blinked and added.

"Following in the footsteps of Esselin and Raymond, right?"

Lin Youde touched Alufemi's head and nodded silently.

Others were even more confused when they heard this.

Only Lei Mengmeng looked at Raymond in confusion and asked, "What do you mean?"

Raymond asked: "How do you think I, as Raymond, died in the past era?"

Lei Mengmeng was stunned for a moment, then stumbled and said: "Could it be Sister Axelin..."

Raymond admitted straightforwardly: "Yes, in the battle with Esselin, I was defeated by Esselin, who was also myself, and died from the explosion of the machine."

Lei Mengmeng: "..."

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