Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 956 Evolution? Transform?

Listening to Raymond telling all this, Lin Youde's mood suddenly improved.

Don't get me wrong, Lin Youde is not gloating about others' misfortunes.

But Lin Youde always felt that in the parallel world, he was the worst one.

But now when he heard what Lemeng said, Lin Youde suddenly felt that Zhao Zheng and himself were almost inseparable brothers.

Bad luck, not only himself, but also Zhao Zheng.

When you are alone and unlucky, you may blame others.

But when two people are unlucky together, and you are unlucky and someone else is with you, the situation is different...

Lin Youde is almost in this situation now.

Unlucky, but not lonely. It's fun to have someone to keep you company and share your bad luck...

After listening, everyone had different reactions, but most of them were deep in thought.

But Lita looked at Lin Youde with doubts.

"Dad, isn't there a saying in unification called concentrating strength to accomplish great things?"

"Why didn't Mr. Zhao Zheng pool all the resources together instead of diversifying the investment?"

“Instead of spreading so many resources across so many projects, wouldn’t it be better to pool resources and invest in one or two of them?”

"Also, since those four families are so bad, they are not easy to deal with. Why can't we get rid of one of them first, and then deal with them one after another?"

"Why do I feel that Mr. Zhao Zheng is not as powerful as Sister Lemeng said. I feel quite stupid."

As soon as Rita said this, Lin Youde's poker face became a little unbearable.

Lei Meng and Lei Mengmeng also looked stunned, and Lux ​​and Wang Liumei even covered their faces.

Lux: "You have virtue, don't let Lita get involved in politics in the future. I'm afraid she will be sold and help count the money."

Wang Liumei: "Youde, please don't let this girl get involved in investments in the future. I'm afraid we'll go bankrupt."

Rita looked confused, looked at everyone in confusion, and whispered softly: "Did I say something wrong?"

Lei Mengmeng rubbed her temples with both hands and asked Lita helplessly: "Lita-chan, I mean, is there such a possibility?"

"It's because the four major families are difficult to deal with, so Zhao Zhengcai didn't carry out construction in a big way, but carried out development in secret. So as not to alert the snake?"

"If those four families have any self-awareness, they will understand that they have a bad reputation and there are many people who want to mess with them."

"Therefore, if Zhao Zheng has a hint of taking action against one of them, the others will join forces to advance and retreat together."

"It's not that they are too loyal, but they know that once someone is liquidated, the other three will not be able to escape, and they will have no choice at all."

"So, the method of knocking down one and then destroying the other three one by one is completely useless."

"Those four families are so unscrupulous in our area. Who knows if they are forced to die when things are smoother on the other side?"

"You know, the previous claims that they may be collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country are not all groundless accusations."

"It's different from Youde who was framed in the parallel world. They were targeted in this way because their hands were dirty. It's not all framed."

"Besides, how do you know that Zhao Zheng has not concentrated his efforts on doing big things?"

Wang Liumei rubbed her eyebrows: "Little girl, I will teach you a lesson today. Along with investment, there is something called risk."

"Any investment comes with certain risks."

"Also, when investing, remember not to over-invest. When it comes to funds, it's not that the more the better. It's about controlling it so that the other party may have just enough, or a little more."

"Once the funds you invest exceed a certain limit, there is a behavior called running away with the money."

"Never test human nature and a person's bottom line, because human nature and a person's bottom line cannot withstand temptation."

"Besides, don't tell me, that's the money of the unified head of state. Who would take the money and run away or something like that? When Zhao Zheng does this kind of thing, he must have gloves, that is, it goes through other people's hands to invest, rather than directly by himself. Invested.”

Raymond also shook his head and said: "Little girl, don't focus too much on the consequences. There is a saying that a hero should not be judged by success or failure. It does not mean that a person must be successful to be considered a hero."

"If we really think about it this way, didn't Liu Bei in the Three Kingdoms period also fail? But even if he failed, can you say that he was not a hero? Guan Yu, who failed with him, was not a hero? He followed him for nearly a lifetime and dedicated himself to death. Isn’t the late Mr. Zhuge Kongming a hero?”

"From a consequentialist perspective, they all failed. But does this prevent everyone from respecting them and treating them as heroes?"

"Furthermore, to be considered exhaustive is a requirement for military advisors and staff, rather than a necessary requirement for a leader."

"Even if Zhuge Kongming is alive, can he predict that I will die in the unified military base? It is expected that the Photon Force Research Institute, the Geta Line Research Institute, and the GGG Defense Base will be tested by special dimensional beasts Attack and destroy everything?”

