Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 816: Inverse 2

Fourteen white wings of Lin Xin shook fiercely, bringing out the driving force of terror. The whole person took advantage of the terrorist power of the sword of joy to cut the waist of the Chinese prison.

At first Ning Angong's absolute isolation of cause and effect was instantly broken away.

The sword of joy wanted to break into it, but Fang prison grasped the blade.

"Go to the source !!"

He pulled out a silver dagger with the other hand and cut it off towards Lin Xin's forehead.

Lin Xin raised his hand to block.


A short knife slashed into the palm of his hand, quickly releasing a horrible suction, and a pattern engraved on the blade began to violently twist and beat.

Lin Xin keenly felt that there seemed to be some great force trying to pull him into a closed environment and imprisoned.

"It's useless."

He was shocked.

Numerous purified white lights exploded directly, all force fields, everything that acted on him was instantly removed.

This is the power of the power of purification.

The Fourteen Wings Star Clan was directly promoted after his previous average attribute broke one million.

At this level, the power of purification has become extremely scary.

Almost a small group, if left unattended, can destroy most of a small world.

The Blade of Homecoming is instantly popped.

This blade is extremely powerful, but it is only suitable for the existence of lower strength than the owner.

As soon as Fang prison saw the blade bounced off, he knew he would return without power.

He did not wait for the short knife to bounce back, then rolled a pair of meat wings behind his back, spreading spikes on the wings like two arms, and pierced the two ribs of Lin Xin.

His speed was so fast that the general Tianzun couldn't react at all, but Lin Xin was different.

At this point, the simple strengthening of the true element can make the monk's own quality reach an incredible level.

This is the case with Fang Prison.

His true power and other powers strengthened him to an unimaginable level.

But Lin Xin is different. He has been strengthened by attributes to that existence.

Instead of being like Fang Prison, when Zhenyuan exists, it is overwhelming, and without Zhenyuan, its strength drops a great deal.

Facing the two wings stabbing, he waved the sword of joy like lightning, and gently tapped on the two spikes.

After the accumulation of strength just now, the strength of the sword of joy is stronger. At this moment, when it is waved, it will immediately smash two spikes directly to break and twist.

But at the same time, two dark and deep mists were also ejected from the spikes. Instead of flying to Lin Xin, he shot the shadow he fell on the ground fiercely.

"Shadow Binding!"

Fang Jie laughed, and the black mist directly fixed Lin Xin for a moment.

Taking advantage of this instantaneous gap, his palms burst into a blast, with fiercely swirling spiral black gas, stamped fiercely on Lin Xin's chest.

"Dead !!!"

boom! !! !!

Black gas enveloped white light and exploded.

A black and white light cluster expands in situ directly, with a diameter of tens of thousands of meters.

The space shattered instantly, revealing the black-red abyss.

The abyss continues to shatter and explode, revealing the next layer of dark purple deserted world.

Numerous purple mists spewed wildly from the gap.

These seemingly mists are actually deadly attacks by countless extremely small flying insects.

But as soon as the flying mist met the white light around Lin Xin, it suddenly lost a large piece, and suddenly issued a panic whine and fled away in the distance.

Boom boom boom boom ......... !!!

Fang Jie's palms urged continuously, and the terror forces created huge explosions again and again.

The power of each explosion is enough to completely destroy one of the top star avatars. More than a dozen explosions in the palm of hand.

The space within ten thousand meters around has begun to be unstable.

This is the result of being too severely affected by time and space.

Once the stability is completely destroyed, the space-time of this area will completely collapse, forming a permanent damage of the dormant snake disaster.

Fang Jie, no matter how much, he has devoured and absorbed the origin of a Taoist ancestor, and he cannot even figure out how strong he has reached.

At this time, go all out and show no mercy. Even the space of the shadow world is shattered to such an extent.

After the full amount of interest.

He slowly retracted his hand.

"Are you dead?"

He stared at the light mass and space debris in the explosion.

Bang! !!

Suddenly, there was a horrible arrogance, even with the huge sword light ten times the previous Lin Xin, chopped down at him.

Jian Guang has not touched Fang prison's forehead.

He suddenly felt a pain all over his body, only a bang in his ears, and could hear nothing, his body fluttered out.

His huge body was slammed into the head, and rolled tumbling back.

The huge impact caused him to smash on the ground like a wooden stick, and his head and legs kept rolling upside down.

A big mountain thousands of meters was directly broken by the back of his head, leaving a large gap in the middle.

A thousand meters wide abyss, the stone wall on one side exploded suddenly, Fang prison's huge body directly hit the stone wall.

Suddenly, numerous pieces of dirt exploded, and a cloud of mushrooms slowly rose.

Fang prison fell directly into the stone wall, not knowing how many kilometers deep.

