Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 945 Different

Everyone was surprised and surprised. Only Lin Youde knew the news from Lamia in advance. So there wasn’t much emotion.

In Lin Youde's silence, Lei Meng nodded slightly and replied to Wang Liumei.

"That's right, in my world, the one who married Youde was not the resurrected me, nor the missing Ya Zhenli, but you."

"In fact, I personally want to find someone with virtue. But my parents think that youde will not be a good match if he spends his time with other women when I die."

"In addition, they felt that I owed Youde a life that I had already repaid through this death. In addition, not long after I was resurrected, Youde and I announced our marriage and invited my friends from school."

"Therefore, I didn't go to Youde in the end. Youde also didn't know about my survival for a long time."

After Raymond finished speaking, he took a rest. Let everyone digest the impact of this news.

Lei Mengmeng looked at Wang Liumei in surprise: 'I thought that after I died, the winner would be Ya Zhenli, or worst case, Lux. ’

‘I didn’t expect that the guy who won in the end was Wang Liumei. ’

‘Sure enough, this guy has been virtuous since very early on, right? ’

Noticing Lei Mengmeng's eyes, Wang Liumei also twitched the corners of her mouth crazily: 'If it is according to Lei Meng's statement, Lei Mengmeng is dead and Amano Azari is also missing. Then it is not impossible that I will eventually get together with Lin Youde. ’

‘The situation brought into the parallel world must be partly due to the agreement with Lei Mengmeng. But more probably, the rise of our Wang family is mainly due to the Gundam technology brought by Lin Youde. ’

‘As a qualified businessman, he will naturally consider maximizing profits. ’

‘With the technology that Yude mastered at that time and the potential to activate two Gundams in succession, I will definitely not let him go. ’

'And the best way to tie up a man is definitely one of them. ’

‘In addition, at that time, we lost Lei Mengmeng and Amano Azari, and Lux ​​had not yet appeared, Youde’s heart must have been deeply affected. The Lei family also broke off relations with Youde. ’

'In this case, I in the parallel world would choose to take advantage of the situation and completely tie Lin Youde to the Wang family. It is a very reasonable choice. ’

'Yes, that must be the case. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to fall in love with him if I was in good shape. ’

Wang Liumei began to excuse herself in the parallel world. She absolutely refused to admit that she married Lin Youde purely to keep her promise and feelings.

Wang Liumei considers herself a very rational person, so she explains herself in this way.

Lux was quite puzzled: ‘I wasn’t brought out by Youde in the parallel world? But stayed in the C.E world? ’

'Hmm...that's right. The time when Youde brought me out of this world was almost the time when Youde discovered the BGM field shortly after the HLD incident ended. ’

‘If Youde had not saved Sister Mengmeng at that time, he would have even known about Sister Mengmeng’s death. Then I'm afraid it would be right not to take me out. ’

'After all, Youde is a character who cherishes the people around him very much. Once he knows that it is not safe here, he cannot protect me. He will definitely not let me come to this world to take risks. ’

‘No, maybe, when the C.E world was settled for the first time, Youde might have directly chosen to completely retain the C.E world. Maybe he can interact with me in the game world at any time. ’

'If this is the case, then the gap between the two worlds will be very large...'

Thinking of this, Lux suddenly thought of a question.

"Miss Raymond, if that's the case, then there is no such thing as the BGM field in your world, right?"

"After all, when Youde was able to discover the field of BGM, he discovered this thing only after he came into contact with the soul of Brother Nanbu Xiosuke on the old iron."

"If there was no such thing, then..."

Raymond drank tea and responded: "That's right. In my world, there has never been anything like the BGM field from beginning to end."

"Even if Youde defected from the unity, became a human traitor, and became a native species, he never encountered the real black box ancient iron."

"What he is driving is just an ancient iron imitation machine that the unified party built early based on its experimental nature."

What Lemeng said made everyone's eyes widen, with shock written all over their faces.

Lei Mengmeng screamed: "What did you say? Youde defected from the United Alliance?"

Wang Liumei was also so shocked that she leaned back slightly: "Human traitor? This crime is a bit too high, isn't it?"

Lux was also shocked: "How could it be? How could Youde defect from the Union?"

Rita looked at Alfemi in confusion: "Could it be related to the native species?"

Alufemi tilted her head: "I don't know, I can't tell you clearly about the parallel world."

Looking at the surprised people, Lei Meng glanced at Lin Youde who looked calm, smiled bitterly and sighed.

"It's incredible, isn't it? In this world, he has become the most influential hero uniting the younger generation."

"On our side of the world, there are traitors to humanity."

"I have to say, this is a very ironic thing."

"But the fact is that before becoming a native species, Youde defected from the Union because of a series of things. Then he came back with the native species and brought war to the entire world."

Lei Mengmeng, Lux, and Wang Liumei came to their senses and asked in unison: "What on earth is going on?"

Raymond replied slowly: "The matter is very complicated. It can only be said to be caused by a series of things."

"I don't know the specific situation very well, I just know some general information. I can only give it to you as a reference."

Lei Mengmeng was anxious: "It's okay, just tell me."

Raymond nodded slightly and spoke.

"It's different from the world here where you have the virtue to go to the HLD base to save you, thereby discovering the field of BGM and shining in the Olympics."

"In my side of the world, Youde seems to have been deeply affected by my death and has been staying at school and at home."

"Although my friend, Sekai Yutoku, also participated in the Olympics, it was because the Union felt that a new type of machine like the Gundam, which could become the representative machine of the Union, needed to be displayed."

"That's why the Wang Consortium got a spot to participate in the Olympics, allowing Youde to drive the latest Gundam to the Olympics for display."

"In my world, virtue does not rely on the field of BGM, driving ancient iron, and defeating Nova with an absolutely crushing situation."

"Youde, who piloted the Gundam, relied on the Gundam's super mobility to eat away at Kuuga Nova's thrusters bit by bit and break all the joints, and then he won with great difficulty."

"It can be said that there is a world of difference from the world here where I, Nova, can easily kill me in an instant."

"And I heard that after Youde won the championship, his championship reward seemed to be taken away by the Liu family and the Ma family who serve the Four Sacred Beasts..."


PS: Don’t worry, there will be an extra update at 9 o’clock.

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