Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 801: World 1

It was getting late. [No popup ..]

Soon a white warship began to fly in, hovering over the mountain, and emitting a little light.

The hatches popped open, and the entire battleship seemed to have unlimited space, and a large number of white armored soldiers continued to flow from the inside.

However, in a few hours, millions of soldiers poured out wildly, rushing away in the distance towards the shadow world.

Like the ant colony, all the soldiers quickly occupied all the areas visible to the naked eye around the mountain.

Before the monks who came down, they were still suspended in the air, motionless, just looking at the soldiers who were going away.

Seems to be waiting for something.


Suddenly a white qi fell from the sky, and the surrounding area glowed with white lotus and silver awns, steadily falling in front of the crowd, revealing the inner figure.

It is a Buddha in the realm of white lotus, holding a white lotus net in hand.

"I have seen the Great Mercy and Great Compassion in the South China Sea!"

The monks salute respectfully to the bodhisattva.

This one is the top celestial deity in the realm of Buddhism, and the name of Guanyin, even in some worlds, has directly become the endorsement of Buddhism.

In the entire Buddha domain, it is the first array under the Buddha who can stand side by side with the Buddha.

Its repair is unfathomable.

The Guanyin Bodhisattva has a soft face and can't distinguish between men and women, but the holy light of the spirits of the whole body reveals the aura of cleanliness.

"You friends are polite." Guan Shiyin smiled. "The total attack on the shadow world was led by the poor monk himself. Be sure to fight all these demons and return a bright sky to all worlds."

"With a Buddha leader, this trip will be successful."

As one of the strongest players in the Buddha domain, apart from the Buddha, he can lead this time, and no one will object.

"So, is the melting Daojun on the door side here?"

Guan Yin asked softly.

"This seat arrived early."

In the sky, a golden light suddenly emerged and turned into a cylinder, from which a golden crown, blond eyes, and golden eyes came out.

Holding a large golden umbrella tightly in his hand, he exudes the holy light of the spirit no less than that of the Guanyin Bodhisattva.

"I've seen Forged Daojun!"

The monks saluted in this respect.

The Taoist nodded faintly.

"Although everyone is here, I still have one more person from Bihushan, please wait a moment."

"Oh?" Guan Shiyin twisted his fingers and gave a slight smile. "It was the little friend."

The words just fell, when the monks were puzzled.

A red beam of light descended from the sky, and a white robe man appeared in the beam of light. His height was three meters, his face was heroic, and white smoke lingered behind him. It was extraordinary at first glance.

"A poor mountain, you have seen a bodhisattva, and you have seen a friend of the forged Taoist."

This man is Lin Xin who has just arrived.

He tore the space directly and stepped into the shadow realm, but he couldn't find the teleportation array and simply flew by himself. On the way, he received a rumor from Forging Daojun, and rushed here to meet with many of the main attack teams.

Avalokitesvara and Forged Daojun saluted separately to show respect.

The Lie Shan Taoist should now be renamed Lie Shan Tao Jun. His record has spread throughout the entire Tianmeng League in a very short period of time.

Its strength has reached the point where it can be divided into honorable titles, which can be tied with Tianzun.

It can even be compared to some extremely arrogant deities.

If Daozu is out of trouble, he may be able to truly give his honor.

The monks saw the ceremony one after another, and the Sun King was really the same as the nine-color God, and the two hegemonic forces in the Bihu Mountain, so after all, he could not be rude.

Forged Road Jun nodded.

"Since everyone is here, then it's time to discuss, how do you make this attack?"

"Observe the arrangement."

Lin Xin said lightly. His eyes were on the Guanyin Bodhisattva.

This Bodhisattva has this great reputation both in the realm of the earth, in other realms of heaven and earth, and even in the earth of his previous life.

Can be called a legend. Being able to get in touch with the deity now is also a little curious.

The Guanyin Bodhisattva and Forged Daojun, as well as another Taoist who is not weak, stand together to discuss, but Lin Xin is hovering aside, looking carefully.

Guanyin, the rumor in the human world, is completely different from the rumors in other worlds.

The bodhisattva here is rumored to be reincarnated by the evil **** king. After encountering the ancestor, he was enlightened by his influence and gave up his evil deity. After reincarnation, he eventually achieved the position of bodhisattva.

In fact, he and the strongest Buddha domain, Tianyin Dragon King are very similar.

It's just that Tianyin Dragon King is stronger.

It was just that Lin Xin no matter how much he sensed the induction, he could not find a trace of the evil **** king's breath on Guan Shiyin.

Soon after the discussion was over and the arrangement was over, Guan Shiyin turned his head slightly to look at Lin Xin.

"Friends of Lieshan Road, but have doubts about the poor monk?"

He smiled softly and gave people a pure and neutral beauty.

"No, just curious." Lin Xin smiled slightly. "I wonder if the Buddha has heard of Manjushri, Maitreya, Puxian, and Jizo."