A huge black hole was smashed into the abyss cliff.


Lin Xin spread out the exploding palm force and force field around him, wearing a white robe condensed by the light of purification.

The strength on my body is ten times stronger than before!

"It actually forced me to use the sword of anger ..."

He stared at the square prison inside the abyss cliff. The enhanced eyesight of millions of attributes can make him see clearly places that mortals cannot imagine.

Just now, he was actually killed once.

The power of Fang Prison is too horrible. Even if he has accumulated to the level of the star star, he was actually defeated by his front. His more than 3 million defenses were also broken and penetrated, and they exploded into the most primitive subtle vitality.

And at this moment, the horror of Taishang Shenfeng Sword finally came to light.

Lin Xin was resurrected from the chaos, and his power increased tenfold.

In the head is a sword cut out.

The increase in Sword of Wrath is all-round. Strength, speed, recovery, resistance, and defense can all be increased tenfold. Unlike many other achievements, only pure power, or speed, is increased.

This is also the foundation of the previous generation of the Supreme Lord of the Wind Sword Master can be invincible.

The strength of the sword was so great that Fang prison was caught off guard by surprise, and he was hit on the spot. The injuries are not shallow.

Ning Angong, who had been almost invincible in the beginning, was completely broken open.

Lin Xin's power base is too large, and it has increased tenfold in a moment. This is an unimaginable leap for Tianzun.

But Lin Xin never believed that Fang prison would die like this.

As the last strongest to suppress the shadow city, Daozu can be called an invincible existence. If it is so easy to die, I haven't known how many years have fallen.


Deep down the cliff, a huge figure suddenly flew out, smashing at him like lightning.

It was Fang prison covered with blood.


At this time, outside of the shadow city, the Guanyin team and his party also arrived early and watched the war far from here.

On the vast plain, a kilometer-high white light giant was clearly printed into the eyes of everyone.

"That's ... the Lord of the Sun ????"

A monk suddenly recognized the giant and exclaimed.

When the Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at it, it really recognized that the white giant standing outside the shadow city was the former **** of photography Sun Linxin.

"What kind of magical power is this, using pure strength to condense an incarnation?" He admired in his mind that such means must be a monk with his own true power and extremely high purity to achieve it.

"Look over there!"

An Arhat exclaimed loudly.

Everyone quickly looked at Lin Xin's right.

I saw a black line flew out and smashed into the new Lin Xin where it was.

Lin Xin lifted his sword and headed off.

"Magic Wings !!"


Lin Xin's original sharp blade quickly became covered with a layer of gray light, and the original sharp blade became more dull in the blink of an eye.

The blade was passivated, and even the sharp edge of the sword light was instantly weakened by half.

As soon as the red sword light was shot, he was hit by the shadow.

Bang! !! !! !!

Lin Xin was hit hard and flew out. The huge body smashed directly into the tall city walls of Shadow City.

In the bang, countless arrays of light films lit up, and the wall of the city frantically appeared in a circle of force field ripples, resisting this inhuman force.

But unfortunately, the resistance lasted only three breaths and it was declared a collapse.

Lin Xin smashed the city wall and flew into the city, smashing a large area of ​​more than a dozen black stone buildings, destroying the unknown array, crushing a large number of living monks, and then stopped.

At this time, he just had an extra dark palm print on his chest, and a lot of cracks spread on the edge of the palm print ~ ~, but it is being repaired soon.

"Okay .... so strong .... !!!"

Yao Yuanhui also arrived at this time. Because all obstacles were cleared along the way, she was able to hurry with the army, and finally advanced outside the shadow city.

Just to see the spectacular scene where Lin Xin and Fang prison fought fiercely.

"Come here." Guan Shiyin also saw Yao Yuanhui and others who had just arrived, and hurriedly asked them to move closer.

"The gods and prisons are already top stars on the stellar level, that is, in the shadow realm with extremely stable space. If I change places, I am afraid that they can directly reach the tenth heaven above 33 days.

Both groups left the Tao soldiers behind. At this moment, only the leader surrounded them and gathered together to support a solid golden light shield.

From time to time, huge stones were pulled by the aftershocks of the giant force and smashed out, hitting the shield like a cannonball and hitting golden light.

Even Guan Yin is numb.

"It's no wonder that the Dasheng is so valued. In the catastrophe, it is really their best stage."

He feared that even if he went up, he would not be able to protect himself. At most, it may die.

"What magical power is that !? Actually, the sword power of the Lord is reduced by half!"

Yao Yuanhui suddenly exclaimed.

Guan Yin immediately took another closer look.

At this point, Lin Xin and Fang Jie fought again in the Shadow City. Every time Jian Guang waved and cut off, he was instantly cast a layer of gray light, and then his power was directly reduced by half. (To be continued.)

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