Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 818: Inverse 4

Lin Xin is just too powerful, which can cause his time to be separated from the surrounding space time. Powerful cultivation and physical fitness can keep part of his body in a normal state, and the other part is in extremely slow operation. Flow state. Vertex Novel⒉②

Because of the physical body of the top celestial demon, the response is amazing.

A minute for mortals is an hour for them, even if they are willing, it can be equivalent to a day, a month, or even a year!

Under these conditions, Tianzun's physical time flow can be reduced to a terrible degree, and the life extension effect in disguise can be achieved.

But now, the thirty-six loss marks made by Fang prison are magnifying this effect infinitely. And still depriving this individual time in disguise, which is equivalent to depriving Lin of a new life!

Lin Xin's mind immediately understood the principles of such boxing.

Because Tianzun's adjustment of the state of time is a natural law of the universe, even he cannot stop it.

Fang Jie's accomplishments in this regard are far from his control of his time.

So the ending is regrettable.

boom! !! !!

The second round of fist marks smashed his chest severely.

Strangely, there was no sound, no pain, not even touch.

boom! !!

The third round of fist prints is here again.

The fourth round!

Fifth round!

The sixth round! !!

Rounds of fist prints kept flying out, superimposed on Lin Xin's chest.

He vaguely understood Fang prison's plan, and his face suddenly froze.

Lin Xin opened her mouth slowly, trying to say something, but no voice came out.

Looking at Lin Xin in the sky, Fang prison wiped the blood on his face.

"Goodbye, Lord of the Sun."

The thirty-sixth round!

Hundreds of transparent fist prints have been stacked on Lin Xin's chest.

Fang Jie stretched out his hand and grasped Lin Xin slightly.


Grip your hand!

Bang! !! !! !!


There was a shrill scream from a distance.

Yao Yuanhui and others, under the aegis of the Guanyin Bodhisattva, came late at this time.

Just to see the explosion of hundreds of punches on Lin Xin's body.

"Master !!!!"

She screamed, her blood boiled, and she almost fainted.

It was Lin Xin, who rescued her from a barren little world, and took her and her brothers and sisters to see the infinite void outside.

She has always had a deep feeling for Lin Xin, and even without contractual constraints, she always obeyed her words.

Although the contract was strict, Lin Xin never used it to restrain his disciples, even once.

But at this moment, watching Lin Xin was blown open in midair.

That kind of weird and powerful transparent fist print can actually explode the body of the master's respect.

Yao Yuanhui felt as if something had broken.

Strong sadness rushed out of my heart.

"how is this possible....!?"

Guan Yin is also incredible.

"The physical strength of the Lord of the Sun, even Fang prison, cannot be compared. How could it be possible to break his defense so easily?"

He clenched the jade bottle tightly, his face hard to look.

Hengxing's Tianzun played against him, even if he was powerless. Although he was a former evil **** king, he could not be killed, but he was not strong enough.

Countless distractions went to Wanjie that year in order to avoid the risk of the catastrophe. Now the catastrophe has gone through several times, but its own strength has also weakened a lot.

He might have stepped forward if it was before, but now ...

"The Buddha of Wuliang Shou ...... the **** has one last breath, Fuhu Luohan!"

He whispered.


Although Fuhu Luohan did not want to, he still obeyed.

"What does the Bodhisattva command?"

"If there is an accident here, you will lead the team back."

Goddess of Mercy has died, although he converted to the Buddha and Bodhisattva for the evil **** king, immortal, but in the face of such terrible calamities as the Fang prison, he still has no grasp in his heart.


Fuhu Luohan was shocked.

The other Luo Han also spread their voices to persuade.

"Ha ha ha ha ha !!!"

Fang He in the sky laughed wildly.

He didn't know when he was holding a slender silver sword. It was Lin Xin's sword of anger.

"So it is ... so it is ......... !!!"

He looked pleased, but with a trace of grief, as if there was something huge hidden.

Guan Shiyin looked so calm, white light flowed all over his body, and he was ready to rush up to fight Fang prison as soon as possible.

Huh! !!

Suddenly, a silver arm stretched out of the blade and grabbed Fang prison's face.

"You can't kill me!"

A deep voice came from within the blade.


Fang Jie was stunned, and released his sword of anger with his arms, and grabbed the silver arm.


Lin Xin's entire body emerged from the blade, like a silver liquid, converging into a complete human figure in mid-air.

He grabbed Fang prison's head with one hand, countless forces gathered, and ten times more than before, he burst instantly.

boom! !! !!

