Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 823: Sword Hall 1


The rest of the room was also shocked. It seems that the Nine Birds have all pressed themselves into the Umbra, and pressed on the King of the Sun.

That realm is the foundation of Huiyang City, and its power is extremely strong. Gambling in the Umbra in this way is obviously putting down the life and death of the Nine Birds.

"Then the start, care and command of the core realm will be handled by your Nine Birds family in the future."

Lin Xin directly delegated authority.

"Thank God!"

Hui Yang was immediately overjoyed.

This is equivalent to the Minister of Surveillance and Defense of the Umbra, which is an extremely important position.

"Also, I'm going to Zongzong recently to watch the sword mark sentiment from Daozu relatives."

Lin's new topic turned.

"But going to the sword hall?"

Xing Pengfei suddenly said.


Lin Xin nodded.

"Great !!! Really willing!" Xing Pengfei sighed. "When the sword hall is opened once, the various swords, swords, and qidos remaining in it will be leaked in large quantities. After a sword hall is formed, it will be opened at most three times, and it will become completely ordinary.

Everyone who has ever entered the sword hall is now at least a goddess of fortune, most of them are celestial beings. And it is the sword repair Tianzun.

One of them is Huanyu Tianzun! "

As soon as this remark came out, everyone who was present suddenly took a breath.

Universal's prestige is almost unknown to everyone.

His incarnation infiltrated into the heavens and worlds silently and has reached the apex of accumulating astral power, and it is also one of the top existences among seekers. Almost known as Tianzun invincible.

Jiantang can give birth to the invincible existence of the Universal Heavenly Supreme, which is obviously the most precious place in the entire Bihu Mountain.

"This trip, I strive to fully understand the hidden dangers of Taishang Shenfeng Sword, and Minister Daozu let me in, obviously it also has this meaning."

Lin Xin said lightly.

"Master must be able to perfect the sword tactics." 6 Li stubbornly, seems more confident than Lin Xin himself.

"The prince must be able to set the stage for victory, the avenue of enlightenment!"

Everyone respectfully chanted.

Lin Xin nodded, looking at the neatly arranged monks below, and suddenly remembered that he had reincarnated from the reincarnation to the realm of the earth, climbed up from a small ordinary character, and gradually grew up to the level it is now.

In the middle, I don't know how many ups and downs.

Long years, it seems that hundreds of years and thousands of years have passed.

Even ten thousand years is also unusual.

At this level, in addition to the original commitment to Hongye in the heart, and the last trace of affection to Lin Yaoyang and Master, he still kept in mind that the rest, Lin Xin has already been too bearish.

"Let's go."

Suddenly he was a little confused, waved his hand, and left directly.

The figure disappeared directly into the seat.

Lin Yaoyang was keenly aware of the strangeness in his heart, his eyebrows moved, and he followed.

The highest mountain peak in Youjie, the peak of Mingyang.

The wind raged and the snow drifted.

Lin Xin was standing alone on the mountaintop platform, looking into the distance, a snow-white scene.

Lin Yaoyang soon appeared beside him. Quietly stood behind him.

"Mingming has made such a big foundation, but why are you still unhappy?" She looked at Lin Xin with some anxiety.

"It's nothing, it may be a little tired." Lin Xin smiled.

The shortcomings of the Shangfeng Sword in September are unknown to everyone except the practitioners themselves. Lin Yaoyang was originally a monk Yuan Yuan, and it was even more impossible to know such secrets.

"If you're tired, take a good rest." Lin Yaoyang's face flushed slightly, "Would we like to take a bath?"

Since having a good relationship with Lin Xinhuan, she has described Huanhao as a bath every time, and whenever she wants to be happy, she has said straight away to take a bath.

"You go to rest first, I'll come later."

Lin Xin gently touched her cheek.

He felt like he was laughing, but laughed stiffly.

Lin Yaoyang clearly saw it, his face was a bit bleak.

"Okay, I'm going to rest first, you ..."

She looked at Lin Xin anxiously.


Lin Xin nodded slightly.

After several urgings, Lin Yaoyang slowly left the top of the mountain.

The rest of Lin Xin stood alone on the top of the mountain.

Staring at the snow-white scenery in the distance, he suddenly sighed.

"It seems that I can only go to Jiantang to see if I can crack the hidden dangers of the Shangfeng Shenfeng Sword."

"It seems you need help."

Suddenly a secret voice came from behind him.

"West Asia?"

Lin Xin didn't have to turn around to see the strangely sewn baby suddenly appearing behind him.

"Do you dare appear in front of me?"

Lin Xin said lightly.

The Evil God King is only a Celestial Master, at most, a stronger Celestial Master. He even killed Fang Prison's clone, and is still afraid of West Asia?

"Hehehe ... I'm just here to make a deal with you."

