Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 966 Unexpected Visitor

Takemu's words scared Onodera Tetsuya.

"Old principal, please don't scare me."

Wu Mu turned around and smiled cheerfully: "Don't worry, I can still survive for 8 or 9 years with my old bones. It's not so easy to meet my old comrades."

"I have to watch more of you grow up before I can leave with peace of mind."

After hearing this, Tetsuya Onodera breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's good, that's good."

Takemu looked at Tetsuya Onodera with a smile, shook his head, and walked back to his desk.

"Okay, just listen to what I'm telling you. Don't talk about it."

"It's not like the other little guys are about to go into battle right away like you. They're still not very brave. It's not good to be scared."

Onodera Tetsuya smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, Principal, I know."

Takemu took the file and browsed it quickly, Onodera Tetsuya bent down, opened the door and walked out.

After Onodera left for a while, Wu Mu frowned slightly.

"Native species? Is the huge monster that appeared in the sky before the leader of the so-called native species?"

"Unexpectedly, besides dimensional beasts, humans actually have other enemies. Moreover, these guys are also interested in those with strong thoughts and new humans."

"It seems that even monsters covet people with super powers among humans."

"Moreover, those guys actually came to cause chaos and infighting when facing foreign enemies. It seems that we need to give those guys some color."

"Old man, I'm just getting old, but I'm not dead yet."

With a flash of light in his eyes, Wu Mu looked at another report and his face looked much better.

"Facing this desperate situation, we can survive and even negotiate peace, giving us a 100-year development period."

"We even woken up the Dragon King and Tiger King, and all of them were unharmed."

"There was such a big commotion, but only one black box, Grungast Type 3, Unit 1, was lost?"

"Such a battle-loss ratio can be said to be fierce."

"Not to mention, the native species also sent a little bodyguard to the little guy Lin Youde."

"Now those idiots who want to touch him again will probably have to think twice. This little guy has the ability to flip a table now."

"That boy Zhao Zheng is indeed right. This little guy Lin Youde is indeed very lucky and can achieve great things."

"To be targeted by such a strange race as the native species, this little guy Lin Youde is definitely a hot commodity now."

"It seems that I have to say hello to those old guys, but I can't let this little guy continue to be angry."

"If he gets angry and takes his wife and children to join the original species, humanity will really be doomed."

"Today's human beings are already having a headache when facing dimensional beasts. If a native species is added to the mix, it will really be a disaster. But..."

Wu Mu touched his chin, with a thoughtful look on his face: "Even the native species are interested in Lin Youde, the strongest new human being. There is no guarantee that those aliens will not covet him."

"Do we need to let this kid take a trip to the universe so that he can see clearly the true situation of the current world?"

Wu Mu thought...

And the other side.

After seeing off Lin Youde on the other side, Lin Youde also returned to the Lin Research Institute with everyone in a depressed mood.

As for the people from the garrison base and other forces returning to their original places to search for traces related to native species after they dispersed, Lin Youde didn't bother to care.

What should have been cleaned before has been cleaned long ago.

Now those people can't find anything, and their work is destined to be in vain.

Returning to the research institute, the ancient iron giant was transformed into ordinary ancient iron, and was handed over to Robert, Marian Radom, Lakshatta and others who looked horrified for repair. Lin Youde left Gnaku with Lei Mengmeng, Raymond, Alufemi, Lux, Wang Liumei, Lin Liuli, and Lita, intending to go to his office to talk about his private matters.

The others also dispersed very wisely to sort out their moods.

Because Rita was a special insider, she did not leave with Jonah and Michelle. After saying hello to the two of them, he took Lin Liuli's hand and followed Lin Youde and others.

However, as soon as Lin Youde arrived at his office and opened the door, Lin Youde and others found that there was someone waiting for them inside.

Looking at the handsome purple-haired guy sitting on the sofa, drinking tea by himself, Lin Youde was stunned for a moment. The others also looked at each other in confusion.

Seeing everyone returning, the purple-haired handsome man put down his tea cup and said to Lin Youde, "Should we say we met for the first time? Youde."

Lin Youde's pupils shrank. Lei Mengmeng glanced at Lin Youde and asked directly: "Who are you? How did you get in?"

The handsome purple-haired guy smiled slightly and said, "It seems like you recognize me."

Taking out a certificate from his chest and placing it on the table, the handsome purple-haired man put his hands on his knees and said.

"Although you know me, your little girlfriends don't seem to know me yet."

"In that case, let me introduce myself."

"My name is Kiliam Jaeger, and I currently work for the Dragon Team, the special intelligence unit of the Human Innovation Alliance~!"

"At the same time, I am also from the other side of the world just like Raymond over there."

As soon as Kiliam said this, everyone was shocked.

Lei Mengmeng suddenly looked at Raymond: "Are they from another world?"

Raymond was also a little confused: "Don't look at me, I don't know. I had never seen this person when I transferred. But..."

Suddenly frowning, Raymond looked at Kiliam doubtfully: "I always feel like I have seen you somewhere."

Killiam smiled without explaining.

Lux looked at the ID in confusion: "Special Intelligence Department Dragon Group? This name is so strange."

Wang Liumei also twitched the corners of her mouth slightly: "Is this name an accident? Or is it intentional?"

Kiliam smiled and said: "It's intentional. The person who founded this organization seems to be a senior fan of ancient novels."

"So at the beginning of its establishment, we deliberately chose this name that is well-known to everyone here in Tonghe, and it is also unreasonable."

"In a sense, this is a name that is down to earth and close to public opinion, isn't it?"

As a person from the C.E world, Lux couldn't understand it at all.

Wang Liumei, a native of the United Nations, rolled her eyes wildly after hearing this.

"I just think it's tacky. No wonder the legend about the magical dragon group started again on the Internet at some point. I thought it was some old Internet joke that was retold."

"Now it seems that you have taken care of it yourself."

While Wang Liumei shook her head, Rita looked at Kiriam curiously.

"So, uncle, are you our friend?"

Gilliam nodded slightly: "Of course, Youde and I are old friends, right~!?"

After hearing this, everyone looked at Lin Youde.

Lin Youde made no excuse for this, and just asked: "When did you come here?"

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