"You must know that Demon God, Geta, and Brave Robots are not exclusive to our union. The Free Federation studied Demon God and Geta earlier than we did. Even the Silla Alliance studied Brave Robots long ago."

"Without any intelligence, who could know that special dimensional beasts would attack? Moreover, why is it okay when others are studying these things, but nothing happens when you are studying them."

"If such an outrageous thing didn't really happen, who would believe it?"

"The arrival of special individuals among dimensional beasts has not been thoroughly studied in our world. It is completely similar to a natural disaster."

Touched by Lin Youde's big hand, Lita lowered her head and did not dare to reply at all in the face of the teachings of the three kind elder sisters.

Looking at Rita who didn't dare to reply at all, Raymond sighed: "Besides, don't underestimate luck."

"Throughout the ages, there have been many amazing and talented people with amazing abilities, but because of lack of luck, they missed a move."

"If you look back at history, you will find that those who can achieve great things may have limited abilities, but they are definitely not without luck."

"Because those with bad luck have long been eliminated. On the contrary, those with poor ability can achieve great things because of good luck."

"Otherwise, the unification of this land would not have advocated the theory of fate and destiny since ancient times."

"Luck is sometimes more important than hard work. This is no joke."

"Moreover, if we put aside the element of surprise, wouldn't Zhao Zheng be completely unable to succeed?"

"There is something called rational allocation of resources and maximizing the effectiveness of the resources at hand."

"Looking back at the past in my world, if I had not died at the HLD base, or if I had not insisted on going my own way, or was stopped by Youde and stayed at home, I would not have died."

"If I don't die, the relationship between Youde and my father will not be at loggerheads. Then Zhao Zheng can rely on Youde to establish a relationship with the border army, right?"

Rita nodded.

Raymond continued: "Then, if special dimensional beasts and other factors similar to natural disasters had not appeared, would the integrated demon god, Geta, and brave robot have been successfully developed just like here?"

"As long as these super robots can be mass-produced and distributed to the army. Even if there is no moral line, the border army will have a great impression of Zhao Zheng and stand up for Zhao Zheng because of the popularity of this power."

"After all, this is something that can actually enhance national defense and reduce the casualty rate of border soldiers. It is what the border army cares about most."

"And because of the emergence and popularization of super robots, although the influence of the Four Sacred Beasts cannot be cut off all of a sudden, it will also be greatly impacted."

"In this way, does the strategy of shaking the influence of the four holy beasts meet the standard?"

Rita nodded again, and Raymond continued.

"Also, since ancient times, leaders with some brains would not place their hopes on outsiders."

"So befriending Holy Britannia and uniting the islands can only be regarded as a foreign aid, a icing on the cake. It can be used, but we cannot put all our hopes on it."

"Why should others help you if you are not strong enough yourself?"

"This world is very cruel. If you are not strong enough, you can easily be swallowed up by others. This has always been the case between countries."

Rita looked at Lin Youde. After Lin Youde nodded slightly, Rita also nodded again obediently.

After seeing Rita nodding again, Raymond spoke again.

"Then, there is Zhao Zheng's last move, which is the overseas secret force that is not yet known."

"It is said that it is a secret force. It must be maintained at a certain scale and cannot be too large."

"Otherwise, with this external force, who can guarantee that they will not have the idea of ​​establishing their own business?"

"Even if a confidant has been left outside for a long time, the superiors may not continue to feel relieved."

"After all, someone's ambitions are not born in the mother's womb from the very beginning."

"So this secret force cannot be over-invested and lose its tail. It can only maintain its scale and serve as a surprise force."

"If you can use it, it's a sharp blade. If you can't use it, then hide it forever, just like Zhao Zheng didn't use it until the end. You can leave it to the next person as a trump card."

At this point, Raymond asked Lita: "So, you see, as long as I don't insist on going to HLD to die. Or special dimensional beasts descend from the sky to cause destruction. Will Zhao Zheng's investment be effective? "

"There is no need to over-invest, and the results are already very significant."

"His failure was not due to insufficient investment or too diversified investment, but purely due to accidents and force majeure factors."

"That's why I say his failure was purely bad luck."

"Also, don't think that having too many plans and plans is a bad thing. This is the tradition since the founding of the Unified People's Republic of China."

"In the face of various emergencies, Integration has many records and plans. This is called preparing for rainy days and taking precautions before they happen. It is also called having a plan in hand and not panicking. Don't know what to do? Take a look at the prepared response plans. Just copy it.”

"Because of this habit, it is impossible for the unified head of state to put all his hopes on one point and gamble casually on the fate of the country like Neon in the last century."

