Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 804: World 4

Lin Xin's visit this time was not just for revenge. He also wanted to find information about Youfu from Shadow City. [Read in full text ..]

Maybe they can help Hongye to get rid of their difficulties.

One flashes.

At the forefront of the army, Lin Xin appeared suddenly at the edge of the dark blue fireball.

The fireball dissipated, and a big man in a blue suit with three heads and six arms was rushing in the army camp.

He was more than ten meters tall, with six arms holding metallic blue warhammers. The body was turning at a high speed, like a metal storm, madly rushing forward, and no one could match.

Under his feet is the light of a special profession burning a light blue flame.

Lin Xin appeared behind him, reaching out and pressing down.

An invisible giant force slammed the space and anchored the giant man directly.


He growled madly.

"You must destroy my home and kill my people, and you should die!"

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Lin Xin was standing high, overlooking the person.

"Some kind of killed me! Otherwise, I will definitely wait for the reincarnation of my king!"

puff! !!

The giant man's entire body exploded directly and turned into countless pieces of flesh and blood. One of them burst into the sky and wanted to escape.

But still smashed by the invisible giant force, the form and spirit were destroyed.

A trace of warm current attributed to the body, Lin Xin looked at the speed of the Daobing army below, frowning.

"too slow."


Yao Yuanhui and others later came over here, and each one was not too shallow, and they only crossed this distance in a short time.

"I'll go first. You follow up."

Lin Xin was too lazy to talk nonsense, flickered directly and disappeared in place.

At his current speed, don't say that Yao Yuanhui, the immortals and immortals, can't capture them, and even Tianzun can't keep up.

If it is said that the general Tianzun, the Taoist can greatly reduce its star power consumption, press the situation step by step, have tentative traps, and break the formation.

But for Lin Xin, with the sword of anger, he almost did not care what trap formation.

The sword of wrath caused him to surge tenfold in sword power once he died.

Two deaths is a twenty-fold increase!

Die three times, that's thirty times!

Only after the third skyrocketing strength, in this state, others can truly kill him as the master of the Shenfeng sword.

This is the terror of Taishang September God's Wind Sword.

The front passage is rapidly reversing.

Lin Xin didn't bother to care about anything, and hit him directly with his aura.

After the increase of more than one million attributes, the physical aura has reached an incomprehensible intensity level.

There is no need to break the earth fairy realm, Tianzun may also be level.

Coupled with the constitution's resistance to Daoism's terror immunity, Lin Xin is now gradually approaching the point of inviolability.

In the shadow channel, he turned into a red light comet, rushing straight to the dark depths in front.

From time to time, there were groups of strange-shaped monsters. Just when they noticed that they were wrong, they were pulled by various invisible forces, and their bodies broke instantly. Flying out of the invisible transparent silk thread, penetrated the space and landed on Lin Xin.

This is the sword-like sword light that he casually escapes. It doesn't take any effort at all. He flies all the way, and the harvesting life is not a minority.

"It's boring," he sighed softly, and continued to speed forward.

I don't know how long it has been, one hour, two hours, or one day.

Lin Xin unknowingly, finally penetrated the entire shadow channel.

The front was suddenly bright, entering a black and white towering snow-capped mountain range.

In the middle of the whole snow mountain, a huge one-eyed eye grows.

This is a gray-black one-eyed, blinking slowly at this time, looking at Lin Xin.

"Ethereal Candle Emperor?" Lin Xin's information contained information about Xueshan's one-eyed eye.

"Is it the Confederate Army? Are you the Sunshine King?" The low and loud voice of the Emperor Candle Emperor thundered constantly and echoed over the entire mountain range.

"Don't mess with me, you fight against you, as long as it doesn't affect my ethnic group, I won't fight."

Ethereal Candle Emperor coldly.

As a top veteran Tianzun, there is still a Star Destroyer Tianzun. He has the confidence to bargain with the Tianmeng.

"Participating in the war?" Lin Xin smiled weirdly. "Still wanting to survive alone under the catastrophe?"

The voice just fell. His body suddenly disappeared and he entered a very high speed.


The Ethereal Candle Emperor exuded anger with one eye.

The whole snowy mountain shook, and numerous snowflakes flew from the whole body of the mountain.

Each snowflake turned into the sharpest incisive blade, bursting out in all directions. Like an avalanche.

what! !! !!

The Ethereal Candle Emperor's mountain body cracked, and a dark golden long whip flew out of it. The whip was translucent, and there were faint shadows of dragons and phoenixes swimming around. There were some ancient demon gods and patterns, which are obviously extremely ancient methods. Magic weapon.

"You forced me !!!?"

The Ethereal Candle King roared.

boom! !! !!

He pulled up the whole mountain from the ground at once, forming a terrible gray and black stone giant that was hundreds of thousands of meters long.

boom! !! !!

