Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 944 The initial bifurcation point

Lei Mengmeng was really confused. She didn't understand why her death would turn Lin Youde into a native species.

Others were also puzzled and asked questions one after another.

Lux: "Why does the death of Sister Mengmeng turn Youde into a native species?"

Wang Liumei: "When did you die?"

Alufimi and Rita were very obedient and didn't ask any questions.

Lin Youde just said to Raymond with a sullen face, holding Alufemi in his arms.

"Can you explain it in detail?"

Lei Meng nodded slightly and said, "Of course, no problem. First, let me answer Wang Liumei's question."

"In my world, I died at the HLD base."

Lin Youde and Wang Liumei both had expressions that showed that they were indeed like this. Lei Mengmeng didn't look surprised and just asked.

"In your side of the world, Youde didn't go to me, right?"

Raymond nodded: "Yes, on my side, Youde did not come to the HLD base, but continued to stay at Risheng University of Technology."

"Although I don't know the specific situation, I heard from my parents that Youde seemed to be shopping with Wang Liumei at that time, and they went shopping for several days."

"Originally, my parents felt very sad because of my death. After knowing that my boyfriend, Youde, actually went shopping with other women when I died, I lost all good impressions of Youde."

"Although after my death, Youde learned about it and wanted to come home to see me for the last time, but my parents refused."

"At this point, our family has completely lost contact with Youde."

Lei Meng's words made Lei Mengmeng, Lux, Rita and even Alfemi look at Lin Youde in surprise.

No one seems to understand why Lin Youde made such a choice.

But Wang Liumei seemed to have thought of something, looked at Raymond and asked.

"In your world, did Amano Azari disappear before Moemeng died?"

Raymond shook his head: "No, Yazhenli suddenly disappeared several years after my death."

Wang Liumei looked at Lin Youde in surprise: "What on earth is going on?"

"I remember that the reason I took Youde out for shopping was because he had a nightmare that night. The nightmare of being eaten by a dimensional beast kept him awake all night."

"At the same time, because the Strike Gundam piloted by Youde in the world of machine combat was shot down, he was unable to enter the game."

"Mengmeng was not around at the time. I thought he was pitiful, so I offered to take him out shopping to relax."

"In fact, Youde got back on his feet that night with Yazhenli's encouragement."

"Originally, I thought it was because Yazhenli had an accident in advance, but it turned out that there was no one to encourage him, so he didn't go to Mengmeng."

"Now it seems that's not the case?"

Lei Meng shook his head and looked at Lei Mengmeng: "I don't know much about the situation here. In fact, I'm surprised that I can survive to this day."

"Unlike me when I was still Lei Meng, as Lei Mengmeng, I did not die because of a force majeure accident like an accident."

"On the HLD base, we encountered a premeditated ambush and were besieged by the enemy, shot down and killed."

"You can't survive that kind of situation just by being lucky."

"After the enemy shot down my white knight, he took all the black boxes back. It's obvious that he came here to silence me."


Raymond looked at Lin Youde: "So, I am very surprised that I can survive here."

"Although my parents hate Youde because of my death."

"But I didn't blame Youde. Because I knew that Youde didn't know the situation I was in at that time."

"So, this matter has nothing to do with Youde."

"But how was I saved here? Youde, how did you know that I was in danger?"

Listening to Raymond's questions, Lin Youde roughly understood the difference between the two worlds.

Wang Liumei even blurted out: "Does this need to be said? Of course when we were shopping in the mall, Lin Youde met a new human being with the ability to predict things."

"Youde was told by that new human that his most important person was in danger. Only Youde called Yazhenli that night...well..."

Having said this, Wang Liumei seemed to understand something.

Lei Mengmeng also understood: "Could it be said that in your world, Lei Meng, Youde didn't encounter that new human being who can predict things?"

Raymond frowned: "A new human being who can predict? Does this new human being really exist? I have never heard of it."

Lei Mengmeng, Wang Liumei, and Lux ​​glanced at Lita next to Lin Youde, and fell into collective silence.

‘Didn’t Lamia tell Raymond about Rita? ’

After Lin Youde said something in his mind, he put his hands on his head and rubbed his hair.

"I'm afraid, that's the biggest difference between the two worlds. I already have some idea of ​​the specific situation. Lemon, please continue."

Raymond nodded: "Okay, if there is a new human being on your side who can predict me and tell Youde in advance that I am in danger before going to rescue me, then everything will make sense."

"On my side, Youde didn't know anything about my accident."

"The news of my death has been spreading to Youde through the school. Youdecai and Wang Liumei went to my house together."

"It's just like what I just said. My parents were very angry and kicked Youde and Wang Liumei out of the house without letting Youde see me for the last time."

"After that, Youde seemed to be deeply affected. Apart from staying in school, he returned to his hometown. Before graduating from college, he never took a step outside."

Speaking of this, Raymond also glanced at Wang Liumei.

Wang Liumei was a little surprised: "What's wrong?"

Raymond shook his head: "It's nothing, I just think that in the past, I didn't think that a businessman like you would keep his promise."

"But in the end, I was wrong. You are a person who keeps your promises. Even if it was just a casual promise, you stuck to it."

Wang Liumei's head was full of questions, but after Lei Mengmeng thought for a moment, her eyebrows suddenly twitched as if she remembered something.

"Lemeng, could you be talking about the original..."

Raymond nodded: "That's right, it's the thing I mentioned to Wang Liumei before I left the university and received the order to leave."

Under the surprised Lei Mengmeng, and the confused gazes of Lax, Rita, and Alfemi, Wang Liumei seemed to have remembered something, and her expression was a bit off.

"Hey, do you mean..."

Raymond drank coffee and said calmly: "Yes, after my death, Amano Azari also disappeared."

"In my world, there is no woman named Lux ​​Klein."

"The woman who has been by Youde's side, married to Youde, and started a family can only be Wang Liumei, the daughter of the Wang family consortium."

Lei Mengmeng was silent: "..."

Lux was surprised: "..."

The corners of Wang Liumei's mouth twitched crazily: "...I...are married to this guy Youde?"

Lin Youde: "..."


PS: Although the protagonist had some speculations about some things before, they were not confirmed after all. So this chapter and all that follows are necessary.

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