"If you diversify your investments, as long as you can achieve a certain goal, you can achieve the strategic goal. That's enough."

"It's called using a small amount to make a big difference. If you fail, it's called minimizing losses and stopping losses in time."

"It's all done. Naturally, it's my destiny and my destiny."

"If we all lose, it's natural that the time is not mine. It's fate. I have to accept my fate and step aside to make way for someone more worthy."

"In terms of results, Zhao Zheng lost and was defeated. But can you say that his preparations were useless and his deployments were meaningless?"

"Take a good look at the situation here. Without Zhao Zheng's arrangement, would I be able to meet Youde?"

"Without Zhao Zheng's investment, would the integration still have the Demon God, Geta, and the Brave King? And after the large-scale invasion of dimensional beasts, these super robots will be assigned to various fronts obediently, so obedient?"

"It's not that consequentialism is bad, but there are often many factors involved in the process leading to a result. If you don't talk about the process and only look at the results, that's just being a rogue."

"It's not that he succeeds that makes him a hero. It's that he works hard and succeeds that he is a hero."

"Success achieved purely by luck is just a stroke of luck. It can be considered destiny and the child of luck, but it is definitely not a hero."

He looked at Rita who was speechless after being spoken to by Raymond and was trembling beside him, not daring to reply.

Lin Youde also touched Lita's little head and comforted Raymond: "Okay, just say a few words less. Lita is also a little angry that everything is not going well for me in the parallel world."

"In her mind, maybe she hopes that Zhao Zheng in the parallel world can be more useful and exhaustive, so that she can help reduce my burden."

"Her intentions are good, and I really feel her intentions."

"It's just that some things, there are never so many ifs."

"In the final analysis, I am still not strong enough. If I can be like those Super Saiyans in "Dragon Ball" and explode stars at will, then all the problems will no longer be a problem."

"But unfortunately, this kind of thing is impractical."

"People, after all, still have to be down-to-earth and walk step by step."

After hearing Lin Youde's words, Lei Meng stopped talking.

When Lei Mengmeng saw Lin Youde defending Rita, she understood that she could not continue this topic at this time. He spoke quickly and brought the topic back again.

"When you said that, I suddenly understood."

"No wonder you said before that the four major families dared to kill even Zhao Zheng."

"At first, I was surprised why the four major families were so courageous."

"Thank you, Zhao Zheng, because of his unlucky journey, has gradually declined, and his influence has been shrinking. In the end, he can only rely on the protection of the Dragon King. In addition, they are afraid that the Border Army will follow suit, so they don't dare to covet the position of the unified head of state. .”

"If that's the case, it does make sense."

Lux also understood the words and answered: "But, aren't the Demon God, Geta, and the King of Braves all fine on our side?"

"Why is the parallel world gone?"

"It's not impossible to deal with special dimensional beasts, right?"

"Didn't our world successfully repel them? And didn't we use the BGM field, a power that parallel worlds don't have?"

To this, it was not Lei Meng who answered, but Lei Mengmeng.

"It's still...because I'm dead..."

Seeing Lei Mengmeng's wry smile, Lux was shocked again: "What? Is this related to Sister Mengmeng again?"

Lei Mengmeng sighed: "Yes, it really has something to do with me."

"Du Jianlong, the pilot of Demon God Z, was at the HLD base with me."

"If Youde hadn't come to the rescue at that time and the HLD base had fallen, Du Jianlong probably wouldn't have survived."

"Once Du Jianlong dies, the activation of Demon God Z will probably be delayed or replaced."

"With a little delay, the only one that was activated was the tower building machine."

"Because on the other hand, because of my death, Youde may have missed the start-up test of the prototype Gundam because he blamed himself or went to my house to see me for the last time."

"We have all seen the video of the situation at that time. Facing the green dragon-shaped dimensional beast, we simply couldn't defeat it with just a trial-type Geta machine."

"The other machines will start testing later. Once special individuals among the dimensional beasts are attracted, no one else can help. It is estimated that they will be unable to survive alone, and the only outcome will be to be defeated one by one."

Raymond interrupted at the right time: "In my world, in 2233, after the trial-type Geta was activated, the dimensional beasts appeared, and the trial-type Geta and the defenders fought together, but were completely destroyed by the special dimensional beasts, and the trial-type Geta The tower was destroyed, all pilots died, and the research institute was trampled by dimensional beasts."

"The Demon God Z was activated in 2234. The driver is not the Du Jianlong you call, but the driver of your great Demon God, Kang Dingbang."

