Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 949 (6th update) The whole story

PS: This chapter is also a supplement to the previous leave.

—Text below—

Raymond's words silenced everyone for a while.

Just from the narration, everyone can imagine how arrogant and domineering the four major families in the parallel world were without the influence of the BGM field, and without Lin Youde taking away the Dragon King and Tiger King.

Without checks and balances, the four major families who still hold the Four Sacred Beasts become unscrupulous. Even the head of humanity's revolutionary unification must swallow their anger.

In a world without BGM, the Four Sacred Beasts are too important for human innovation and integration.

Just by imagining, everyone can feel the aggrievement of Zhao Zheng, the leader of human innovation and unity.

Lin Youde listened to this silently, and after a moment of silence, he asked.

"Then what? I was also affected by this wave of big events against new humans, right?"'

Raymond nodded: "More than just the influence, as the strongest among the new humans, you are the first to bear the brunt."

"The other new humans are just small heads, and you are the big head here. They are basically going after you."

"Because you offended the Liu family and the Ma family in your early years, the Zhou family and the Li family, both of which are the four major families, also started to target you because of their affinities."

"It can be said that you have directly offended all four major families."

"And you clearly refused the Liu family's solicitation in the early years, which also cut off the chance of reconciliation with the four major families."

"When Mr. Wu Mu was alive, no one else dared to be friends with you."

"After Mr. Wu Mu's death, others will be even more afraid to associate with you."

"As a result, you were framed."

"The fact that you were friends with Kaspar Daken and Nanay Miguel of the Silla Alliance in the game was revealed and widely reported."

"The four major families made a big fuss out of this and falsely accused you of colluding with foreign enemies and treason."

While Lin Youde's face was dark and Lei Mengmeng, Lux, and Wang Liumei had expressions of disbelief on their faces, Lei Meng sighed.

"The four major families have obviously been preparing for a long time and have listed a lot of evidence that I don't know where they came from."

"In the huge publicity campaign, you went from a rising star in the country to a traitor in an instant."

Rita retorted: "But this kind of thing is obviously framed, right? Can't anyone see that someone else is framing dad?"

Raymond glanced at Rita and returned.

"Of course some people saw it, and quite a few of them."

"But it's useless. Those people are not on the side of virtue at all."

"Because of the influence of the Four Sacred Beasts, most people don't dare to offend the four major families."

"The border military line does not deal with the four major families. But they have no friendship with Youde and have no reason to take action."

"In addition, in order to frame Youde, the four major families actually shared many technologies and patents in Youde Research Institute with others."

"With the distribution of benefits, those people will naturally be less able to speak out for morality."

Lei Meng's pretty face turned red with anger: "So, Youde was framed like this?"

Raymond sighed and nodded silently.

Lux glanced at Lin Youde and said tangledly: "Then...youde didn't resist?"

"The other party has bullied her to the point of being bullied. Youde can't possibly have no reaction, right?"

"Youde is not the kind of character who is easy to take advantage of."

Raymond nodded: "Yes, of course you will want to resist if you are virtuous."

"After more than ten years of development, Youde's integration of human innovation has also relied on the rise of the Wang family and developed some connections."

"But the four major families have been planning for a long time, and Youde's side is completely unprepared."

"In addition, Mr. Wu Mu has passed away. As a man who has been cared for by Mr. Wu Mu for many years, Youde and the people from the two schools mourn the old man's funeral. I never expected that the four major families would launch an attack at this time."

"Before Youde could react, the forces that had good relations with Youde and the Wang family received devastating blows or warnings one after another, and were forced not to side with Youde."

"It can be said that almost overnight, all of Youde's allies were wiped out. Only the Wang family is left firmly standing on Youde's side."

“After Youde found out, he immediately wanted to resist, but was forcibly detained in the name of ‘arrest’. "

"In conjunction, everyone at the Youde Institute has been detained separately. Waiting for the verdict."

"In the entire institute, only Ni Xingxing escaped from the institute because she wanted to visit her critically ill mother."

Lin Youde had a sullen face: "In other words, after being plotted against me in the parallel world, I was attacked by the four major families, and everyone was wiped out in one go?"

"No one escaped except Ah Xing?"

Raymond nodded helplessly: "Yes, that's it. In the parallel world, in less than a day, all the people who are friends with you and related to you are taken into custody by everyone."

"But apart from Ni Xingxing who was lucky enough not to be caught, there was actually another person who was not caught at the time. No, to be precise, two people were not caught."

Saying that, Lei Meng looked at Wang Liumei.

Wang Liumei was startled for a moment and pointed at herself: "One of them, could it be me?"

Lei Meng nodded: "Yes, I wonder if it was because Mr. Wu Mu died so suddenly that the four major families suddenly launched an attack."

