Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 817: Inverse 3

"That's ... the magic wish wings !?"

Guan Yin suddenly recognized the origin of the move, and his heart sank.

"Magic Wings !?"

Yao Yuanhui and others are puzzled, waiting for the Buddha to explain.

"That is ... the terrifying magical power from the abyss of the thirtieth floor ... can passivate everything in the world! Power is reduced by half!"

Guan Shiyin looked dignified.

"More importantly ..... Only the power of the abyss below the 30th floor can support this supernatural power !!"

"That is .......!?"

The monks of the Arhats all understood the meaning of the bodhisattva. My heart suddenly frightened.

"That is to say ... Fang prison has been able to open the bottomless abyss below the 30th floor steadily ..."

Guan Guanyin sighed and uttered the most unpopular facts in the hearts of everyone.

Could this be the real catastrophe ...?

The thirtieth abyss.

If the abyss is the deepest, weirdest, and most evil place, then the abyss below the 30th floor is the abyss in the abyss.

The environment is terrible, the horrors of the creatures, and other places are not a level at all.

There is no division of realm and no division of combat power.

In the abyss below the thirtieth floor, many creatures have both extremely terrifying superpowers and the deadly weakness that even Master Jindan can grasp the killing.

This is an extremely deformed creature.

And only those extremely harsh environments can breed these creatures.

Guan Shiyin sighed and said the Buddha.

"Unexpectedly, Shadow City ended up being captured by Fang Jie."

At this time, Lin Xin and Fang prison played against each other. When the two giants waved with one sword, they could easily break the surrounding surface and space into countless pieces.

The earth soon collapsed completely and turned into a bottomless abyss.

As if suspended in midair, the two flew out of the shadow city, fighting close-handed.

When they reach such a state, attacking at will will cause great damage to the entire shadow world.

But neither of them cares.

boom! !!

Lin Xin was hit with a punch, and then he was severely chopped on his forehead by the blade of Guiyuan.

The blood bleed out at once.

But that's just it.

He flew backwards like a cannonball, and quickly stabilized his body. The long hair band was torn apart, and between the scattered hair, red and silvery blood flowed down the cheek forehead.

Reached out and touched the bleeding blood, the vitality inside was completely destroyed. Can no longer drill back into the body to recover on its own.


Lin Xin's eyes became more and more dangerous.

Look at Fang Jie who stopped the attack in the distance.

"We don't need to fight you to death." Fang prison said, "You and my interests are the same. The world is deceiving you, and I can let you see the truth of the world."

"The truth of the world?" Lin Xin's huge body that was thousands of meters slowly stood up. "I don't care what truth!"

He stunned, the sword of joy twisted sharply, and the huge sword body burned with white flames.

Among the flames, although he had beheaded and purified creature monks, one after another, there was a shadow in them. They roared and wanted to break free from the power of purification, but it was no use.

"Passivate my sword? This trick is good for others, maybe, but for me ..."

Lin Xin erected his sword, and the sword of joy in the white flame suddenly turned into a silver slender sword of anger.

"Useless !!"

His teleportation was average, and the kilometer-high body blinked on the side of Fang Prison in a blink of an eye, severely slanting it.


Crimson Jianguang covers tens of thousands of meters invisible.

"Rewind !!!"

The faces of Guanyin and others changed dramatically.

Lin Xin was already crazy, and the power of the sword of anger made him feel shocked, almost an indiscriminate attack in the surrounding area.

Guan Shiyin waved his hand violently, spilled white veil, and enveloped all the friendly forces around him. With a flash of white light, he suddenly disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, it was already thousands of miles away.

Bang! !! !!

Far away, the people turned back from the reaction of the teleportation method, and only then saw the distant scene.

Lin Xinyi's sword was severely pressed above Fang prison, and a circle of transparent ripples around it was spreading slowly. Everywhere he went, everything turned into powder and scattered into the abyss.

In Shadow City, a small half of the city wall was touched, and it was completely crushed in an instant.

The monks and strange beasts inside had the opportunity to escape in panic.

Before, they thought that with the huge formation protection of Shadow City, even if the Lord and Lin Xin played against each other, they should be absolutely safe.

But the harsh reality broke their illusions.

Lin Xin waved the sword of anger frantically. He had already died once. At this time, his power was ten times that of the previous one. He completely crushed Fang prison.

Millions of swords burst out in an instant, and each sword had the terrifying power of the star-studded Celestial Master.

There is no star pattern array, no increase array method, no special powers, only pure power and speed.

The surrounding space between the two was completely broken, and the lower abyss space was also broken.

