Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 957 Two Transformations

After hearing what Lei Meng said, Lei Mengmeng seemed to have remembered something and asked curiously.

"Will it turn into the same red color as our ancient iron in the future?"

"I remember the Axel from before. Every time I saw Youde, he would call Youde Red Wolf."

"The so-called Red Wolf means red wolf, right?"

"The red wolf is also the red ancient iron?"

Lei Meng shook his head with a slight smile, and Lei Mengmeng was a little confused: "Wrong guess?"

Raymond replied: "I can't say it's completely wrong, but I can't say it's completely right either."

"Just like the experimental night-walking ancient iron that you see now that is parasitized by native species is blue, it is very different from the real red ancient iron."

"But I don't know when it started. This blue night-time ancient iron gradually changed from blue to the same red as the real ancient iron."

"Because of its terrifying combat power and the fear it brought to everyone by leading the original species. On the battlefield, a legend gradually spread."

"Legend has it that the ancient iron driven by the human traitor Lin Youde killed countless people and was bathed in human blood all day long, dyeing the originally blue ancient iron into a blood-red color. And because every battle , all of them will be like a wolf king, leading the native species to charge forward without fear."

"In addition, Youde now has nothing and is alone."

"That's why the legend of the iron-blooded lone wolf who dyed his body red appeared on the battlefield."

"This is Red Wolf, and the origin of the legend of the red wolf."

"The transformation I just talked about happened after this."

Lei Mengmeng was stunned for a moment, and Lux ​​looked even more incredulous. Wang Liumei murmured to herself.

"A body stained red by blood, a red iron-blooded lone wolf..."

Her lips moved slightly, and Wang Liumei seemed to want to say something. But after a pause, he said.

"Then... let's talk about the transformation first. According to you, after being parasitized by the original species, the ancient iron on your side changed from blue to red for unknown reasons. What next?"

Raymond smiled bitterly and said, "Then the trouble comes."

Gently slide your fingers on the three-dimensional projection device, and the blue antique iron turns into an ugly-looking red, white, and gray antique iron.

Looking at this ancient iron, Lin Youde's eyebrows twitched slightly: 'No, the me in the parallel world will become such a thing after my transformation? Isn’t this a mass-produced ancient iron from an original recipe? ’

Lin Youde successfully held back and did not say anything. But Rita couldn't hold it back and muttered in a low voice: "It's so ugly, not as handsome as the first one."

Alfemi nodded silently and agreed with Rita's statement.

Lei Mengmeng also tilted her head slightly, frowned and said: "This...why does it feel like the aura is not the same as the Night Walking Ancient Iron before the transformation?"

"Besides, is it my imagination? Is this machine smaller than before?"

Raymond nodded and replied: "Yes, it has just become smaller. The Night Walking Ancient Iron was originally only 22 meters high, but after being parasitized, the height increased to 28 meters."

"And this ancient iron is only 24 meters tall, so it's a bit smaller overall."

"As for why it is not as powerful as before and looks uglier. It's because this is a mass-produced ancient iron produced by the original species based on the ancient iron data."

"Just like the three native soldiers you have seen before, this is also a type of soldier."

As soon as Raymond said this, everyone was surprised.

Rita was a little puzzled: "Huh? Ordinary soldiers? Since it is a transformation, shouldn't it become stronger and stronger? Why is it getting weaker and weaker? What is the reason for this?"

Lei Mengmeng, Lux and Wang Liumei did not speak, but glanced at Lin Youde as if they had thought of something.

Even Lei Meng looked at Lin Youde thoughtfully: "Youde, why do you think this is?"

Lin Youde gently stroked Alufemi's hair in his arms and said frankly: "For the Yin people."

Rita looked at Lin Youde in astonishment: "For the Yin people?"

When the others heard this, they nodded in unison, with expressions on their faces as if it was true.

Seeing that his daughter was confused, Lin Youde patiently explained.

"In the parallel world, the only native species is the Gutie I drive, a special iconic machine. Therefore, as soon as it appears, it will receive absolute attention and attract siege."

"And I only have one, and there is only one special Gutie. Once Gutie and I appear somewhere, other places can safely send support, which is very disadvantageous."

"So, if there is a mass-produced ancient iron, by reducing the size and turning the body into the posture of an ordinary mass-produced ancient iron, you can fish in troubled waters very well."

"In my opinion, even if it becomes a small mass-produced ancient iron, the performance of the ancient iron I drive should not be reduced."

Raymond interjected: "That's right. According to the data collected by the Shadow Mirror Army. After changing from the night-traveling ancient iron to this mass-produced ancient iron, the performance of the ancient iron you are driving has not shrunk, but has actually become stronger."

"Defense, mobility, and movement have all been greatly improved, but the attack power has not changed much from before."

Lin Youde nodded slightly: "That's right. After the body is shrunk, the armor is compressed to enhance mobility and movement. This is one of the purposes of this form."

"And because the appearance is undoubtedly the same as the ordinary mass-produced ancient iron, without actually fighting, it is difficult to detect the difference between the ancient iron I am driving and the mass-produced ancient iron."

"This will not only make it easier to catch them by surprise at certain times, but also quickly defeat enemies that were originally thought to be just ordinary mass-produced ancient iron."

"You can also put pressure on the other party and make everyone who sees the mass-produced ancient iron worry about whether there is a real ancient iron that I drive hidden among these guys."

"As long as the real ancient iron is not discovered, any place that is attacked will be faced with this mass-produced ancient iron group, and the pressure will be doubled, and the pressure in the heart will be overwhelming."

"It can be said that this change in appearance has achieved both tactical and strategic significance."

"So this transformation is very meaningful."

After receiving Lin Youde's answer, Rita suddenly understood and kept nodding.

Raymond even praised: "They are indeed the same person, with exactly the same mental thoughts."

Lin Youde smiled and did not reply. He just said to himself: "This is probably inspired by Amuro's balloon blindness method." Simple, but effective. ’

Although Lei Meng, Lei Mengmeng, Lux and Wang Liumei did not have the ability to read minds, they still tacitly murmured to themselves: "This must be the result of Amuro Lei's teachings." ’

Xiaoxiao complained in his mind, and Raymond said again while sliding the stereoscopic projection device.

"Although this second form of disguised pressure has been improved, it is not a real trump card."

"The real trump card is Gu Tie's third form. That is, Gu Tie evolved specifically for fighting after turning red again."

As the projection showed a ferocious ancient iron with a tail, a red body and numerous tentacles, Lemeng said calmly.

"And this is the one who has defeated all the super robots in the three major countries and is regarded as a nightmare by everyone in my world. The king of all native species, King Gutie. Also known as Demon King Gutie, it means the devil who destroys everything."

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