Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 815: Inverse 1

Huge power fluctuations, like a shock wave, hit the space in front of Lin Xin fiercely.

The two huge impact forces far surpassing the ordinary Tianzun, slammed into friction, making strange sounds of deformation.

A thousand meters in front of Lin Xin, the ground suddenly cracked a deep bottomless crack.

Countless forces escaped and spread out around them, like the sharpest blade, cutting everything apart.

"Bihu Mountain Photo Sun King."

Fang Jie's body was thousands of meters long, overlooking Lin Xin from afar.

"Today, if Daozu doesn't show up, it's the most brilliant stage for me to wait for the Great Saint. Since you want to save people from the palace, why not join me. Create a brand new strongest force?"

"Dao Zu is not visible, does not mean that Dao Zu died."

Lin Xin said lightly.

"You don't understand." Fang Yuxi smiled. "When the cataclysm arrives, Daozu will also be self-conscious after all, and to the point where we are, once we understand the mystery of the silver heart of the galaxy. No one can stop me from waiting under the blessing of the cataclysm.

"What do you mean by this?" Lin Xin's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Did you not realize that all the saints grow up too fast and weird?"

Fang prison laughed.

Lin Xin didn't laugh, and a hint of doubt flashed in his heart.

Indeed, his recent growth has been a little too smooth, and it is completely different from the previous difficulties and obstacles.

"This is a big and magnificent era."

Fang Jie opened his arms.

"And the calamity is the original adjustment to destroy everything. The ants, mortals, and monks are not much different. Only when they reach Dixian can they take the initiative to fight for hope. Even Daozu is only one of the calamities. Clerk. No matter what is expensive. "

"What do you mean?"

Lin Xin said lowly.

He keenly felt that what Fang prison said seemed to hide some unknown meaning.

"Come with me." Fang Jie stretched out his hand. "You and I worship as brothers. In the cataclysm, only I am waiting for the saint, is the vitality. You think carefully, why do you think Bihushan should give you too Last September Shenfeng Sword? This kind of peerlessness that will commit suicide after practicing, to a promising young disciple, do you think, what are they thinking? "

Lin Xin's eyes flashed and he didn't speak.

Fang prison continued. "Your respect for Dragon and Snake is good to you, but he has achieved Heavenly Supreme and was absorbed into the upper circle so quickly. Bihushan might have passed him, and wanted to remotely control you to serve him."

"In this world, there is no good for no reason. They are good to you, but they also show your value."

Lin Xin was silent.

After the Emperor Dragon has secretly escaped several miles, while the two hegemons are talking, they leave the battlefield. Just the horror field of fierce squeezing and friction between the two made her feel almost overwhelmed. If it really hits, once it ’s caught in the pond fish, especially the Lord ’s side, if you accidentally hit yourself ...

In the evening light, they slowly tilted from their sides, sliding from their faces to their feet. Both of them were a little dark.

"Forget it."

Lin Xin finally spoke slowly.

Fang prison smiled slightly.

"Well, you don't understand a lot. But I can ask, why did you choose to reject me?"


Lin Xin also laughed.


"You are too weak....."

The words did not fall, Lin Xin suddenly rose into the sky, the sword of joy screamed and laughed, instantly condensing a kilometer-long pink sword shadow.

Hiss ...

Jianyi Jianguang tore the space, making an unpleasant noise like tearing paper.

Kilometer sword shadow is too fast.

Even after watching the battle on the edge of Etoileo Dragon, before he could react, he saw a flash of red light.

Then the earth trembled, and all the surrounding areas of the heaven and earth vitality exploded, plunging into chaos like an energy storm.

Wait for her to react.

Lin Xin was already holding a huge blade that was thousands of meters long and hundreds of meters wide, and severely chopped it on Fang prison's chest.

Fang Jie folded his hands, and just pinched the sword of joy.

The violent force field squeezed between the two people around the earth shook countless boulders and slowly suspended, shattered in the air, and turned into grit and powder.

"It's useless....."

Fang Yu stared indifferently at Lin Xin.

"The gap between you and me cannot be made up by the strength of the increase ...."


The sword of joy, the sword of joy pinched in his hand, shattered and shattered into countless red fragments.

"Since you don't want to, then don't blame me for killers."

Huh! !!

Fang Prison suddenly gave birth to a pair of black meat wings, a fierce blow.

The speed of his huge body actually increased sharply, and he immediately reached Lin Xin's eyes and grabbed him with a bang.

Compared with Lin Xin's body, the huge black palm is like a giant grabbing a mosquito.

The strong size contrast gives a strong visual contrast.

Huh! !!

The palm of the hand held Lin Xin fiercely and wrapped in it.



The blade gently stroked the falling petals and divided them into two.

The scarlet petals do not know when it flutters in the wind, scattered like raindrops.

Wei Ning held up his sword and looked at Yin Liang's sword quietly.