These are all extremely famous in the myth of the earth.

"Manjushri is a virtuous man, Jizo Maitreya?" Guan Shiyin smiled. "Jizang has never heard of it, but the other three are all my Buddhist status. I do n’t know why you mentioned the three?"

Lin Xin's heart froze and he really had these bodhisattvas. It seems that it is really possible for them to find their way back to Earth.

"It's nothing, just ask casually, I have heard several legends and myths elsewhere." He smiled.

"Of course, when the first few Bodhisattvas converted, they felt the heavens and the earth, and they traveled and thought apart, leaving a lot of legends." Guan Shiyin smiled back.

"So it is."

"This operation targeted the Shadow City headquarters. There are a total of three obstacles that need to be cleared, and each of these three obstacles is guarded by troublesome characters. Wait until I say one or two to Mt.

"In fact, some soldiers and generals have already gone to test." Molten Dao Jun Dan Dan Road. "In the first square, there were seven defending shadow monsters, and each had its own powerful magical power.

The military position of my Bihu Mountain should have reached the second guard. "

"I don't know what the strength of these defenders is?" Someone asked.

"The shadow devil was originally not the level of the earth fairy, but because of its large increase in the shadow world, it should actually be able to exert the power under the heavenly lord and the earth fairy from time to time." Lightly Road.

"If not, why gather and assemble me to wait for so many experts?" A monk chuckled.

"Pole is pole."

Everyone praised.

"One more thing, you must understand in advance." Guanyin Bodhisattva preached.

"Please enlighten me."

The monks responded quickly.

"Every one of these three barriers is broken, there will be a leak of the four-pole magic energy. This is the great difficulty of the charcoal coating. Which Taoist should take the trouble to solve it."

Four-pole magic ...

Suddenly everyone was unsure.

Even in the shadow world, magic qi has to be graded.

The four-pole magic qi is the highest grade of magic qi, and it is mixed with resentment, which is extremely difficult to obtain. Even if the seal is collected by a space-like device, it is difficult to persist for a long time.

Can be described as what pollution what.

Lin Xin was moved, but he really absorbed the four-pole magic.

It should be said that it has absorbed something more troublesome than this.

At that time, the demon resentment was that he had followed Song Danhao and absorbed the resentment and devil left over from the demon king.

That thing is an upgraded version of this four-pole magic.

"That being the case, let me take over the four-pole magic."

He thought, and stepped forward.

"It's up to you."

Forged Daojun and Guan Yin also nodded at him.

The group was surrounded by the mighty white soldiers on the ground below, and rushed towards the first entrance of the shadow world.

There is a necessary entrance to the Shadow City.

Everyone was so stunned that they did not fly out long before they saw a huge black gate in front of them, spanning heaven and earth, tens of thousands of meters wide.

There was already an army confrontation below the gate, and the two black and white generals with complete armors were fighting against each other.

And both of them are full of glory, swords are flying, and they seem to be full of vigor.

The crowd hovered in mid-air, watching the two of them from a distance.

"Fighting two people, one is the shadow guardian Zhanghe Zhanghe, the door of the mystery is not open, his body will never die.

Although the strength is mediocre, but it is difficult to fight and die. This is already the 263rd round. "

A helpless monk said.

"Can't kill? Anyone in the world who can't kill depends on the means of poverty."

Lin Xin didn't say anything. One of them, who stood beside Bihushan Gao, stood up to speak.

The man was flushed, his beard was thick, and he waved long sleeves at the two of them.

The crowd saw a red light turn into a round, and flew towards the shadow monster general, as if a red sun was falling.

clang! !!

That red sun directly hit the back of the shadow monster general, instantly cracking his brain.

"it is good!!"

Many monks applauded immediately.

Only then did the army find out that there were a lot of strong men and superiors on it, and they suddenly looked up, and countless armies saluted on their knees.

But in an instant, the shadow monster general quickly recovered from his injuries. A carp struck up and jumped up again and again, with a big wave in his hand.

"Which grandson is attacking your grandpa!"

The Taoist who made the red round suddenly felt shameless, snorted, and shot.

But was stopped by people around.

"I come."

Another person slowly stood out, and UU Reading was a young female nun who saw her in a peach-colored robe and holding a yin and yang fish and wooden sword in her hand.

"The disciple Yao Yuanhui has met Master."

She first lined up the crowd and came to Lin Xin, but she obediently discipled to Lin Xinxing.

"It's Xiaohui." Lin Xin was slightly surprised, but did not expect that Yao Yuanhui had actually participated in the action of besieging the shadow city.

"Please Master and seniors, please see me."

Yao Yuanhui smiled slightly, looking down, but not panic.

A throw in her hand, the yin and yang fish sword immediately flew out, turned into a golden talisman in the air, fell suddenly, and immediately stuck to the back of the shadow demon.

That Shadow Devil General whine, it suddenly hurts, and then he can't afford to fall.

This time I never got up again. (To be continued.)



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