Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 948 (5th update) no longer exists

PS: This chapter is a make-up for the previous leave, and there will be another update soon.

—Text below—

When questioned by Lin Youde, Lei Meng also made a recollection.

"Let me think about it...oh, right."

"I remember that at that time, dimensional beasts seemed to appear in Britannia, causing huge disasters."

"The famous Second New Tokyo City over there, District 11, suffered a devastating blow."

"The whole city was destroyed, and a prince even died or something."

"It seems that because of this, Britannia has no time to take care of the secret place near the Union of Islands."

"As for the Third New Tokyo City? Hmm... Let me think about it, I haven't heard any news about this city in my world."

"When I left my original world and came to this world, I had never heard of the Third New Tokyo City. What's wrong?"

Faced with Raymond's confused expression, Lin Youde's face suddenly darkened.

Lei Mengmeng, Lux, and Wang Liumei's faces didn't look good either.

Lei Mengmeng felt heavy: "In other words, after the arrival of the dimensional beast, Lelouch and Kallen probably died in Area 11. The Black Knights were not established?"

Raymond nodded: "Well, at least I haven't heard of the Black Knights."

Lei Mengmeng's face became even more gloomy.

Lux also struggled: "According to what Youde said before, the situation in the Third New Tokyo City is very bad."

"If Youde hadn't made a special detour, the EVA team in the Third New Tokyo City might not have been able to break through."

"That means Shinji, Asuka, Rei, Makiha, and Kaoru were not able to escape."

"The people in Third New Tokyo also..."

Wang Liumei glanced at Lei Mengmeng and Lux ​​and sighed.

"This is not the worst, you two, don't forget. If Youde hadn't set off in advance, there would be a person here who wouldn't exist."

When the two heard this, they were stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted and looked at Lita suddenly.

Rita also turned pale, grabbed Lin Youde's arm, and said tremblingly: "In other words, in the parallel world, Dad failed to find us."

"Everything I saw in my dream before was actually not a dream, but something that happened in a parallel world?"

"Jonah and Michelle are both...dead..."

Lin Youde didn't speak, just touched Lita's head.

Seeing this, Alfemi also held Lita's hand: "It doesn't matter, you are here now."

Raymond glanced at Rita, then at Lin Youde, Lei Mengmeng, Lux, and Wang Liumei.

"It seems that the gap between the two worlds is quite big."

"I don't know much about the details on your side. But at least in my world, the Third New Tokyo City and the so-called Black Knights do not exist."

"Although Britannia is not subjugated, its presence, at least in my memory, is not high."

"Even in my world, I don't know many details."

"I was resurrected after the incident. In order to hide the fact that I was resurrected from the dead, I was arranged to remain anonymous in the Free Federation."

Lin Youde looked at Raymond with slight surprise: "Free Federation?"

Raymond nodded: "Yes, it is the Free Federation."

"The Census Bureau here is too strong. If you don't find connections, it's hard to forge identity documents."

"If I ask someone for help, my affairs may be exposed."

"Once it is known that the Lei family has a method of resurrecting people from the dead, even if it is irreproducible, others will not believe it. The Lei family will also have countless troubles."

"So, in order to keep it secret. I can only go to the Free Federation."

"You also know that the Free Federation is not as strict as our unified management. As long as you have money and an identity, it won't be a problem."

“I spent money on a false identity and made it real, and I started living as Raymond Browning.”

"But these things are all very later."

Lin Youde was silent for a moment and asked, "Did anything else happen before you came back to life?"

Raymond shook his head: "No more. In the years before I came back to life, the world situation was relatively stable."

"Except for the initial Dragon King and Tiger King, the restoration in the unified country has not yet been completed. Someone has discovered that new humans may be able to replace the telepathic ones and become the controllers of the Four Sacred Beasts."

"Except for the entire new human group, which suffered a big blow from the four major families, everything else is pretty good."

"After all, the increase of new human beings is a general trend. Even the four major families have no way to stop it."

"In addition, the Dragon King and Tiger King were restored by the Liu family and the Ma family for nearly 2 years, so this matter was dismissed."

"Youde, although you are the strongest among the new humans, you are the first to bear the brunt of this wave of influence and the worst attacked."

"But Mr. Wu Mu was still alive at that time, and everything was in order."

"And this situation lasted until Mr. Wu Mu passed away, and then things changed."

Lin Youde was moved in his heart and asked, "When did Mr. Wu Mu pass away? What happened after that?"

Others also reacted one after another and looked at Raymond attentively.

Raymond's expression changed slightly and he sighed.

"Mr. Wu Mu passed away ten years after you returned from the overseas secret realm."

"That is, the 6th year after my resurrection and the 5th year after you and Wang Liumei got married."

"After the death of Mr. Wu Mu, the Liu family and the Ma family, who had regained control of the Dragon King and Tiger King, began to liquidate."

"I wonder if it's because of the rumors that the new humans can replace the telepaths and become controlled by the four holy beasts, which gave the four major families a sense of crisis."

"All new humans above level 4 within the unified territory have been affected to varying degrees."

"New humans above LV4 will only be able to join various forces, be absorbed by the four major families, or hide that they are new humans above LV4."

"Otherwise, your career will be more or less unsatisfactory. Some new humans who have offended the four major families have even had various accidents, resulting in deaths and injuries."

"In order to avoid this wave of chaos initiated by the four major families, many new humans have left Aquamarine and gone to the universe to live in colonial satellites to prevent accidents."

Hearing this, Lei Mengmeng was surprised and said: "How dare the four families dare? Are they not afraid of causing public anger?"

Lei Meng glanced at Lei Mengmeng and replied: "They are really not afraid, because there is nothing like the BGM field in our world that can shake the status of the Four Sacred Beasts."

"And the Four Sacred Beasts are also firmly in the hands of the four major families."

"Although the unified head of state also has strong opinions on the four major families, the safety of the integration depends on the four holy beasts."

"Until there is no way to get the Four Sacred Beasts away from them, even the unified head of state must remain silent."

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