He had been standing in the courtyard for a long time. No one visited, no one asked.

Even his teacher was entangled in the war zone and could not return.

The entire Bihu Mountain was empty, with only a few Tianzun avatars sitting in defense.

Behind Wei Ning, in the courtyard's wooden corridor, Yuan Yi quietly supported a paper umbrella, and looked at Wei Ning's eyes with suspicion.

"Brother ...."

She didn't know what to do.

After Wei Ning was easily defeated by Fang Prison, he returned to Bihushan Zongzong and became like this.

I do n’t ask the way, I do n’t practice, I just hide in my courtyard, and practice the most basic Jiuyan Sword Skills again and again.

"Brother ... The shadow city headquarters general attack has begun, led by Tianmeng Guanyin, forging Daojun, and ... the sun of the sun." She whispered carefully.


The blade of Weining turned, drawing a perfect arc in midair.

Jian Guang flashed a circle of silver awns around him.

Within one metre of the circle, all scattered petals were chopped into thirteen pieces.

"Shimei ... remember? We used to practice swords together."

Weining murmured softly.

Yuan Yimei's eyes widened.

After so long, she finally heard her brother speak.

Throwing the oil-paper umbrella, her body flickered, fluttering out of the corridor, her white skirt fluttered, her hair was scattered, she brought out a beautiful arc, and fell behind Weining.


She stepped forward and hugged him.

Wei Ning smiled slightly, the sword trembled, and he turned away from Yuan Yi. The tip of the sword pierced her chest with a familiar trajectory.

Suddenly, Yuan Yi understood what was happening, turning her worries into joy, and she drew her sword instantly, blocking it precisely.


The bodies of the two men turned, and their swordsmanship unfolded, and they fought freely in the courtyard.

Gradually, the closer the two silver sword lights came, the slower they got.

Uh ...

The two swords suddenly waved close together, Wei Ning suddenly stretched out a hand, grabbing the sister's waist.

"I see ... I see ..."

He looked at Yuan Yi tenderly. When he was the loneliest and most helpless, only Yuan Yi was always with him. Even his Zongmen battlefield mission was completed by her.

Yuan Yi shook his cheeks, but still looked up at Wei Ning's face.

"It turns out that this is the sword that cuts the sword too ..."

For a moment, both of them seemed to have realized something.

Gradually a little white sword air emerged around, like a mist of water, and they continued to dance and diffuse around them.

"It turned out that Taishang Qiankun cuts swords of spirits, has always been a double swordsmanship."

Wei Ning finally cleared away the haze in his heart.

Ever since he was defeated by Fang Prison, he has been in decadence, but from his sister Yuan Yi, he noticed a faint, inexplicable and wonderful sentiment.

Inspired by this kind of affection, he suddenly found that the one he had always loved was Yuan Yishimei.

It is this feeling like silk, but it is strangely turned into sword silk.

The love sword is silky, and it surrounds it, as if there is a kind of firmness and toughness that can penetrate everything.

"It's been a thousand years ... You've been with me for a thousand years." Wei Ning muttered, holding her sister and kissing gently.

"Next, let me return you forever ..."

Bang! !! !!

In one kiss, countless white sword silks twirled around the two, turning into a huge column of tornado-like air, rising into the sky and breaking through the clouds.

All resident monks in Bihu Mountain can easily see it.

This is the awakening of the Great Saint, and also the sublimation in his own calamity.


Shadow circles.

The sky was overcast with countless thunders and blasts.

In the clouds, a black giant, thousands of meters high, was smirking, holding his hands tightly, as if holding something.


A trace of white light ~ ~ emitted from the gap between the black hands.

"This is it ?!" Fang Jie's palm was painful, but he was working harder, and numerous twisted force fields condensed and poured into his hands.

"Dead to me !!!"

He uses magic directly.

Countless dark clouds quickly condensed into his hands.

But it's too late.

Huh! A white light broke the back of his hand.

Huh! !! !!

Suddenly, countless white lights penetrated the palm of his hand and burst out.

Countless white lights converge in mid-air into a figure that is also as high as a kilometer.

That is exactly what Lin Xin's ontology looks like.

His eyes slowly opened, infinite white light shot out, and behind him opened fourteen pairs of huge white wings.


The two rushed straight up without any nonsense, and the giant sword and the fist suddenly hit each other.

Fang prison has the strongest defense that can't be broken, which is the horror isolation of Ning Angong.

Lin Xin has more than 3 million points of defensive properties, which strengthens his body's aura to an incredible level.

The two of them fought real fire as soon as they fought.

Fang prison stepped on a small hill and punched Lin Xin's chest fiercely, but he avoided it, only hitting his left shoulder.

My shoulders were fiercely bursting with countless white lights, and a small piece was damaged, but it was automatically repaired immediately. Instead, the fist prison fist was purified and eroded out of white smoke. (To be continued.)

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