"But after Kang Dingbang activated Demon God Z, he also attracted the dimensional beasts, and just like the time when he tried to build the tower, everything was destroyed by the dimensional beasts."

"Also in 2234, when the Brave King at the GGG Defense Base was conducting tests, the Dimensional Beast suddenly appeared, destroyed the city, and destroyed the Brave King. It completely destroyed the GGG Defense Base and left without leaving a single person alive."

"Among these people, only around the Spring Festival of 2234, you had the virtue to drive the prototype of the original Gundam. Relying on the powerful output of the biological sensing system and cooperating with the defenders, they defeated all the dimensional beasts."

"And in our world, no one has determined the appearance patterns of those special individuals among dimensional beasts from beginning to end."

"Only those on your side are virtuous, because some rules have been researched in the field of BGM."

"That's why I said before that the arrival of special individuals among dimensional beasts is completely an accident that is a natural disaster."

"Why did the other party appear, when did it appear, and what was its target? We don't know anything, so we can only treat it as an accident like a natural disaster."

After saying that, Lei Meng looked at Lei Mengmeng curiously: "To be honest, I had no idea that after you survived, you were able to revitalize the three systems of the Demon God, Geta, and King of Braves."

"I was really shocked for a long time when I found out that the Gundam, Demon God, and Geta in this world were actually activated on the same day, and they even cooperated to defeat the special individual of Dimensional Beast in public."

"Can these three machines actually fight together on the same stage? I really never thought about it..."

Lei Mengmeng said with a smile: "My importance seems to be a little higher..."

Lin Youde did not comment on everything Lei Mengmeng and Lei Meng said.

Because he had vaguely guessed it before, but the details might be a little different, but they were pretty much the same.

Therefore, Lin Youde focused on other issues: "So, besides what you mentioned, do the three major countries have other trump cards?"

Raymond shook his head and said: "I don't know. I was very busy at the time and didn't have time to pay too much attention. It's not easy to be able to pay attention to these things."

"After all, I wasn't sure at the time whether I could really come to a parallel world or a past world."

"Whether he will die during the teleportation is still unknown. Why am I paying so much attention?"

When Raymond said this, Lin Youde couldn't say anything.

After all, this is indeed the case.

Wang Liumei, on the other hand, asked curiously.

" were the three major countries on your side defeated?"

"We have come into contact with native species before, except for the extremely large monitor and the arbitrator who didn't come out until the end."

"Among the native species, it seems that only Alfemi's Soul Seat is a special machine, right?"

"The three major countries have so many trump cards, how can they be easily defeated? Are those two big guys taking action?"

Raymond shook his head slightly and returned: "No, there are no supervisors or arbitrators in our world, not even Alufemi and the Seat of Souls."

"From beginning to end, the only special machine that defeated the three major countries was a virtuous ancient iron."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked.

Lei Mengmeng's eyes widened: "What? Among the special machines in the original species, there is only one virtuous ancient iron. How is it possible?"

Lux also found it incredible: "There are so many super robots and the Integrated Dragon Emperor is not dead yet. Why can't they defeat Youde alone?"

Wang Liumei also felt that it was outrageous: "Although virtue is strong, we all know the performance of ancient iron, and the shortcomings and advantages are there."

"It may be difficult to deal with at first, but as time goes by and we develop countermeasures, there will always be a way to deal with it."

"How could one ancient iron defeat the three major countries? This is unreasonable no matter how you think about it, right?"

Raymond smiled bitterly and said: "If it is just an ordinary ancient iron, of course it is unreasonable."

"But, that's the ancient iron that was parasitized by the original species."

"The native race is a race that can evolve, not to mention that Gu Tie, who is driven virtuously, will become stronger every time he is hit hard."

"Even, after reaching a certain level, the ancient iron parasitized by the original species will transform."

"The old blue car you see now is just the way it was when Youde drove it at the beginning. After that, it wasn't like this..."


PS: Early in the morning, I found that the quilt had been kicked under the bed, and I was suffering from cold and diarrhea. It was really unlucky.

But when I went to the toilet, I looked back at yesterday's post barrage and found that there seemed to be a lot of things that could be copied... Ah, no, it's a reference.

After having diarrhea, I felt okay, so I started typing.

So, it’s really easy to finish today’s chapter in advance.

There will probably be an update in the evening, maybe not. Not sure, it depends on the condition, because now I feel that my stomach is uncomfortable again, so I will go back and squat on the toilet, and then lie down.

Everyone continued to discuss and brainstorm, and asked me to copy it... ah, no, just to learn from it. I wish I could update faster~!

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