Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 802: World 2

"This shadow demon is just a gatekeeper. Relying on secret methods, the gatekeeper behind is the stubble. You seniors, laughed. [..]"

Yao Yuanhui couldn't help but listen to the cheers of the army below. After the obituary was finished, he walked behind Lin Xin and stood still, watching his nose and his nose, saying nothing.

It seems that it has been useful to let them go through the years.

Lin Xin was also relieved.

"The little apprentice means to make the Buddha and Daojun laugh."

He looked politely at the other two leaders.

The two also praised again and again, the army swarmed up and quickly surrounded the gates of the mystery.

The monk with the expertise to open the mystery dispatched, and opened the whole door in less than half an hour.

As soon as the door opened, countless soldiers swarmed into it, and inside it was another piece of barren land shrouded in darkness and mist.

In this barren land, countless black gas rolled, and it was able to condense all kinds of monsters and ghosts in the air, and roared.

On the earth inside Heiqi, countless hordes of large and small tribes can be seen faintly, and there are countless dark shadow men coming out, looking up to the sky with awe and curiosity.

Dao soldiers swarmed in, but were swept up by black gas in an instant, and it was a miserable moment.

All those under the Daoyuan Yuan infants began to rot and melt into a pool of yellow water.

"This is the four-pole magic."

The Guanyin Boss sighed.

"The Lord of the Sun asked, please return your means."


Lin Xin understood and stood up.

Looking at the dense black gas in the sky, the smell is faint and the resentment gas that he absorbed before is similar, but the black gas concentration here is too thin.

Lin Xin, who was already three meters long at this time, was no longer the weak monk who would be cautious when encountering the fate of fate.

He stood out, glancing around the dark air, and saw that the black fog continued, until he could not see the end of the heaven and earth connection.

"It's a pity that the black mist is gone, and the shadow people who depend on life are going to suffer from this natural disaster."

A Buddhism Lohan said compassionately.

The same is true of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Lin Xin laughed.

"This is a fate. There is a fate for everything in heaven and earth. It is impossible for them to hit it."

In a word, he was shocked all over, and the dark round d on his chest exuded the slightest traction for the first time.


Suddenly, Lin Xin drank.

I saw his chest exploded violently, a mass of invisible twisted huge traction force, pulled out from the black d, sweeping everything around.


The wind came, and it was a squall, a storm!

Numerous black mists swirled, and madly gathered into Lin Xin's chest to form a dragon roll, submerged in his body.

Ooo ...

There was a suffocation between heaven and earth, as if all the air had been absorbed into Lin Xin's body.

Countless black gas gathered and crazed into him.

There are many things in the black gas.

Dirt, gravel, river, and even creatures!

They were swept up, quickly shrinking in mid-air, and then inhaled by Lin Xin like an ant.

Countless shadow people on the ground screamed and mourned, making weeping sounds of terror, and they were entangled in black gas like gravel, narrowed and sucked into Lin Xin's chest.

Countless attribute points rushed into Lin Xin's body. He looked calm and stared at the four-pole magic energy that was being absorbed by him.

"This billions of souls ..."

The Guanyin Bodhisattva is somewhat intolerant.

"This is their life."

Fuming Dao Jun faintly aside.

"It's their honor to be one with my Great Lord of the Sunshine in Bihu Mountain. It's their honor. With this glory, why not live or die?"


An arhat in the Buddha domain couldn't help but speak out.


Purple gas flashed in the eyes of Fudao Daojun, and he looked at the loud Luohan.

An overwhelming pressure suddenly fell on that Luohan.

"Fuhu Luohan, can you disagree?"

The Luo Han was so heavy that he couldn't make a sound, his sweat quickly leaked out, and he struggled.

However, it was the slightest killing in the eyes of the founder Dao Jun. Suddenly his heart trembled and he dared not move again.

Buddhism has been used to compassion, but monks such as Bihushan have always been ruthless and overbearing.

It ’s okay to train yourself, and once outsiders are involved, the nature changes instantly.

"Tao Jun breathes anger." Guan Shiyin sighed gently, releasing the aura and relieving Luo Han's pressure. He looked at Lin Xin's crazy engulfment of the four-pole magic that absorbed the entire mystery. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of shadow people were being engulfed in just a short moment. Still can't bear it.

"It's just that the Lord is doing this. It is not good to cause too much entanglement in the future ..."

"Behavior of this **** does not need Bodhisattva's guidance." Lin Xin suddenly said.

As the Guanyin breath suffocated, all of the Arhats were angry, and they were all angry and wanted to blame.

But when I think of the strong and overbearing nature of Bihu Mountain, I don't know how to talk about it.

Although the Buddha domain has Buddhas, there are Tianyin Dragon Kings.

But the Buddha was trapped. Although the Tianyin Dragon King was extremely powerful, he simply ignored ordinary affairs. Unless the realm of the Buddha is destroyed, she won't pay half the attention even if Guan Yin is dead outside.

