Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 805: World 5

Dangdang Dangdang! !!

In front of Forging Daojun, several bone giants raised huge swords and slashed at him severely. [Read the latest chapter ..]

But to no avail, he had a transparent film in front of him to block the blade, and he could not even break the defense.


Forged Daojun raised his hand and pointed at the Bone Giant.

Suddenly a few giants collapsed and scattered into countless bones.

The Daobing army was being tangled and killed by countless white bone army at this time.

Skeleton soldiers, skeleton generals, bone bone shooters, black blood zombies, flying Yasha, and even top-level undead creatures such as Yasha King and Skeleton King all appear on this land.

Dao soldiers and undead are savagely fighting, and a ray of aura is exploded, mixed with the poisonous mist of the undead to resist each other.

In the distance there are endless armies of undead madness.

"Gold and iron."

Forged Daojun reached out a finger.

Suddenly, a silver mang flew from its fingertips, suddenly exploding in the air, turning into countless silver flying swords, and suddenly falling towards the bottom.

Huh! !! !!

Thousands of undead were smashed into dust by flying swords.

But a subsequent black light also flew over, resurrecting countless undead.

"It turned out to be the Confederate Taoist monarch and the Shadow City. It has nothing to do with my undead prince. My king can make way for your army, just asking the well water not to violate the river.

Forging Daojun's eyes flickered. This shadow world has strong strength. In addition to Shadow City, there are also many powerful forces, among which the undead are one of them.

The Undead Sovereign also exists on the level of heaven. Although not strong, if you want to defeat it in a short time, you can't do it yourself.

"Okay, then ask the monarch to make way."

He should go down.

Soon all the undead creatures began to retreat and retreat, and the molten Dao Jun did not want to cause more trouble. It was the right way to quickly resolve the Shadow City.

The army continued to advance. As he passed the undead monarch's territory, he became more careful. There were a lot of various races in this place, and carelessness caused any trouble, which also delayed the army time.


"Pudu Ganlin."

The Guanyin Bodhisattva gently spilled the clean bottle of water in his hand.

Countless raindrops with a gentle aura fell from the sky, scattered on the body of seven wolf-headed monsters below, emitting white smoke.

"Guanyin, do you really want to fight against the king, right ?!"

The seven wolf-headed monsters roared loudly, and they were surrounded by a huge black whirlwind. All the closer soldiers were entangled in them, and they were ground into meat.

"Not just eating you tens of thousands of soldiers? You dare to turn your face with the king !?"

The seven wolf-headed monsters roared and hurled towards the Tianmeng Army.

"I come!"

A Jinguang Luohan rushed forward with his arms stretched out.

boom! !! !!

The two collided violently, sending out a loud golden light.

"Bad!" Guan Shiyin was still watching. The monster was weakened by the clean water. When he wanted to drop the dragon, Luo Han should be able to support several rounds, but when he didn't expect it, Luo Han screamed, his arms click The fracture broke.

"My King ate you !!!"

The seven wolf-headed monsters took a bite, and they bit the dragon dragon Luohan in their mouths, and then snapped away with a click.

"Wolf King! How dare you kill me Buddha Lohan!"

The rest of Luo Han were furious and rushed forward to set up a large array.

It is too late for Guan Yin to stop.

With a long sigh, he gently took a green wicker from his sleeve and sprinkled it forward.


A bit of green light flew out from the wicker, and it flew downwards and bigger, but in a blink, it swelled to a few kilometers wide, and covered seven wolf-headed monsters fiercely.

"The thief king is overbearing. Although he is not against me, he is not afraid. It takes at least three days to separate the winner.

You wait out first. When Guan Shiyin finished speaking, he turned into white light, shot into the green light, and disappeared.

"Jie Jiang Long Fu Hu! Help the Buddha!"

Fuhu Rohan yelled.


Suddenly, all of the Luo Hanqi sang and formed a formation, surrounded by green light groups, and they emitted golden dots, forming a golden dragon and a white tiger, rushing into the green light.

puff! !!

A black monster like a snake-necked dragon was stabbed into the head by Lin Xinyi, screaming and struggling, trying to escape, but could not help.

"The Lord of the Sun ... our seven brothers! I will not wear it with you !!!"

He finally roared, and the entire body of tens of thousands of meters exploded, turning into a black mist and dissipating in the air.

"A waste like you is useless again."

Lin Xin withdrew the sword of joy and felt the tyrannical power accumulated in it. This law of the sword's accumulation of power needs to be continuous.

If you stop saving, it will dissipate naturally within a few hours.

This was originally to reduce the damage to the sword material of joy, but now Lin Xin doesn't care about any damage at all. After his attribute transmission is strengthened, the sword body's resilience has become extremely powerful and horrible under the strengthening of physical attributes.

