Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 968 Fuse, Kiliam?

The only thing that Lin Youde was not sure about was how much memory Kiliam still retained.

You must know that Gilliam is the second person besides C.C that Lin Youde has met who still retains his original purpose and memory.

Referring to the damaged memory of C.C himself, Lin Youde has reason to believe that Gilliam, who can move freely in this world and still retains the memory of the previous era, must also be subject to some kind of restrictions.

While Lin Youde was thinking, Lux looked at Kiriam doubtfully: "Return to the original world?"

Lei Mengmeng frowned and looked at Kiliam in surprise.

"Did you learn about it from Amuro? Could it be that you and Amuro are..."

Kiliam looked at Lin Youde and asked, "Can you tell me?"

Lin Youde did not hesitate and nodded: "Okay."

With that said, Lin Youde also planned to see how much Kiliam knew now.

With Lin Youde's approval, Kiliam confessed to Lei Mengmeng.

"That's right, like Raymond beside you and Amuro in the world of machine combat, I used to be fighting partners in the previous era."

"It's different from them choosing to enter the world of machine combat or the black box and become your power."

"My ultimate goal is to return to my original world."

"And I didn't come from a parallel world like Raymond. Instead, I came from a completely different world. Due to some accidental reasons, I fell into the big universe we are in now."

"In order to go back, I couldn't be trapped in the world of machine combat, nor could I wait for death in a black box. So, I chose to keep myself and wait for the opportunity to go back."

Amid everyone's shocked expressions, Lin Youde looked at Kiliam and asked, "How much of your memory of the last era do you still retain?"

"I met C.C before. Her memory seems to be very damaged. She can't remember many things."

Lei Mengmeng looked at Lin Youde in surprise: "That woman C.C too?"

When Lin Youde nodded, Kiliam smiled bitterly and said: "Not much, but it should be more than that guy C.C."

"It's different from C.C who quit the team and wandered around because someone died. I fought with Amuro and the others until the last moment."

"And because I was mainly responsible for intelligence at that time, just like now, I died relatively late."

"But as a price for my freedom to move in this era, I, like C.C., am also subject to some restrictions."

"Because I know more than C.C., many memories are blocked and I cannot recall them without telling you. Some of the memories that I can recall are also restricted and cannot be told to you."

Lin Youde frowned slightly: "It seems that you have so many restrictions. What happened in the last era? That made you restricted everywhere?"

Gilliam smiled bitterly and said: "We are all dead. To be able to live again is already an extra-judicial mercy from that existence. We don't dare to ask for too much."

"After all, in the final analysis, we are defeated. As losers, we don't have much choice."

"As for what happened in the last era, I can't say. What I can tell you is that Kousuke, Amuro, and the other one can probably tell you about it."

Wang Liumei crossed her arms and asked angrily: "Then what else can you do? This can't be said, that can't be done. What's the point of having virtue in the world over there looking for you?"

Kiliam looked a little embarrassed: "This... I still have some use for the time being."

"I still retain the intelligence detection, intelligence collection abilities, and combat skills I developed in the last era."

"The knowledge that belongs to my own research and production of the XN System (Holy Spirit System) is still retained."

"As one of the few people who have retained the past era and can move freely. I can be considered one of his virtuous people who can win over and be willing to help him."

Saying that, Kiliam glanced at Lin Youde.

Lin Youde immediately understood that Gilliam, like Nanbu Xiosuke, knew that he was a soul from another dimension.

Only if he knew this, he would help Lin Youde unconditionally.

Now, by cooperating with Lin Youde's words, he is also showing his favor to Lin Youde.

After this trial, Lin Youde was generally sure that Kiliam was one of his own.

It was just Gilliam's words that made Raymond and others suddenly lose their composure.

Lei Mengmeng looked at Kiliam in shock: "What? Did you create the XN system (Holy Spirit System)?"

Raymond's eyes were also full of surprise: "Are you the creator of the XN System (Holy Spirit System)?"

Amid everyone's shocked expressions, Kiliam smiled bitterly and said, "That's right, otherwise, Raymond, where do you think the XN system (Holy Spirit System) in your world came from?"

"That thing was destroyed along with the past world due to the destruction of the last era."

"If I don't recreate it, can you escape with so many people?"

Raymond pursed his lips: "I'm just talking about how those people found the XN system (Holy Spirit System) that was obviously damaged, but didn't look like an antique left over from the previous era. Dare you give it to us on purpose? "

Lei Mengmeng also looked at Raymond: "In other words, you are actually kind and sent it here on purpose?"

Raymond nodded slightly, and Lux ​​looked at Kiliam doubtfully: "So, what is your purpose?"

Kiliam said frankly: "I act as a fuse for Youde in this world to continue to implement the plan after his body and consciousness collapse prematurely due to an accident."

"Because Youde continuously opened up parallel worlds and searched for a way to keep everyone alive, he tried again and again. His body, soul, and consciousness may have disappeared due to the backlash of that force."

"Before he achieves what he wants, he needs someone to help him continue his plan after an accident."

"And I, a remnant from the previous era, am the most suitable person to implement this registration plan."

"At the same time, after the plan is completed, it becomes a nail driven into the unity."

"In the last era, many of our people died in vain due to infighting among the people on the home front."

"In order not to repeat the same mistakes, it is the best way to go inside the rear area to collect intelligence and even monitor certain people."

"In addition, because I will know in advance that the people from the Shadow Mirror Force will arrive. I also have people responsible for investigating the two worlds. After arriving in one world, I will see who will disappear."

"In fact, this investigation did produce results."

"The black boxes held by a series of shadow mirror troops such as the Bow Angels, Soul Reavers, and Power Seizers in this world disappeared on their own after their arrival."

"The younger Axel and some people from the Future Shadow Mirror Force disappeared directly."

"After the two worlds came into contact, those who disappeared were basically the people from our current world."


PS: The condition is so bad...

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