Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 806: World 6

Three million are close to four million in killing properties. [..]

Lin Xin clearly felt that his hands gradually became slender, and before he knew it, there was something bulging on his back, and there seemed to be something to grow out of the body.

The marks of space in my eyes became clearer and denser.

In the past, we could only see the thick main part, but now even the fine-shaped ends can be seen clearly.

It is just that in the shadow world, the space bulge is obviously less than the void, and the space structure here is obviously much more stable.

Up to now, Lin Xin himself does not know how strong he is.

The main factor in killing is strength and speed.

The attribute points of more than 3 million are dozens of times of the former immortal, which is far more than ordinary Tianzun, and may be almost the same as the old Tianzun.

With the physical body alone, you can match the old-fashioned Celestial Master.

Once the sword of God is counted, the sword of joy accumulates and the sword of anger erupts. The gap between them is enough for Lin Xin to directly cross the realm of countless classes and reach a point where he cannot speak.

Glancing at the monster body below, Lin Xin stepped forward.

The situation was changing, and in a short time, I didn't know how far.

Just above the vast snowy field, the next moment it was over the withered grassland.

Numerous grasslands seemed to perceive his arrival, the mad growth and extension became longer, and soon gathered a dozens of meters tall giant composed entirely of plants.

"The Lord of the Sun! You want to deal with the Shadow City. My Cao Gods have no objection, but"

boom! !! !!

A sword light fell suddenly, the grassland fell apart in a blink of an eye, the earth cracked, and a dark and deep sword didn't know how long the sword mark was, and it appeared on the surface.

The grass giant's voice stopped abruptly and stood still.

After Lin Xinfei shot away for a few breaths, he collapsed suddenly, the whole body was divided from top to bottom.

This is a Tianzun existence, but even Lin Xin can't stop it with a sword.

His sword light has already begun to contain some unusual moral qualities.

To the extreme, and soon to Tianzun could not respond.

The power is horrible. Unless the star destroyer is used, the general state cannot compete with it.

It takes time to use the star annihilator, the speed cannot keep up, and it is useless.

This creates such a terrifying effect.

Lin Xin was flying fast, his speed could not be measured at all, and even his own vision could not keep up.

I flew out at once, not knowing how many things were broken, and then stopped to see where I was.

Anyway, his guardian aura was strong enough to hit anything and break anything.

In the dark sky, countless dark clouds converge to form a dark ink dragon, swirling and flying, its body length is tens of thousands of meters long.

Roar! !! !!

Molong roared in a certain direction and was about to gather magic power.

Huh! !!

The red light flashed, and Molong's body froze, breaking and exploding, and turned into countless black mists and clouds.

"Do not!!!"

It finally howled.

But the black cloud also exploded violently, as if there were countless red sword lights bursting in it.

Lin Xin's Jianguang gradually has the potential to exterminate everything.

But at this time, he had reached tens of thousands of miles away.

He didn't need to send a sword at all, but just flew past it. Countless creatures existed below the earth fairy. As long as he was within a kilometer of it, he was instantly smashed and killed by the sword sent out around his body, and even the spirits could not escape, completely Points for his own attributes.

Attribute points are like rivers and oceans, rushing endlessly, pouring into him madly. As if endless.

Gradually, Lin Xin could even hear the cry of the soul.

Even in rapid flight, he seemed to see countless transparent silk threads linked to his body, gradually turning into a pale blood.

A hint of fishy gas penetrated into his nostril.


Suddenly he stopped.

There is a dark sky around, and there are cracks in the dark canyon that are bottomless. I don't know where the shadow is.

"This is sin?" He studied the blood on the silk thread carefully, and his heart sank.

According to rumors, this phenomenon can only occur in the peerless demon king, and the body will be gradually stained with a light blood during the practice and killing.

This blood color cannot be removed, it cannot be divided, and it cannot be touched, but it will always follow the demon spirit, and only its reincarnation can be eliminated.

However, those who have sinful karma are often not accepted by the runner temple, but are sucked into the abyss, and will not re-enter the other realms until all sin karma is consumed.

After all, everyone who has a sinful profession is guilty of sin, and there is a terrible horror of killing blood.

For example, the Tianyin Dragon King of the Buddha Realm also has a sinful cause, but because the Buddha Light of the Buddha Realm always offsets the cover, it is impossible for outsiders to see.

"What about the sin karma? As long as the land of sacrifice to God is not broken, no one can kill me, and as long as I reach a certain height, find out the secret method, and refine the sacred land of sacrifice to the body to protect, then there is nothing in the whole void except the Taoist ancestors. Can people pose a threat to me? "

Lin Xin changed his mind and stopped paying attention.

Although once the crime is discovered, it will be impeached by the Zhengdao martial arts, but the Bihu Mountain has always been protected by shortfalls, and the merger of righteousness and evil is not a problem at all.