West Asia is still the same, with a mysterious and deceitful look, looking at Lin Xin with a smile.

"Well, we are also old friends. I have helped you a lot. Don't you know that you are grateful?"


Lin Xin sneered.

If it weren't for his ability to endure, he would have been dead when Song Danhao took Lin Yaoyang with the Snowman King City.

"Well, don't mention these old things, I haven't congratulated you. In one fell swoop, you can achieve the position of overlord. Now I am afraid that even Universe will see you headache.

West Asia grinned.

"I have something here, if you can help ... I can help you solve your biggest trouble now."

"What are you planning on?" Lin Xin frowned. The evil **** king is a very troublesome group. Even if he is extremely scary now, he is not willing to easily provoke this group of immortal old guys.

"You don't understand .... This calamity is different from the past ..." West Asia calmed down slowly and stopped laughing. "This calamity is a little careless. Even we are extremely dangerous and may completely die."

"So what? Why can I help you?"

Lin Xin ignored him.

"Don't you want to lift the cause and effect from the red leaves?" West Asia suddenly hurriedly.

"You know Hongye !?"

All of a sudden, Lin Xin's body shape appeared in front of West Asia. His body was like light. By the time West Asia appeared, he had been grabbed by his clothes and lifted by one arm.

"You will understand when you go to Jiantang. Hongye and Huang Yan were the first sword masters of Jiantang." West Asia seems to know a lot of secrets, but still with an unpleasant smile, let Lin Xin be calm. Hold him and lift him up.

"What do you mean?"

Lin Xin narrowed his eyes.

West Asia laughed.

"Do you know what it means to be dead without death?"

boom! !! !!

Suddenly, Lin Xin's mind was like an explosion, and suddenly remembered the words that the owner of the red leaf sword and him said on the boat.

"Do you know Huang Yuerong?"

"Of course." Hongye smiled unexpectedly. "The people who are immortal, the strongest in your world. At our level, our own existence occupies a part of the jurisprudence of the world. There is nothing to hide from mastering time and space. "

Suddenly sober in his mind, Lin Xin heard West Asia talking.

"Unfortunately, if I hadn't coincidentally checked your birth information, I really don't necessarily know that you are actually related to that person."

West Asia smiled.

"This catastrophe is special. You will soon know."

He was talking and the body faded and disappeared naturally in Lin Xin's hands until he disappeared completely.

Lin Xin released his hand and did not follow.

Just think carefully what Siya said.

"Red leaves, Huang Yan ..."

"The Sword Hall, the highest dream hall of all the sword repairers in the heavens and the world.

There are top-level sword marks and sword marks that exist in the doctrine of the law. Everyone who can leave a sword mark in the sword hall is the strongest and most advanced strong cross sword repair.

Such a sword repair is respected as the sword master.

And the sword master, in Jian Xiu's mind, is the same title as Daozu. "

Master of Bihu Mountain, outside the Temple of Heaven at the mountainside.

Lin Xin and Huanyu Tianzun stood side by side on the hazy white clouds, looking into an invisible void in front of them.

"This is the entrance to the sword hall?"

Lin Xin whispered.

"Yes, neither."

Huanyu Tianzun said lightly.

"At a distance of eleven meters, three inches, and one-fifth of a millimeter in front of you, a little bit of unknown light suddenly flashes after three minutes and forty-two seconds.

The light can only last for a moment, you must seize the opportunity to rush in. Without this opportunity, Jiantang must wait another 10,000 years to accumulate enough power to reopen. Remember. "

"What about the opening time?"

"There is only one moment. But because the time flow is very different, once you go in, the time inside will be extremely slow. The moment in the outside world is equal to one year inside. One year is the length you can spend inside." Explained.

"Thank you Huanyu Taoyou."

Lin new archway.

"You're welcome, Daozu's purpose, I hope you can complement this top sword tactic ..."

He didn't say much anymore, turned and suddenly disappeared into the air.

On the white clouds, only Lin Xin was waiting quietly.

Originally, he was not very looking forward to Jiantang. After all, he did not think that his kendo practice could be inspired by a few sword marks and made rapid progress.

But West Asia's words made him full of curiosity and anticipation for Jiantang.

Waiting quietly, time slowly passed.

Soon ~ ~ in a matter of minutes.


A white light suddenly lit up in Lin Xin's vision, he didn't want to, the body suddenly disappeared, leaving only a faint afterglow that slowly dissipated in mid-air.

The white light fluctuated slightly, and then went out instantly.

Lin Xin's eyes were white first, and then he felt as if he had rushed into a thick liquid.

There was countless amounts of glue around him trying to stick him in place.

With a slight tear, he broke the glue directly and rushed forward.

call! !!

A flower in front of me.

He burst into a large, empty square suddenly.

Suddenly bright, he looked around, and now he was standing between two rows of huge white buildings. (To be continued.) 8

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