Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 989: Have a grudge against the Free Federation?

After rethinking and reviewing, and confirming that there was no problem, Lin Youde decided that he had to go to the Third New Tokyo City.

Whether it is to ensure the safety of Ikari Yuantang and Ikari Wei, let the devil ZERO come. In order to protect his parents and family, Shinji Ikari forced the EVA Unit-0 to deify.

It is still to avoid making the sea water red like in the other world, causing the first impact in the EVA world, and preventing the sea water from being polluted.

Lin Youde had to deal with the apostles on the old Neon Islands.

Experienced the sacrifice of Nanbu Xiosuke and another self in the other world.

Lin Youde no longer wanted to sit back and wait for death.

He must take the initiative and gather the forces that can be united as quickly as possible to make his own camp as strong as possible.

Only in this way can we deal with the crises that may follow in the future.

After thoroughly deciding on the direction, Lin Youde suggested to the six people of the Demon God Group, Geta Group, and Wang Kai who were meditating.

"Let's go together to conquer the old Neon Islands and save all the people in New Tokyo City!"

Lin Youde's sudden suggestion made everyone stunned.

But soon, everyone was excited and responded one after another.

Liu Longma's eyes lit up: "Youde, are you finally ready to regain the lost ground for unification?"

God Falcon thought: "I have watched TV before and know that there are still people alive on the Old Neon Islands, waiting for rescue."

Tomoe Musashi echoed: "Yes, I remember it was from the research institute at Youde. The body is called EVA."

Du Jianlong and Kang Dingbang looked at each other and nodded in unison.

Du Jianlong: "It is our duty to save people."

Kang Dingbang: "Yes, I can save people and hone my combat skills, which makes me one step closer to my ideal of being a combat expert. This kills two birds with one stone, so of course I want to go."

Wang Kai is more direct: "Since I know there are still people alive, of course I have to save them. Saving people in danger and going through hardships with everyone, I believe my courage will be improved to a higher level, of course I will definitely go!"

Everyone responded without thinking, and Lin Youde showed a happy smile on the spot.

"I knew you would agree."

"Isn't it natural? We are partners~!"*6

Lin Youde responded with a smile: "Yes, we are partners~!"

After answering with a smile, Lin Youde told everyone what Nanbu Xiangsuke said that the real enemy in the future has not yet appeared.

After being told that enemies stronger than dimensional beasts and native species might appear. No one present showed any fear, but instead looked eager to try.

Regarding future enemies, everyone said that they would never come back or anything like that.

But having said that, everyone also understands that it is necessary to actively prepare for the future.

Whether it is to completely eliminate the dangers of dimensional beasts or to prepare against powerful enemies that may appear in the future. None of them chose to back down.

In fact, everyone started discussing on the spot how to integrate the power of the Lin Research Institute, the Saotome Research Institute, the Photon Power Research Institute, and the GGG secret defense base. Here comes a new wave of body upgrades.

Seeing how everyone was discussing the various enhancement plans for the body in the future, Lin Youde was happy and said to everyone.

"Then I will make preparations, apply to the higher authorities, and lead the troops to regain the lost ground."

"After you go back, you will also inform the research institute and the base."

"Due to the prestige I have gained so far, and the important matter of conquering the lost land, which is beneficial to the country and the people, I believe the higher-ups will approve it soon. So you are ready to attack at any time."

In response, everyone said there was no problem.

Afterwards, everyone talked about body modification plans and other things.

In addition to actively providing the technology that he can use to everyone for free, Lin Youde also suddenly remembered what Kiliam said about the "True Super Robot Contest" before.

Lin Youde thought for a moment and informed everyone about the event.

This is not just because the event itself has become a global live broadcast and will be known to everyone in the future.

It was because Lin Youde felt that Du Jianlong, Liu Longma, and Wang Kai would also be invited.

"...That's it. I just received the news today that there will be such an event."

"Now our respective machines can be regarded as the signature of the integration."

"So I think that whether it is the Demon God, Geta, or GGG (my Wang Kaiya), they will probably all be assigned a quota to show off on the world stage."

After everyone listened, they became excited again.

Wang Kai was excited and excited: "The world stage? There is no danger to your life. You can show yourself to your heart's content, hone your skills, and exercise your courage. It's really fascinating~"

Liu Longma grinned: "This relationship is good. I have long wanted to meet the real Geta of the Free Federation."

God Hayato is more rational: "There is an obvious technical gap between Geta Dragon and True Geta. If we target them, we may be at a disadvantage."

Tomoe Musashi also nodded: "Furthermore, it seems that Dr. Saotome has not yet mastered the manufacturing technology of Shin Geta, and it is unlikely that he will be able to develop it in a short time."

Liu Longma didn't care: "What are you afraid of? How boring is it to fight Zhen Geta with Zhen Geta? Using Geta Dragon to fight Zhen Geta is a real man."

God Hayato was helpless: "Okay, since you said so. If we back down, will we still be considered men?"

Tomoe Musashi shrugged: "Yes, you have said both good and bad things, so we can only follow suit. But although Zhen Geta has no hope, it is probably still feasible to upgrade Geta Dragon."

Liu Longma slapped his thigh: "Okay, it's probably too early for the competition to start. We can take advantage of this opportunity to regain lost ground and save people. Let's see if there are any shortcomings in us and the machine, and make up for it as soon as possible. Find the problem!"

God Hayato nodded slightly: "Well, let's do it!"

Tomoe Musashi echoed: "No problem."

The Geta group was chatting in a lively manner, while the Demon God group had an atmosphere that was not only exciting but also smelled of gunpowder.

Du Jianlong and Kang Dingbang looked at each other with blazing fire in their eyes.

Du Jianlong said solemnly: "Dingbang?"

Kang Dingbang nodded heavily: "The Demon God from the Free Federation will definitely come, and the Demon God and Geta over there are the signatures. So, if we have a chance, we must let those damn bandits understand that the Demon God belongs to us!"

Du Jianlong gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, we must prove that the demon god belongs to grandpa, not those bandits."

"We want to use the materials and technology left behind by my grandfather to create a machine that can defeat those stolen Demon God series machines and prove who is the orthodox one!"

The conversation between Du Jianlong and Kang Dingbang attracted Lin Youde, Wang Kai, and the Geta team to look over.

Lin Youde asked: "Huh? What do you mean? Were those demon gods from the Free Federation snatched away? Jianlong, Dingbang, you have enmity with the Free Federation!?"

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