Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 959 The pilot of the mysterious machine is...

Raymond's narration gave everyone a rough idea of ​​what the parallel world was like.

In the absence of BGM, Lin Youde still became the spokesperson of native species. The human condition can only be described as hopeless.

If we say that in the era of dimensional beast turmoil, people's lives were still difficult.

In the era when native species came, people's lives could only be described as despair.

Although non-military facilities are located in cities, native species will not attack humans casually. Compared with the era of dimensional beasts, it is much better to open a big eye from the sky and drop a bunch of dimensional beasts from time to time.

But in the era of dimensional beasts, people still have hope, and they can look forward to the increase in human military power. To achieve the goal of closing the dimensional rift, counterattacking the lair of the dimensional beast, and killing the dimensional beast in one go.

Generally speaking, life is difficult, but there is still hope, and the situation is stable and improving.

But on the native species side, the situation is exactly the opposite.

Since humans have been suppressed and the war situation is getting worse, the human army is retreating steadily, and there is no possibility of victory at all.

This leaves ordinary people living in peace to wait numbly for the arrival of native species, transforming them from humans into native species.

This kind of despair where there is no hope at all and can only passively wait for failure to come is the most frightening thing about the parallel world.

And after the original species arrived, the dimensional beast seemed to disappear and never appeared again. It also makes people confused.

But these are no longer important.

When Raymond came, there were only a few places on the Aqua Blue Planet in the parallel world where there was resistance. All other places have basically fallen.

It won't take long for the Aquamarine Planet to no longer belong to humans, but will become a planet of native species.

Humans can only leave Aquamarine and survive in the universe or Mars.

This is the ending in another world.

After listening to Raymond telling everything she knew, everyone was silent for a long time before Wang Liumei broke the silence.

"what about me?"

As everyone turned to stare, Wang Liumei looked directly at Lemeng.

"According to your statement, the only three survivors from the escape incident were me in the parallel world, Ni Xingxing, and the virtuous student Katarina."

"After Ni Xingxing died in battle, and Katarina and Youde turned against each other, what happened to me?"

Facing Wang Liumei's question, Lei Meng shook her head slightly: "I didn't know before, because after Youde was rescued by you and Ni Xingxing, and Youde became a native species."

"It's like you disappeared from the world over there."

"But at that time, considering that your family had been eliminated by all four major families, I guess you had become a native species like Youde."

Lei Mengmeng's eyebrows twitched: "Huh? You didn't know it before? What do you mean, you know it now?"

Lei Meng chuckled and looked at Lin Youde: "Didn't you ask me before how I got here?"

"Now, I can tell you."

"The reason why I was able to break through the unified border and come here is because someone found me and told me that you might need my help, and then teleported me to the vicinity of this city."

"That's why I appear here at this time."

Lin Youde was startled for a moment, and then, as if he thought of something, he suddenly stood up with Alufemi in his arms.

"Could it be that……"

Lei Mengmeng seemed to have thought of it, and looked at Wang Liumei in shock: "Could it be that..."

Lux also reacted and looked at Wang Liumei in shock: "Not long ago, the mysterious machine and mysterious woman that appeared on the battlefield were actually Sister Liumei?"

Wang Liumei listened to everyone's words, clasped her hands together, and looked at Raymond with a complicated expression: "Is that so?"

Raymond nodded: "That's right, that mysterious machine that has disappeared is you from my world."

"It's just that she no longer exists now."

Wang Liumei was stunned for a moment and asked, "What do you mean?"

Raymond shook his head slightly: "I don't know too well. You suddenly found me when you became a native species and told me that my help was needed here, so I came with you."

"When we were leaving, I asked her why she appeared in this world, and whether I had the virtue to come with her."

"But she didn't answer me, she just said "Farewell, Mengmeng" to me and then disappeared. "

"Based on the impressions you recorded before, I suspect that the other you may have collapsed together with that mysterious machine for some reason."

As he said that, Lei Meng noticed Lin Youde, who had an unhappy face, and quickly changed his words: "Of course, it may be that for some reason, he left this world and returned to my world."

After comforting Lin Youde and others, Lei Meng smiled bitterly when looking at Lin Youde and others whose expressions had not improved.

‘If possible, I don’t want to say that. But the guy's farewell tone and the scene he saw from here before. ’

‘It’s really hard for me to imagine that it was just leaving this world and returning to the other world, rather than the body and body being destroyed by some force. ’

It's just that the words have been spoken, and now it's too late to make amends.

And Raymond also feels that although this kind of thing is cruel, telling the truth may be necessary.

After all, this is something that both Lin Youde and Wang Liumei have the right to know.

After Raymond finished speaking, there was silence in the room for a long time, and then Lin Youde asked.

"Then...Lemon, what are your plans for the future?"

Raymond shrugged and said, "I've already had a showdown with you, what else can I do? Of course I'll stay."

"After all, I can't go back to the Shadow Mirror now. Lamia also needs me."

"So from now on I will stay here with you."

With that said, Lei Meng said to Lei Mengmeng: "Oh, by the way, about my matters and Alufemi's matters, you'd better say hello to your parents."

"In my side of the world, I sent my parents to Mars, and I haven't seen them in countless years."

"In my side of the world, my parents probably treat me as completely dead. After all, I can't go back."

"So, your dad and your mom here are also my dad and my mom, is that okay?"

Lei Mengmeng nodded naturally: "Of course, no problem. I will tell my parents about this."

"But I don't know how my parents will react. You'd better be mentally prepared."

Raymond waved his hands nonchalantly and said, "Don't worry, my parents are very receptive. This level is trivial. And..."

With a playful expression, Raymond looked at Alufemi in Lin Youde's arms: "Now that we have Alufemi, do you think mom will still miss us?"

Not sure what she was thinking of, Lei Mengmeng looked at Alfemi with a subtle expression: "That's right..."

Alufemi, who was held in Lin Youde's arms, suddenly shuddered and shrank into Lin Youde's arms...

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