Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 965 Why do nothing?

When Lin Youde and others went outside the city, something happened in the city.

City B·Tiangong Aerospace Military Academy

Wu Mu sat on a chair, looked out the window, and asked the young man who just opened the door and came in.

"Xiao Tie, why is it so noisy outside?"

A young man named Tetsuya Onodera came to the door and explained.

"Principal, there was some noise outside. It seems that Dr. Lin Youde took someone out again."

Wu Mu was a little surprised: "Oh? Are you taking people out at this time? Isn't the riot during the day over yet?"

Tetsuya Onodera held a large pile of paper documents and said with a wry smile: "I don't know about that. I just sorted out the documents and sent them to you."

"As for other things, I also want to find someone to ask."

"But I personally feel that even if I ask someone at this time, I probably won't get an answer, right?"

"After all, Dr. Lin Youde is probably in a bad mood now because of what happened during the day."

Wu Mu nodded slightly, without comment.

After Onodera Tetsuya put the documents he had brought over on his desk, he looked at Takemu and hesitated to speak.

Wu Mu saw Tetsuya Onodera's hesitant look from the corner of his eye, and couldn't help but chuckled: "If you have anything to say, just ask."

"Mother-in-law, going to Datie for an internship in the future will only embarrass me."

Onodera Tetsuya smiled bitterly and said, "Okay, since the principal said so. Then I'll ask."

"Principal, does the commander of our garrison base near City B have a problem?"

"Including the previous attacks, Dr. Lin Youde has been attacked twice."

"Once it can be said to be a coincidence, but twice there is something obviously wrong."

"I don't think you know anything about this, you..."

Onodera Tetsuya didn't say any more, while Takemu smiled happily.

"It seems that you don't just want to ask for yourself, but you are asking for other people in the school."

"What, those little guys, chose you as their representative?"

Tetsuya Onodera bowed his head slightly in embarrassment, looking a little shy: "Yes, yes. The junior students learned that Dr. Lin Youde was attacked outside the city again, and the crowd was excited."

"Everyone knows that I am coming here to deliver information to you, so you all entrust me to ask you questions."

"After all, in our B City, the real talker is you."

Wu Mu chuckled: "You kid, don't talk nonsense. I'm just a bad old man who retired here and took a job for retirement. I'm not a talker."

"If your words spread, I'm afraid the mayor will be unhappy."

Tetsuya Onodera smiled naively: "Principal, you are right. But everyone thinks so, and there is nothing I can do about it."

"Who doesn't know that Mr. Mayor is your student. As long as you speak, the Mayor will definitely..."

Wu Mu waved his hand and stopped Tetsuya Onodera from continuing: "Xiao Tetsu, remember, there are some things you can say in your stomach, but not with your mouth."

"As a captain and a qualified commander, you must learn to be calm and know what you can and cannot say."

"Once you are dominated by your personal emotions, your subordinates will also be infected. Do you understand?"

After listening to Takemu's lesson, Onodera Tetsuya quickly lowered his head: "Yes, I will study hard."

Wu Mu nodded slightly, put his hands behind his back, and looked out the window: "Well, I went to Da Tiena later and studied hard."

"As one of the few He tribe soldiers who have the backbone and responsibility to retreat from the old Neon army with the people, Datie can be your role model."

Onodera Tetsuya nodded and replied, "Yes, I have been following Captain Minase Otetsu's example and learning from him."

"In the future, I will definitely work hard to become an upright and outstanding integrated soldier like Captain Minase Otetsu!"

Listening to Onodera Tetsuya's words, Takemu nodded with satisfaction.

After a while, Wu Mu returned.

"As you said, the commander of the garrison base in City B does have a problem. I already knew about this before that little guy Lin Youde attacked for the first time."

Onodera Tetsuya was a little surprised: "What? You knew it before that? Doesn't that mean you..."

Wu Mu nodded slightly, looked at the night sky, and replied calmly.

"Yes, I allowed them to act."

"When the commander was transferred, I knew which faction that guy was from."

"The reason why he was transferred here is to monitor people in various campuses in City B."

"I had expected that his faction would take drastic actions after being attacked by that little guy Lin Youde."

Saying that, Wu Mu turned his head, looked at Tetsuya Onodera, and asked, "Don't you understand why I did nothing?"

At Tetsuya Onodera's nod, Takemu smiled happily.

"Because I'm old."

Onodera Tetsuya was even more confused: "What do you mean?"

Wu Mu turned his back again and said calmly: "You young people have your young people's battlefield, and us old guys have our old guys' battlefield."

"It's true that us old guys have a lot of resources and a lot of rights that you don't have."

"But if we protect you too well, you won't be able to grow."

"All I can do is give you a place to sleep peacefully and ensure you have a place to rest."

"Beyond this, anywhere, including the sky in this city, is your battlefield."

"These are troubled times, and the flowers in the greenhouse will not be able to carry the weight of this era."

Tetsuya Onodera seemed to understand. He frowned and asked, "But if something unexpected happens, then Dr. Lin Youde will..."

Wu Mu sighed: "Without wind and rain, how can we see a rainbow?"

"If he dies in an attack of this magnitude, it means that he is nothing more than that."

"Which one of the old guys like Yang Ye and I didn't come out of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood?"

"Compared to what we had back then, the kind of attacks he suffered were nothing more than drizzle."

With Tetsuya Onodera's mouth slightly twitching, Takemu was talking to himself.

"If you don't have the guts to poop on the head of the Lord of Hell and ask for paper from the Lord of Hell, you can't take over our class."

"Our time is running out. We can protect you for a while, but we cannot protect you for the rest of your life."

"Under our noses, those guys are limited in what they can do. Even if it is dangerous, there is still a glimmer of hope."

"If it really doesn't work, if you run back, you can at least survive."

"The guards of each school are not only prepared to fight against the dimensional beasts, but also to block your pursuers at critical moments and allow you to escape back."

"But in other places, you might be isolated and helpless, in a desperate situation without any hope of survival, without even giving you a chance to escape."

" can only fight on your own."

"If you can fight it out, you are a hero and the pillar of the country. If you can't fight it out, then take the first step and wait for us old guys to follow you and teach you."

As he said that, the expression on Wu Mu's face gradually became relieved: "However, the situation is different from Yang Ye's side. The little guy I am responsible for taking care of here is quite good and has a lot of promise."

"It's no wonder that Xiao Zhao specially greeted me and asked me to take care of him."

"Although there seemed to be some accidents this morning, at any rate, he survived."

"After experiencing so many attacks, no matter how dangerous the situation is, he still has the courage and ability to break out."

"This way, us old guys can leave with peace of mind..."

Thanks to "≮Semitic·Disease≯" and "Su Qingting" for the reward of 100,000 starting coins!

Thanks to "saseso" for the reward of 50,000 starting coins.

Thanks to "Bingjianxin" for the reward of 1,500 starting coins.

Thank you "Su Qingqing" for becoming the 6th alliance leader in this book!

Thanks to "saseso" for becoming the 7th leader of this book!

Counting the 10 updates owed by the previous "≮Semitic·Disease≯" reward of 100,000, a total of 35 updates are currently owed.

After the accumulated manuscripts are accumulated, the author will explode and pay them off as soon as possible! Please don’t worry!

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