The giant moves extremely fast and punches suddenly.

A pink long sword broke through the space in the air and landed on its fist precisely.


Lin Xin fluttered behind the sword body, his robe slightly turned.

"act recklessly."

He retracted the sword, the figure disappeared again, and flew deeper into the shadow realm.

The Emperor Candle Emperor was stiff for a moment, and the huge body of hundreds of thousands of meters was blown up.

He was too slow, and with his proud strength and defense, facing Lin Xin's horrific lethality and speed, he was almost overcome.

To the extent that the Star Destroyer did not have time to play its role, he was directly killed by this incarnation.

Suddenly, the entire giant directly exploded and collapsed, and the golden whip also ruptured, turning into golden light and disappearing.

The ground moved from mountain to mountain. From the original snow mountain range, here it turned into a ruined wilderness.

Lin Xin was flying at a high speed, with a terror speed of hundreds of thousands of kilometers per second, which was completely unfolded here.

Everything was left behind by him instantly.

Only when there is a huge energy fluctuation, it will stop momentarily and slaughter.

Countless attribute points poured into him continuously, and all kinds of dangerous creatures in the shadow realm were much better than the Nether Demon, but they did not have the horrible reproduction ability of the Nether Demon.

Shadow monster tribe, shadow dragon tribe, shadow magic cities of different sizes. These are not all forces that belong to the Shadow City. As long as they pass, they are destroyed by Lin Xinshun.

A large block of attribute points was inhaled by him, and then quickly added to the killing defense.

His strength is inflating madly, as if the balloon is generally getting bigger and bigger, he can't see the limit.

"Hurry up !!!!"

Shadow City Holy Stream House.

In the dazzling eye that monitors the channel and defense levels.

One of the six kings' pillars, Jiuquan Tianniuzhu, all looked pale and stared at the huge snow-white screen in front of them.

A large white network edge, a black spot was stabbing into the network, approaching the Shadow City headquarters quickly.

"The first shadow channel has been breached, and the life fluctuations of the Ethereal Candle Emperor have disappeared.

A briefing monk loudly.

"Are you notified !?"

"Already subscribed!"

In the dark surveillance hall, the monitors were sweating.

Tianmeng is too fast. So much so that they didn't even have time to re-arm after deployment.

In particular, the first shadow channel broke through the powerful channel that had been arranged for tens of thousands of years in almost a few days, and killed countless monsters directly.

"Can the image of the first channel be opened?"

Jiuquan Tianniuzhu's supervisor in charge stood up and sank.

"Yes, yes, but the opponent is too fast to capture!"

A monitor hurried.

"Twenty-seven levels have been broken through five! How long is this?"

"Can't be anxious! Calm!" The person in charge whispered, and immediately suppressed the atmosphere of panic in the hall a little.

"Following the ancient formations all open!" He ordered.

"But once you open it, you can only support it for ten days later!" Some people objected.

"Go on like this, we can't even support it for ten days!"

The person in charge got angry and shouted at the impact on the screen.

"The Lord is now in a critical moment of retreat, and he must not let any external force interfere with him!"

The person in charge sounded cold.


"That's what it means!"

The crowd was quiet immediately.


Everyone no longer talked, but began to manipulate the organ formation method, remotely opening the large array of ancient arrays arranged on the passage.

These ancient arrays were laid back from tens of thousands of years ago and have almost never been opened, because there have never been enemies and they can invade to this level.

"After the images were counted, although they could not be captured, they were simulated!"

Suddenly a horned monster called out loud.

"Issued to!"

The person in charge quickly hurriedly.

Soon the image was transferred to the entire large screen.

A human monk's figure appeared in front of everyone in the surveillance hall.

The man was three meters long, smiling at the corners of his mouth, holding a pink twisted sword in his hand, and a shawl with long hair.

The robe was covered, but he couldn't hide the strong muscle contours of the body. The chest robe is open, and the muscular muscles have a large black round hole, and there is a shadow flowing in it.

Gives a very strange sense of temperament.

Barbaric and cold, trembling and trembling.

"This is the photo taken by the Sun King Forest, Bihu Mountain!"

The person in charge took a sip of air-conditioning, and captured the record of the gods of the sun. Naturally, as an information department, they recite long ago.

Especially the news that came in the war zone not long ago.

One person killed the blood lion demon respected snow lion ~ ~ and three other coordinating spiritual kings.

Hundreds of millions of Nether Demons were also slaughtered wantonly.

They have analyzed this person, who is also a Celestial combat power, this one is completely different from others.

He's a lunatic! !!

Killing purely for killing, no matter what the consequences, and even more frightening, he seems to be getting stronger!

This is the most terrible.

"Immediately inform the adults of Liu Wangzhu!"

The person in charge felt that his teeth were shaking.

If the Lord was still in retreat, he would be broken in.

To be continued at that time.




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