So that it's one layer below, one layer below.

The space can not withstand huge pressure layer by layer, and it directly breaks. The power of different abyss that penetrates out, like viscous dyes of different colors, slowly penetrates through the broken place.


The spontaneous remedies for the shadow world began.

But to no avail, a circling black snake began to looming around the two.

This is the Serpent of Eternity, which means that it will once again become a new incurable shadow scar.

Huh! !!

Lin Xinyi cut a deep scar on Fang prison's back, silver blood splashed, Fang prison roared, hit millions of punches on his backhand, but Lin Xin escaped instantly.

"I said! We should not be enemies!"

He yelled.

"Don't force me!"

"If I can swallow you, I can go a step further!"

Lin Xin's face showed a trace of outrageous ferocity, and he severely fell Fang prison down with a sword.

The other side spit out silver blood.

Fang prison flashed and disappeared into the air.

Lin Xin sneered, but also flickered, appearing directly in a desert thousands of miles away.

boom! !!

He blinked and waved five million swords, the entire desert trembled violently, and countless kilometer-long sword marks appeared on the ground.

The earth shook and the gravel fluttered, gradually surrounding the forest to form a huge black tornado.

The square prison figure appeared just below the dragon roll.

He was covered in blood, but still calm.

"Lastly ask you ..."

"Guy let me eat you! I'll stop."

Lin Xin chuckled, holding his hand slowly, holding the entire Tongtian Black Dragon Scroll in his hand.



He waved down sharply.

The black tornado smashed down instantly, with a huge length of tens of thousands of miles, just like a side knife, before it fell, it severely divided the desert below.

The gale raged.

The wings behind Fang Jie suddenly glowed a dark halo.

Obviously black, but still emits shimmer, clearly visible in the storm tornado.

"Thirty-six loss fist !!"

He threw away the blade of returning to the source, and his fists kept swiping in front of him.

"Many things, listen to me!"

The moment the tornado waved and fell down.

In front of Fang prison, thirty-six transparent fist marks appeared.

Each fist print solidified like a solid, suspended in mid-air to gather without dispersing. The thirty-six boxing marks are all linked together, as if forming a net to protect him.

"go with!"

He pushed his arms against Lin Xin.

Huh! !! !!

Suddenly 36 fist seals flew into the dragon roll.

As soon as the entire tornado came into contact with the fist prints, it instantly solidified, but actually materialized directly, forming a huge black sculpture, stopping in the air.

The speed of the boxing marks is not fast, but strangely, wherever they fly, everything around them will become extremely slow.

In less than two breaths, the net formed by the thirty-six boxing fists arrived in front of Lin Xin and fell on him fiercely.

Lin Xinming could see the flight trajectory of the fist print, but he didn't know why, but couldn't avoid it.

He felt that all his speed slowed down instantly, not even a thousandth of his usual state.

"what happened!?"

Bang Bang Bang Bang! !! !!

Numerous punches fell on him, and Lin Xin could not move, but was only passively hit in the head of his chest.

Strangely, the power of the boxing marks is very small. Compared with the previous Fang prison attack, these boxing marks are not half of the previous offensive.

But as the boxing marks continued to fall on himself, Lin Xin faintly felt that there seemed to be something that was important to him, and he was constantly passing along with his boxing.

He was struggling, as if something around him was being broken away ~ ~ But that thing was extremely huge and heavy, like a huge heavy network, and he could not cover his whole body.

"Thirty-six loss fist !!"

Fang prison put on the previous movement again, and the fist marks reunited.

"Since you don't want to join forces, let's die !!!"

He pushed again, and thirty-six fist prints flew out suddenly. Everything went extremely slowly everywhere he went.

Lin Xin is still in the last fistprint deceleration effect at this time.

"What the **** is this ?!" He stared at the thirty-six boxing marks in this area. Millions of physique attributes were faintly exerted. His eyes were magnified to one hundred thousand times in a state of concentration. 500,000 times, 1 million times, and finally directly to 10 million times!

Everything around him seemed to be completely stagnant, only he was staring at one of the fist marks flying intently.

Inside the transparent boxing marks are hundreds of millions of fish-scale transparent particles. These particles form a complex and dense array of micro-arrays, which conceal the most central hollow.

"That's ... time is empty ?!"

When he saw the little white hole in the center, his heart trembled.

Hollow time, a subtle phenomenon before time faults, can cause time breaks in the body of any individual, and its special phenomenon of losing part of time.

No living thing, individual, thing can survive without time.

Lin Xin is no exception. (To be continued.)

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