So there is no need to care about the wear of the blade on the blade. If it wasn't for spiritual power to control and guide the power in the sword body, it would occupy a part of the mind, and he could even endlessly accumulate the sword of joy until he could not imagine the situation.

"Almost 30% of my own killing power ..." Feeling the power of the savings, Lin Xin felt it in the future, the follow-up Tianmeng Army could not see the shadow at all, apparently he was thrown to himself without knowing where went.

So far, he has been killing continuously, and has solved several hidden power ethnic groups in this shadow world. Among them, two groups, including the celestial incarnation leader, were directly destroyed by him. Turn into attribute point absorption.

Now look at the attribute points.


"Defensive to more than one million, it seems to be able to resist the offensive of the ordinary Tianzun, then I need faster speed now to harvest attributes. Or add all the killing!"

As soon as he thought about it, he decided in no time.

Free attributes suddenly began to flood into the kill column.

The seemingly endless ascension became stronger, flirtatious, and soon came to mind.

Hum! !!

Faintly, a trace of translucent thin light began to emerge from him.

It was a special light with no color, transparency and sacredness.

"Sacred Light of the Primal Spirit!"

Lin Xin instantly recognized the essence of this light.

"This is actually the Holy Light !?"

He actually added a little bit to add flesh to the spirit light!

As soon as this light came out, the speed of adding points suddenly became faster and faster. From a little increase, it directly became an increase of one hundred and one hundred points, and the speed increased a hundredfold.

The nine hundred and sixty-thousand attribute point was just a short moment of effort, and it was completely added to the column of killing.

The killing column directly broke through the giant of 3.85 million points!

And the flesh's holy light of the spirit was now faintly covering Lin Xin's brain, shining to the surrounding hundreds of meters.

It is exactly the same as other deities.

"I actually just added a little bit, and added the celestial body of physical training ..." Lin Xin's heart also felt a little incredible.

Practicing the body and heaven is an existence that has never appeared in the practice world.

Countless monks have followed the path of Taoism and Heaven, in order to mobilize the power of the outside world, exhaust the changes of the Taoism, and integrate the power of all realms to achieve the Holy Spirit.

However, I have never heard of Tianzun.

The appearance of glazed mirror light had made him have a hunch before, but I did not expect that there was actually a celestial spirit light in Tianzun.

"In the final analysis, the Yuanling Holy Light is only a kind of halo that appears naturally after being strong to a certain degree. Most of the Celestials are because their own bodies are planets, and the planet is so powerful and huge that they naturally produce the Yuanling Holy Light. Cover to avatar.

And I rely purely on the flesh to produce the holy light of the spirit. So, this flesh is almost comparable to the real planet of the Supreme Being? ? "

It was inferred that Lin Xin was startled by himself.

Tianzun incarnation is actually a bit stronger than Mingzhudixian, not too much.

But their star power comes from the planet, the planet is not extinguished, and they are not extinguished.

To completely destroy the existence of the Celestial Master, one must go to the astral domain and destroy its own planet, or directly destroy the spirit like Fang Prison.

But the ability of the whole world of emptiness, I also found one Fang prison, the rest is nothing more than able to damage the soul, this kind of decisive method is regarded as the most top.

Such as Lin Xin's Taishang September God of Wind Sword.

As well as the star annihilator in the top Tianzun.

As small as a planet, even a small planet is at least half the size of a human world.

Among them, mountain rivers and hills are undulating, and the mass gravitational force produced by light is hundreds of billions of tons.

In Bihu Mountain, the planet's mass unit is calculated as one star, which is 900,000 tons.

The gap between deities is also divided accordingly.

The weakest celestial respect, that is, one star, is as good as a comet in the sky.

And the old top-level Celestial Master with star annihilator, its own planet, at least thousands of stars. There are even millions of stars, millions of stars, millions of stars.

Just like the stars, the gap between the meteor and the planet is like the distance between heaven and earth.

If you want to completely kill Tianzun, it is unlikely to be done in a short time.

This is also the terror of the deities.

Once Tianzun is achieved, the life span is long, as long as it is not killing each other ~ ~ or encountering a metamorphosis like Fang Prison.

Then they will always grow stronger over time.

The ontology in the star domain will continuously attract a large amount of material dust in the cosmic void and increase its mass.

The understanding of the rules will continue to improve over time.

The incarnation will also increase with the star power absorbed.

Therefore, this is the deity, although a single incarnation is not much stronger than the earth immortal, but the key factor for abnormal status.

As long as they can live to ten thousand years, they will gather star annihilators sooner or later.

Once the star annihilators are successfully gathered, countless star power avatars gather at the same time, and the superimposed horror power generated is enough to directly penetrate the 78th day, or even the 9th day!

The power of an old-fashioned Celestial Emperor, after a thousand years of accumulation, erupted, it was unimaginable. (To be continued.)



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