Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 990 Different development routes of the Demon God series

Not only Lin Youde, but also Liu Ryoma, Kamin Hayato, Tomoe Musashi, and Wang Kai were puzzled.

Liu Longma was a little confused: "What do you mean? Were those demon robots from the Free Federation stolen?"

The God Falcon was also a little curious: "Can you tell me in detail? It seems that you guys, Stegosaurus, have never mentioned these things before."

Tomoe Musashi nodded: "Well, I'm pretty sure you haven't mentioned this before."

Wang Kai echoed: "Let's talk about this in detail first."

Du Jianlong and Kang Dingbang looked at each other, and finally Kang Dingbang said.

"It's up to you. After all, I'm just an adopted son adopted by my father, and you are my biological child."

Du Jianlong slapped Kang Dingbang: "Don't make trouble, is there any difference now?"

After saying Kang Dingbang, Du Jianlong explained.

"Actually, Dingbang and I were originally unified people living in the old Neon Islands."

"Our father is a traditional Han Chinese, and our mother is a He ethnic minority."

"Because in the early years, my father wanted to assist my grandfather in Doujuzo's research, so we lived in the old Neon Islands when we were young."

"Originally, our life was relatively peaceful. Even with the threat of dimensional beasts, under the protection of the unified military, the city of the Old Neon Islands was relatively safe."

"But this peace was broken because of an accident."

"More than ten years ago, when Dingbang and I were still very young, dimensional beasts suddenly descended on our city on a large scale."

"Of course, if it's just the sudden arrival of the dimensional beast, it doesn't matter. After all, the dimensional beast has been a natural disaster that we have been taught since we were born."

"In the face of natural disasters, we are all prepared for prevention. Just like earthquakes, we evacuate and leave the battle to the soldiers."

"But what people didn't expect was that in that accident, soldiers from the Free Federation appeared out of nowhere and attacked my father and grandpa's research institute."

"The Demon series machines and black boxes that my grandfather researched and manufactured were all taken away."

"In this incident, my grandfather also died in an attack by the Free Federation. He was not killed by a natural disaster like a dimensional beast, but died of a man-made disaster."

Liu Longma's expression was very ugly: "TNND, according to this logic, the Free Federation's Getter robot must have been stolen from someone unknown, right? Are those guys so inhumane?"

Tomoe Musashi calmly replied, "It's hard to say, but the Free Federation is most famous for burning, killing, and looting."

"After all, their various film and television works all praise pirates."

"Before the establishment of the three major countries, the bald eagle on the North American continent who was not in the Free Federation was also the best at provoking wars, invading other countries, and seizing resources."

"With such a foundation, it is not surprising that the Free Federation would do such a thing."

The God Falcon nodded: "Yes, let's not talk about the past, even now, the Free Federation remains true to its nature."

"I have learned about it before when I read books. When the three major countries were first established, there were still many small countries that could survive without joining."

"But those small countries were either destroyed by dimensional beasts or by the Free Federation."

"Only a few small countries were integrated by the Silla Alliance because they were located on the European continent."

"As for us in East Asia, because of historical origins and other reasons, even small countries are very powerful in fighting."

"Until the dimensional beast offensive became more and more powerful, small countries could no longer support themselves and asked big countries for help, and big countries could not support it either. Then the founder of the country used various events to integrate them, and finally evolved into the current human innovation integration."

“That’s when part of my interest in history developed.”

"Because I found that many things in the three major countries can be traced back to history, and some motivational reasons can be found."

"The cultural differences among the three countries have led to the completely different ways in which the three countries deal with various matters."

"The Free Federation is always ready to go to war when trouble comes. It likes to steal things from other people's homes. It looks like a big country, but in fact it is still the foundation of pirate civilization, just like before."

"The Silla Alliance regards itself as a noble aristocracy. Although it looks down upon others, it also has the illusion of completing the unification and restoring the glory of the Holy Roman Empire. The name of the Silla Alliance also comes from this. It means the rebirth of the Holy Roman Alliance. "

"As for our human innovation and integration, it is still the way of traditional China. If you are poor, you can be alone, and if you are rich, you can help the world. At that time, Taizu should also want to imitate the ancient Qin Shihuang. First build the Great Wall to resist foreign enemies, and then accumulate strength to complete The unification of mankind. Bringing the final unity to the innovation of mankind."

"The cultural foundation has led to the current three major countries..."

Wang Kai quickly raised his hand: "Stop, Mr. Hayato, this is not the time to lecture, please stop for a moment."

After planning to prevent Hayato from digressing further, Wang Kai quickly brought the topic back.

"In other words, the black box of the Demon God series actually belonged to our collective, and was studied by Stegoryu's grandfather, Mr. Kabuto Juzo, and Stegoryu and Dingbang's father."

"It was only because of the Free Federation's early attacks that all the black boxes were taken away. The Demon God series has since become synonymous with the Free Federation."

"Because of this, Jianlong and Dingbang have a blood feud with the Free Federation, right?"

After listening to Wang Kai's words, Du Jianlong nodded and responded.


Wang Kai asked curiously: "Then your demon god is now re-created based on some of the information you left from Mr. Kabutojuzo?"

Kang Dingbang returned: "That's right, my grandfather didn't leave much information back then."

"I also made the product myself after reverse research based on some of the information my father left at home and some parts of mass-produced demon robots currently circulating on the black market."

"Although the basics are the same, our Demon God and the Demon God of the Free Federation should now have become two different bodies."

Liu Longma scratched his head and was a little curious: "Oh? What do you mean? It's all based on Mr. Kabutojuzo's research. How did he develop two different bodies?"

"Isn't your machine exactly the same in appearance as the Free Federation's Demon Z?"

God Falcon added: "That's still a little different. At least there is no big devil on the Free Federation side."

Kang Dingbang returned: "The Great Demon God is a body that I specially created for myself. Of course it is different and special."

"What I'm saying is, although the basics are the same."

"But the Demon God of the Free Federation is based on the re-engraving and mass production of pure black box Demon God series machines."

"And our Demon God is recreated based on the technology we currently have."

"At least, the Free Federation does not seem to have developed such a thing as the Geta Line Amplifier. There is no demon robot that has the power of the Geta Line."

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