Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 969 Died again

Kiliam's words made Lin Youde frown.

But before he could speak, Kiliam paused briefly and received it.

"But, this is not a bad thing."

Wang Liumei looked at Kiriam in surprise: "What do you mean?"

Kiliam returned: "In fact, because people in the other world use the XN system (Holy Spirit System) to jump over and make different choices with Youde, it has a dual impact of changing the trajectory of history."

"Some people who originally survived in the other world died early and young."

"And now with the arrival of people from the other side of the world, in a sense, these people have the possibility of a second life."

"Although, they don't know it yet."

Gilliam's words made everyone puzzled. I don't quite understand who he is talking about.

Lin Youde, on the other hand, suddenly twitched his eyebrows because he had seen some memories of his other self in the second world.

"You're talking about Catalina, right?"

Amid everyone's surprised expressions, Kiliam responded with a smile and a slight nod.

"As expected of being virtuous, his insight is amazing. Yes, some of the people on our side who were supposed to be alive have become dead."

"Katrina, who became your student in the other world, happens to be one of them."

Lin Youde touched his chin: "No wonder I didn't meet Catalina when I went to Tiangong Aerospace Military Academy to recruit Refina."

"Was she in this world already dead before that?"

After saying that, Lin Youde was silent for a moment and asked: "Then... what is the cause of death of Catalina, who has died in the world here?"

Gilliam responded: "Due to the deviation in the expansion position of the dimensional crack caused by the transmission of the XN (Holy Spirit System) system, he was killed by the dimensional beast that emerged from the dimensional crack."

Lin Youde frowned: "Are you sure this is caused by the XN System (Holy Spirit System)?"

"Aren't the dimensional cracks of dimensional beasts appearing irregularly?"

Gilliam shook his head: "Although the dimensional cracks of dimensional beasts appear irregularly, the one that led to Katarina's death was obviously different."

"I have investigated and found that the original dimensional crack was a small dimensional crack with a low hazard level that would open in a wasteland area outside the city."

"But as soon as the dimensional rift opened, it suddenly closed due to a special force and instantly opened from the sky above a certain place in the city."

"At the same time, there are also special marks left by the Shadow Mirror troops after they were teleported in that uninhabited area, and traces of the XN system (Holy Spirit system) being deployed."

"Therefore, I deduce that the dimensional rift was caused by the space transmission of the XN system (Holy Spirit system), which caused space dislocation and was squeezed out."

"The dimensional beast that was supposed to be teleported was unwilling to give up, so it opened dimensional cracks at the misplaced place and continued to release the dimensional beast."

"There have been no fewer than five similar situations on Aquamarine. Although the number is not large, it is enough to serve as a sample."

"In this regard, I personally conclude that this is an accident that may occur during the transfer of the XN system (Holy Spirit system)."

Kiliam was so confident in his statement that he even took out a USB flash drive and put it on the table. Lin Youde couldn't help but not believe it.

Lux walked over and took the USB flash drive, handed it to Lin Youde, inserted it into the office computer, and read the data.

After a brief browse, Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng and Lei Meng beside him all nodded slightly and agreed with his statement.

At least in terms of data, the evidence is very sufficient and sufficient.

Although he felt sorry for the innocent people who died at the hands of the dimensional beasts, except for Katarina, there was no one Lin Youde was familiar with on the list of the dead.

Lin Youde didn't have too many sentimental emotions and didn't bother to question, choosing to believe in Gilliam.

"So, what are the consequences of these things?"

"Also, why did you all come here after the Spring Festival of 2234, that is, after the HLD incident and Geta and the Demon God were activated?"

In the face of Lin Youde's inquiry, Kiliam also gave an answer.

"First of all, the question of why we all arrived in this world in 2234 is easy to answer. Because this is the result of deliberate control by Youde."

Amid everyone's surprised expressions, Kiliam said calmly.

"It's not like Youde and I haven't tried to go back to the earlier past to change history or something."

"But the result of that is not good. Because going back too early will greatly affect history, cause too much dislocation, and cause too much uncontrollability."

"After all, Youde only came into contact with "Machine War" around July 2233 and obtained the Gundam."

"Once you return to a world earlier than this point in time and do something, we cannot guarantee whether you will still choose to enter "Machine War"."

When Lei Mengmeng heard this, she was also startled: "Yes, if Youde had not entered the mecha battle to obtain the Gundam, then there might have been deviations when Youde and I met again."

In this regard, Lin Youde actually understood another meaning of Kiliam.

Before July 2233, Lin Youde was not a time traveler, but the original Lin Youde of this world.

Without the memory attached to the time traveler, he would not be able to obtain the Gundam at all.

Once something is done before this, it will affect the course of history, and Lin Youde will not become a time traveler. Then maybe Lin Youde's plan on the other side will collapse.

Therefore, this is the reason why Lin Youde and Gilliam did not choose to go back to an earlier point in time.

At the same time, Kiliam also continued at this time.

"Not only that, after our previous attempts, we found that once we come back too early and intervene too much, the results will not necessarily be good."

Raymond looked at Kiliam in confusion: "What do you mean?"

Kiliam said succinctly: "For example, in a certain world. Because I contacted Youde in that world too directly, I told him that Lei Mengmeng would be in danger. And Lei Mengmeng herself did not leave at that time. ."

"After the two of them learned that Lei Mengmeng would die after leaving this time, Youde ignored everything and forced Lei Mengmeng to stay."

Lei Mengmeng was startled and asked curiously: "Then...did I agree?"

Kiliam looked at Lei Mengmeng helplessly: "You agreed on the surface, but secretly you didn't believe it. In the end, you sneaked out with Li Te again. The result is self-evident, you are dead."

Under Lei Mengmeng's shy expression, Kiliam sighed: "At first, I didn't understand why you wanted to die so much."

"Later, after I talked with Bai Hechou, I discovered that there was a dead cause and effect node on your body that bound you."

"Under the influence of the power of cause and effect, plus the original species at that time gave up on you. As a result, your emotions were affected by the two forces, which is a so-called dementia state."

"In order to interfere with this power of cause and effect, Youde and I decided to use force after studying for a while. We forcibly tied you up the second time you tried to escape."

Lei Mengmeng blushed and asked softly: "Then, what's the result?"

Killiam shrugged: "You died again."

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