Instead, he was worried about other parts.

"The sinful karma has accumulated, and it is recorded that it will gradually cause the evil fire to burn the soul. This evil fire ranks second in the sky fire list and is extremely terrifying. According to rumors, all the sinful karma exists, and most of them actually die in the end. Sin fire.

No outsider crusade is needed at all. "

Lin Xin was slightly worried.

"Maybe try the light of purification."

He reached out and grabbed, and suddenly a pure white light emerged, covering the countless red threads.


The light of purification is really effective!

Lin Xin felt relieved.

Quickly purify all the crimes accumulated in the body, and the body and mind can be transparent.

After solving this trouble, he just started to recognize where he was.

The surrounding area is wide and flat, and the dark and deep cracks are arranged neatly and continue to the end of the world.

"Here is the abyss of mansions?"

He looked down, trying to see the bottom of the abyss below.

But there seemed to be a layer of dark fog blocking the view and nothing was visible.

"That is to say, this is already the second shroud of quadrupole magic."

He narrowed his eyes, stretched out his right hand, and grabbed it down.


An invisible giant force, like a big hand, directly grabbed the earth and rocks of tens of thousands of meters below the abyss.

Gently rub the invisible hand.


It hurts! !! !!

Suddenly, a lot of black gas suddenly shot out from the rock and dirt, rushing towards Lin Xin overwhelmingly.

It hurts! !! !!

The countless black gas all sent out the same will.

The four-pole magic here seems to be mixed with many other things.

Lin Xin opened his arms, his chest robes were open, and the black hole began to turn violently.

call! !! !!

The horror traction immediately shrouded a large area below.

All the black gas rising from the sky howled in succession, forming black tornadoes, swallowing and shrinking and swallowing into the black holes.

The wind was blowing fiercely, and countless gravel and sand also floated with huge traction, merged into the black tornado, and was swallowed into the black hole.

Between heaven and earth, from the ground to the sky, a black tornado with a width of several kilometers erected and erected, violently devouring everything nearby.

The earth shook.

Deep in the abyss, something seemed to be awakened by horror.

Bang! !!

Suddenly, a twisted and transparent giant hand protruded directly from the bottom of the abyss, holding on to Lin Xin fiercely.

But before approaching, the giant hand was fragmented and exploded.

"I will go to you if the King of the Sun kills my ethnic group!" A vast, loud voice came from the bottom of the abyss.

Lin Xin's hands were blurred, and the sword of joy suddenly appeared in his hands, and he darted down.

There was a loud noise.

A painful roar loomed from the depths of the abyss below, and then disappeared quietly.

The attractiveness of the black tornado is even greater. Numerous earthy giant rocks have risen in the air, the trees have been uprooted, and a huge amount of earthy giants struggle to be sucked out of the abyss, fly into the sky, and be swallowed by Lin Xin.

Lin Xin felt as if he could devour it forever, until he completely consumed the whole abyss

Suddenly he seemed to feel something.

Suddenly looking up, the eyes glowed with pure white purification.

A grim look across the earth, across the ocean, the desert, through countless layers of barrier formations, and seeing a huge palace in Shadow City.

Deep in the hall, a huge body with a length of one hundred meters, sat in a circle and slowly opened his eyes, and the endless galaxy swirled slowly in his eyes.

Just staring at each other for a moment, the hearts of both men rose sharply.

It was a fatal, as if destined to be a wonderful feeling bound to be the enemy.

Along with this feeling, there is also a very desperate sense of engulfing, as if you can swallow the other side, you can make yourself more perfect and stronger!

"Come and come to me.

This is a fateful battle, the fate of the will of the universe.

Escape, anger, flinch, fear.

A deep, loud voice came into Lin Xin's ears far away.

"The strongest shadow monster, Fang prison"

Lin Xin's eyes were gloomy.

He recognizes the other person, and the Bihushan information has been given a very detailed introduction, but he does not understand how this person can become so powerful.

Powerful enough to far surpass the old-fashioned Celestial ~ ~ sitting there, as if it had the horror wave of a star destroyer.

And this fluctuation is constantly increasing.

"This catastrophe, other than Daozu, was actually the stage where I waited for Dasheng to fight."

Lin Xin suddenly realized in his heart.

The Great Saint, in fact, represents the vitality of the major forces, and the struggle of the Great Saint is the struggle of vitality.

From this point of view, Fang Prison is definitely the existence of Di Xian Xian Guang more than ten points.

Remotely feeling the horrible waves of Yuanyuan Prison, this kind of wave has never been felt in any one of Tianzun.

He surpassed everything, surpassed the will, and surpassed the distance. He could cross such a long distance and face him directly. To be continued.




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