A black hole suddenly exploded in the air, and the space was continuously broken for more than ten layers! Purple-black sludge penetrated through the cracks.

The whole shadow world began to tremble.

Countless rocks, gravel, air, and cloud gas all rushed towards the two of them.

Everything is compressed and condensed into a transparent pectin-like substance, which continuously dilutes the purple and black mud around the two.

For a moment in midair seemed to condense a transparent storm ball.

Inside the ball.

Lin Xin grasped Fang Yu's head with one hand, Fang Yu under the silver arm, Qiqiao bleeding, and only two blood holes remained in his eyes.


He roared, using his full strength to try to break away from Lin Xin's silver arm. His eyes even burned a black flame, and his wings fluttered wildly behind him.

"Do not!!!"


Lin Xin grabbed Fang prison's head with one hand, tearing him from his body stiffly.

The sound stopped abruptly.

Bang! !! !!

The huge corpse of Fang Jie exploded directly, together with his skull, into a huge black circular cloud, spreading in all directions.

But then, the cloud that had just spread again flew back to contract.

In a flash, it shrank into a dark bead with a crack, suspended in front of Lin Xin.

The beads shattered silently, turned into black powder, and floated in the air.

Lin Xin retracted his hand and hovered quietly in the air, remembering the previous battle.

Guan Shiyin and others have already stared at it.

"Fang prison ..... dead?"

Guan Shiyin looked at Lin Xin floating in the air.

If this battle is replaced anywhere else, I am afraid that it will destroy several world planes. Fortunately, in the shadow world, although the wave destruction in the shadow world will affect the void world to some extent, it is different from other places and can be regenerated.


At the exit of the three shadow paths in the shadow world.

A young man in a black cloak stood on a rock cliff and looked away from Shadow City. His eyes were burning with black flames, as if he could penetrate everything and see what was happening there.

"Fang prison .... dead."

"Dead under the sword of the Sun King."

"Holy Lord?" A man in black asked respectfully.

"Don't call me Holy Lord. The former Fang prison is dead. Now I am called Tongtian!"

The man tugged at the wide cloak, covering the inky black armor that was exposed.

"Let's go and get to the Tenth Heaven soon."


Several people around him responded respectfully.

A group of black men strode forward, disappearing silently in the air in front of the shadow path.

Lin Xin ’s huge kilometer body suddenly exploded, and a large amount of white light contracted and converged, and was sucked into a large body over seven meters in the core.

He raised his four arms freely, grasping the sword of anger in one hand, and gently using one hand, and immediately condensed the surrounding air into a ball, suspended in his hand.

The other pair of arms slowly made fingerprints, one after another.

The fingerprint touched the hidden hint of soul in the air and seemed to be looking for something in the air ball.

"That's how Fang Jie died? Really?"

Lin Xin was puzzled.

From the beginning to the end, from the strength, to the tricks, to the performance of Fang Prison himself, the other party is the Fang Prison body.

But he always felt something was wrong. UU reading books


Yao Yuanhui slammed into his arms fiercely from the side.

"Master! I thought I would never see you again !?"

She was crying, apparently the sight of Lin Xin being killed before scared her.

"It's okay ... it's okay."

Lin Xin's expression softened, and she patted her back gently.

For these disciples, he used an attitude towards his nephews.

Most of them are treating Lin Xin with the general admiration of their parents and elders.

"The Sun King." The Guanyin Bodhisattva slowly floated up. His complexion was soft and relaxed at this time. "Now that Shadow City is in trouble, the rest of the soldiers and crabs will not be intimidated, and we should go back to the chief clan."

He smiled and relaxed.

"Before I had the honor to watch the battle, the prince and the prince were far away and I imagined that if there were no princes together this time, I'm afraid that it would not necessarily destroy the Shadow City."

"Bodhisattva is polite. I do n’t know that Bodhisattva can see Daojun?"

Lin Xin asked casually.

"Furthering the Road, Jun took another shadowy path. It stands to reason that it should be here now. Is there any obstacles and delays encountered in the middle?"

Guanyin Boss wondered.

Shadow path is the most magical isolated tunnel in the shadow world. It is impossible for any creature in it to get in touch with the outside world. Only when they get out of the shadow path can they perform liaison.


Lin Xin frowned slightly.

"It is also possible that in addition to Kaifang, Xing Pengfei, and the rest of the Hidden Celestial Shadow City. Maybe they were all transferred from the founder Tao Jun."

"We might as well go and see."

Guan Yin said.


Lin Xin nodded and looked at the many Luohan monks who commanded the Daobing army. (To be continued.)

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