"I actually left out you who are still discussing business overseas."

"This means that in addition to Ni Xingxing, Wang Liumei and Katarina who went to the moon to visit their parents were not caught."

Wang Liumei was a little surprised, while Lei Mengmeng couldn't wait to ask: "Then what?"

"What happened to Youde after you were caught?"

Raymond looked helpless: "What else can we do? Of course we wait to be sentenced and then executed."

Rita was shocked: "Execution?"

Raymond nodded: "The four major families are well prepared. Without help, Youde has no possibility of coming back. He doesn't even have a chance to defend himself."

"The power of the four major families in the world over there is beyond your imagination."

"In short, Lin Youde's treason charge was quickly confirmed."

"Youde, as the mastermind, was sentenced to death. Others, including Refina and others who were friendly with Youde and deeply trusted by Youde, were also sentenced to serious crimes."

"Then the virtuous shooting will be carried out."

Everyone was silent for a while, and Lin Youde said in a deep voice: "Then what?"

Lei Meng looked at Lin Youde helplessly: "Then, this is the beginning of everything..."

"Knowing that you were framed, Wang Liumei and Ni Xingxing naturally did not sit still and wait for death."

"Relying on the special Gundam-Strike Eclipse Gundam secretly manufactured by Wang Liumei and specially prepared for telekinetic users. Ni Xingxing rushed into the formation, rushed into the military base where you were detained, and rescued you."

"In the chaos, you drove the prototype blue ancient iron, codenamed Night Travel Ancient Iron, which was stored in the base warehouse and no one cared about it but had no safety lock, and made an emergency escape."

Lei Mengmeng, Lux, Wang Liumei, and Rita all looked happy when they heard this.

Lin Youde was even more shocked: "Ah Xing, he actually..."

Before Lin Youde finished speaking, and before Lei Mengmeng and others were happy, Lei Meng sighed.

"However, the reason why you are being held at a military base is not in a special prison."

"This itself is a trap set by the four major families against Ni Xingxing and Wang Liumei."

"Because after the four major families found out that Ni Xingxing and Wang Liumei were not captured, they deliberately released the news that you were being held here just waiting for them to rescue you."

"As long as they go, it will be a prison robbery. Attacking a military base is a felony that can be killed on the spot."

"If you don't go, you will be shot. It's the same as death."

"It can be said that this is an unavoidable conspiracy."

After hearing this, everyone was silent for a while. Lin Youde asked again: "Then...then what?"

Lei Meng looked at Lin Youde and said helplessly: "Then? Of course you managed to run out."

Rita looked happy: "That's great..."

Before he finished speaking, Raymond received: "But as a price, Ni Xingxing pilots the special Gundam for telekinesis, Strike Eclipse Gundam, to cut off his rear."

"Then, the battle between the strongest telepaths on Aquamarine Star that could be recorded in the annals of history began..."

"Ni Xingxing piloted the Sky Eclipse Gundam to attack the Sky Eclipse Gundam. With 1 enemy and 200 enemies, he forcibly launched a telekinetic stance of several hundred meters to stop all the pursuers."

"In the end, Ni Xingxing achieved a brilliant record of defeating 58 mass-produced Jishu Weapon II · Kai. Under the siege of the remaining more than 100 PTs and various fixed defense weapons, he died of exhaustion due to excessive telekinesis. "

"Ni Xingxing and his car, the Strike Sky Eclipse Gundam, were completely destroyed by numerous artillery fires, and no bones were left."

In the suffocating silence in the room, Raymond sighed faintly.

"Because Youde successfully ran away, the four major families were furious and decided to execute Refina, Ladis and other friends and relatives of Youde."

"The speed was so fast that no one expected it."

"In less than half a day, everyone was secretly executed."

"It's just that they didn't think about the cost of doing this..."

Under everyone's silent gaze, Raymond leaned on the sofa and let out a long sigh.

He took out something the size of a palm, similar to a makeup box, and placed it on the table.

As the box opens, a light emerges from the box.

A holographic projection shines out from the box, displaying a blue machine in front of everyone's eyes.

"No one could imagine Youde's anger at the time. Except for himself and Wang Liumei, no one cared. Because except for Youde and Wang Liumei, everyone else was dead."

"And the four major families and other profiteers began to divide the property of the Wang Family Consortium and the various Gundam-related technologies that Youde placed in the research institute."

"It's just that no one expected that the actions of the four major families would lead to a prelude to destruction..."

"On the seventh day after Refina and others were executed and the news was announced."

"The blue ancient iron parasitized by the native species comes with countless native species."

"A war that swept across the entire Aqua Blue Star began..."

Sleep, sleep.

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