"唉 ..... sin and sin ... the sufferings of the world are born of the heart, but life and death are helpless, but the heart can be settled, and the Buddha's nature can be clear ...

Guan Shiyin started chanting Xiaodu Jingjing in a low voice and closed his eyes tightly, but it was invisible.

Countless shadow people were swallowed by Lin Xin, and the screams kept flowing. After about half an hour, the black gas slowly stopped.

Lin Xin just received the supernatural power.

This is the supernatural power attached to the ‘Li Zan Li Li Fang Cang Jing Guang Xin Nu” which he obtained earlier.

Its role is to devour everything, combined with the purifying power blood in the body, to purify it into pure attribute points for his absorption.

He was stunned when he figured out the power of the magic.

This can no longer be called powerful, but metamorphosis!

Transforming all things into energies such as attribute points, this supernatural power can actually live.

If it is placed in any era, it is definitely a terrible calamity, a natural disaster-level supernatural power.

However, because the attribute points are extremely elite, so much of the four-pole magic has been absorbed before, and Lin Xin only got 300,000 points.

Not as good as it was on the battlefield. The efficiency is not high, it is only suitable for use in special situations, and it also consumes a lot of energy.

By the time it stopped and devoured, the mystery had basically become extinct.

"You guys, move on."

Lin Xin put away the **** channel.

Bihushan and others followed him and flew directly forward.


Holy residence.

Fang prison was wearing black armor, striding heavily, step by step grouping on the road directly in front of the Shadow Demon Hall of Shengliuju.

His black hair was scattered over his shoulders, his eyes were pure dark gold, and two little mysterious patterns flashed in the center.

Strips of dark and weird patterns slowly spread from his entire body, and even a few vine-like purple and black patterns have spread to his face, and one or two can be seen faintly through the helmet.

Shengliuju is the core of Shadow City. In addition to worshipping the Abyss Realm, there is another sacred thing that is the core of Shadow City.

Dazu Origin.

This is not something that devours Daozu, but it is the real holy thing that can peek into the mystery of Daozu.

Fang prison has been waiting too long.

As a great sage, Xiu Wei has already broken through the level of Heavenly Supreme, but on the surface, he still shows the cultivation of fairyland.

In order to wait for this opportunity.

The origins of Daozu are several Daozu ancestors prepared for the three emperors separately. The purpose is to make the blood of the three Taoist ancestors aware and transparent as soon as possible, so as to become the Taoist ancestor.

The place where the origin of Tao is stored is called Jushen.

At this time outside the gods, there have been gathered a lot of breathless shadow monster generals.

The other two of the three emperors arrived quickly.

A large number of Shadow Demon Army surrounded this place, and the water was leaking.

Not only this layer of space, but even the several layers of the abyss world after Y's broken world was completely blocked by the large array.

The space was completely strengthened, and a huge amount of Y Shadow magic was sacrificed.

The cocoons, the six kings, and the Lord of the Four Seasons all appeared. Keeping an eye out for Ju Shen, the calm and strange armor figure.

"Kill your brother, kill your wife, kill your son, and conquer the soul armor of the Abyssal Device. Fang prison, are you crazy !!!?"

Among the army, a middle-aged woman wearing a golden crown and wearing nine black dragons shouted loudly.

"Such infidelity, filial piety! What nonsense is he talking to him !?"

On the other side, in the same army, a white-haired old man wearing a white crown groaned. The sight of Fang Prison was full of murder.

"I worked hard in Shadow City to cultivate him, and cultivated it from nothing, but I didn't expect it ...... I didn't expect it ..." the old man trembled.

The man with the six king pillars behind the Eolong dragon stood far away in the army, without saying a word. The madwoman usually yelled, but at this time she was silent.

Most of the other important generals did the same without saying a word.

The atmosphere was a little weird between the army.

"No need to say much, come! Get me in jail!"

The queen shouted loudly.

The sound was pulsing slowly over the entire Holy Stream.

But weirdly, no one moved.

"What's the matter !? Come! Come !!!!" The Queen's face suddenly changed, and she suddenly thought of a terrible possibility.

Looking around, all the generals unknowingly surrounded themselves and the guards around them.

"After my ancestor ~ ~ You are brave! Dare not to obey orders!" The Queen roared, her emotions so excited that the space around her began to fluctuate.

"You reversed! The Emperor is the Lord of the Four Seasons! You! You!"

On the other side, the old emperor was trembling, and he was a little scared.

"The Lord of the Four Seasons?" Fang prison turned his head slightly and glanced at the two emperors.

"The Lord of the Four Seasons, will there be children?"

He smiled softly.

Hehehehe ...

But he dared to laugh, but the others did not dare to laugh. The main body of the Four Seasons is neither male nor female, in fact it has no gender. The so-called son-in-law is just a descendant of his brother, not his own blood at all.

But knowing it is a matter of time, and daring to speak is another matter. (To be continued.)



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