Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 960 Lamia is Lamia

Lux didn't quite understand what Raymond and Lei Mengmeng meant. She glanced at Alfemi and asked doubtfully.

"So, Lamia and Raymond...sister, what is your relationship?"

Raymond glanced at Lin Youde and explained.

"Lamia is a new generation of artificial human created by me using the technology of the past."

"I was specially sent here, under the guise of a spy, to observe the differences between Youde and the two worlds and see if anything can be done."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked.

Lei Mengmeng's eyes widened: "What? Lamia is an artificial person? Well... wait a minute. If it is an artificial person, then some things will make sense."

"No wonder Lamia was able to show such exaggerated strange powers when she was attacked in the Principality of Rixent. It turns out that she is an artificial human..."

As she said that, Lei Mengmeng suddenly looked at Lin Youde strangely: 'At that time, Youde specially brought Lamia with him as a bodyguard. You must have taken a fancy to this, right? ’

‘Then does this mean that at that time, Youde already knew that Lamia was an artificial human? ’

Lei Mengmeng did not ask these words, because she thought about it and felt that it was meaningless to ask these questions now.

After all, Lemeng was one of her own. Lamia had already risked her life to block Lin Youde's knife, and her thoughts and stance had been fully revealed.

She didn't bother to ask about what happened before. As long as Lamia is one of her own, it doesn't matter to her.

On the other hand, Lacus looked at Raymond in surprise: "Artificial human? No wonder Lamia has such a good figure. It turns out that she is artificial..."

Wang Liumei glanced at Lux speechlessly: "Why is your focus always on such strange places? Is this the point?"

Lux glanced at Lei Mengmeng and Lei Meng with resentment, then looked down at herself, and finally pointed her resentful eyes at Wang Liumei's chest.

Wang Liumei lowered her head and glanced at her own, and then at Lux's. She was silent for a moment and turned away: "Okay, maybe you have a point."

Lei Mengmeng: "Huh??? What are you talking about?"

Lux and Wang Liumei said in unison: "Nothing."

Raymond looked at the two of them funny and said to everyone: "Although he is an artificial human, Lamia is not a robot in the sense you understand."

"Just like me now, except for the mechanical modules in a few parts of my body, most other places are made of flesh and blood just like humans."

Lin Youde looked at Raymond with some confusion: "In other words, Lamia is similar to Android No. 18 in "Dragon Ball", and is a human being, not a robot?"

Raymond tilted his head slightly: ""Dragon Ball"? Android No. 18? Um... that should be it."

"Although Lamia, as a spy and special combatant, has a lot of metal parts in her body, it is still within the scope of human beings."

"After all, it's different from the past. After witnessing that my daughter can really become a human, I don't want her to live as a robot anymore. Instead, she can live as a human and find her own happiness."

"Of course, I also understand that the Lamia of today is not the Lamia of the past. But I feel that if it were her, she should be able to understand what her true self is, just like she did in the past. From an artifact to a A real person."

"To this end, I customized everything for her that all women should have. Whether it is childbirth or breastfeeding, as long as it is something that a normal female human being can do, she can do it."

"She can also do things that ordinary human women cannot do. For example..."

Listening to Raymond chirping a lot, Lei Mengmeng, Lux, Wang Liumei, and Rita were all a little confused.

However, the four of them reacted quickly. Lemon remembered what happened before she turned into a black box.

"In other words, Sister Lemeng in the past also created an artificial human named Lamia, and gained herself and became like a human being?"

After a while, after Raymond finished speaking, Lux asked in a low voice.

Raymond nodded and returned: "That's right, I still have memories of this. Because Lamia is the past Raymond, one of his most satisfying works, an artificial person that can be called a human being. .”

"Oh, by the way, the machine that Lamia piloted in the past was also an Archangel."

"This is one of the reasons why I directly selected her to be the pilot of Bow Angel after I found the black box of Bow Angel."

Wang Liumei nodded slightly: "No wonder you said before that Lamia needs you. As a special artificial human, Lamia has some special parts in her body. Once those parts are damaged, regular hospitals cannot fix it."

Raymond shrugged: "Yes, that's it. Lamia was seriously injured this time. Although she managed to survive relying on various parts of the android, the human part was seriously injured."

"She will be unable to move for a short period of time, but her vital signs have stabilized, so you don't need to worry."

The last sentence was said by Raymond to Lin Youde.

Lin Youde nodded to express his understanding.

He was already happy to know that Lamia was still alive.

As for Lamia not being a simple artificial human, but closer to a real human woman, capable of giving birth, Lin Youde actually didn't care.

Because for Lin Youde, whether it is a human or a robot, Lamia is his indispensable partner.

In Japanese anime terms, Lamia is Lamia. It has nothing to do with whether it is a human or a robot.

After that, Lin Youde, Lei Mengmeng, Lux, and Wang Liumei went to deal with various things in the research institute.

Of course, Lin Youde also wanted to sort out and think about all the things Raymond said before.

But reality didn't give him such time at all.

Almost not long after Lei Meng finished speaking, the person in charge of Risheng University of Science and Technology, the commander of the garrison base in City B, and even the Tiangong Aerospace Military Academy sent people. Ask about the previous commotion outside the city.

In order to deal with these people, Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng also spent a lot of time and effort.

After all, although the commander of the garrison base in City B kept wiping his sweat with a handkerchief, Lin Youde could ignore it. But Lin Youde, the people from Risheng University of Science and Technology and Tiangong Aerospace Military Academy, couldn't be left out in the cold.

One is the university where he is currently studying, and the other is the school run by Mr. Wu Mu, who takes care of him a lot in the parallel world.

No matter how annoying Lin Youde is, he still has to give them some face.

And after knowing the situation in the parallel world, Lin Youde understood the importance of friends and allies even more.

In order to win over more friends and reliable allies, Lin Youde also spent a lot of effort.

At the very least, you cannot let these people become your enemies...

After working like this until nightfall, Lin Youdecai sat with everyone in the cafeteria of the institute, eating slumped down and thinking about a problem.

'Who was the person who warned me that Mengmeng was in danger in the city before...'

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