Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 824: Sword Hall 2

On the left is a row of snow-white buildings with a height of 1,000 meters. There are countless circular holes on top, which seem to be windows. 『Top Novel』 ⒉②

There are blank spaces engraved with patterns and sharp lines.

On the right, there are a row of white minarets that are also up to a kilometer in height. Compared to the left, the minarets on this side are denser and side by side, and are taller.

The most amazing thing is that the materials that make up the building, whether it is the wall or the ground, are slowly changing like flowing water.

No moment is not active.

"This is Sword Hall?"

Lin Xin was slightly stunned.

There are thousands of squares long and wide, empty.

Looking at the buildings on both sides, the living things were not seen at all.

Above the head is still a white cloud sky, which stretches far into the distance without seeing the end.

Lin Xin stepped lightly at his feet, and the whole person fluttered up and flew towards the building on the left.

He quickly drilled through a round hole in the window.

Inside is an unusually rudimentary cave-type room with no entrances and only one window.

The room was only the size of a bed, and Lin Xin entered it. At a glance, the white walls and ground of the room were filled with countless line-like trajectories, flowing and changing.

That countless track gives a sharp, domineering, extremely strong temperament.

"This is the sword mark !!"

He trembled in his heart, and quickly realized it.

To the extent of his attributes today, his mental strength is so high that ordinary people cannot imagine. In a split second, there are hundreds of thoughts at the same time, analyzing the countless sword marks in front of him from various angles.

But if you go in a little deeper, Lin Xin feels that if you continue to feel this way, the depth of the sword marks in this room will definitely allow you to consume decades of time and not necessarily achieve something.

But these sword marks are all traces of the degree of at least Tianzun.

He gritted his teeth, his heart was sore, and he rushed out of the window.

If he was right, there are so many holes and so many buildings here, I am afraid that each one is an entrance into a kind of sword mark.

The degree rose to the fastest in an instant, and Lin Xin split into thousands of afterimages in an instant, almost a few seconds, and ran through all the empty rooms in the buildings on both sides.

But the situation that made him startled again.

He inadvertently went to the empty small room where he first entered, but he did not expect that the sword marks there had changed again!

It's become a completely different kind of gangdo!

Anxious, he began to examine the other holes again.

Sure enough, all the holes are now replaced with a brand new, completely different sword mark.

boom! !! !!

Lin Xin's figure suddenly stopped in the middle of the middle square, his face solemnly.

"That is to say, the sword marks here are not the same at all times, and are constantly changing. There are a total of 999 rooms here, including the minaret.

Every other minute, the sword marks in the room are changed! And each one is absolutely the best swordsman Kendo! "

Even the size of the room is constantly changing every moment.

Lin Xin suddenly remembered the reminder of Universal Supreme before he came.

"Once opened, all the sword marks in it will be continuously released and consumed over time. Don't delay any time. The fastest choice is to feel and understand."

"The fastest option ..."

Lin Xin murmured.

Suddenly he closed his eyes.

boom! !! !!

A twisted horror spirit burst into force, spreading in all directions, and spreading into 999 holes.

"Too much September Kamikaze ... where is it?"

He flew to monitor each cave, and soon, in a room of a minaret, Tang saw similar sword marks.


Lin Xin shot at the fastest speed, entered the room, and dropped gently.

Inside a hole-shaped room, walls, floors, and ceilings. They are constantly flowing and changing. There are countless sword marks like simple lines, densely arranged, and naturally deep flowing combinations. Exhales the madness of madness.

"This is the sword mark of Taishang Sacred Wind Sword!"

Lin Xin recognized the root of this breath instantly.

Spiritual power unfolded, scanning every minute and minute of this room.

The first sword, the sword of joy. it's here!

He slammed out the content of the first sword.

The mental strength has just entered.

‘Ha ha ha ha! !! !! ’

In a wild laugh, a white shadow came crashing at him.

There was a sense of horror and familiar kendo.

clang! !!

Lin Xin suddenly drew his sword, just blocking Bai Ying's overbearing slash.

"This is it?" He sank.

The absorbing effect of the sword of joy is actually offset by the opponent.

"It is also a sword of joy !!"

Too late to think about it, that Bai Ying came across with a sword.

Dang Dang Dang Dang! !! !!

The two men met ten thousand swords in an instant, and the sword shadow was like light, directly filling any gap around it.

The small room was empty, and it became a world of swordsmanship and sword light and sword.

White and red sword lights are like countless red and white lines, interwoven, flowing, colliding, and then breaking.


Suddenly, Lin Xin reached out his sword and piled up more than 3 million killing properties to explode directly, chopping off a large piece of white sword light and falling on that white shadow.

puff! !!

The white shadow disappeared and then suddenly reappeared.

"Rage, roar !!! Hahahaha!" Bai Ying laughed wildly, his power suddenly increased.

An incomparable force hit the sword of Lin Xin's joy fiercely, and rolled it back.


The sword of joy was severely chopped on Lin Xin's own chest, but the sound of metal interspersed, revealing a small amount of scars.

"This is the sword of anger ..."

Lin Xin finally realized the injustice of the Celestial Masters who had been hacked by him before.

The Sword of Wrath had a tenfold increase in pervert ability, and even he was facing a headache, not to mention those who did not have his horrible defense attributes.

Fighting with Bai Ying all the way, it took several hours, he died once, and also used the sword of anger, only barely polished the opponent's three times of anger sword death quota.

The last sword landed on Bai Ying's chest and exploded it into countless white smoke. Lin Xin suddenly felt a deep sorrow spreading around him.

"Is it ... the sword of wailing ?!" His heart suddenly moved. This was the third sword he hadn't yet understood, and he didn't even know what the effect was.

There was a moment of nervousness in his heart.

Bai Ying condensed again.

He carried a looming sword and slowly walked towards Lin Xin.

Obviously the room was small, he took many steps, but it seemed as if he could not reach him.

Lin Xin stared at Bai Ying, suddenly a strange feeling came out in his mind.

As if the other person was the one he loved the most.

He wanted to raise the sword, but now, no matter what, he has a strong resistance, as if holding the sword up, facing Bai Ying, as if facing his favorite person.

‘If there ’s no love and no love in this world, what is there to remember? ’


Lin Xin murmured as if he heard something.

‘Do n’t blame me ... I ’m forced to do it too ...’

"I don't blame you ..." Lin Xin's heart suddenly burst into a strong sense of grief. His heart was blocked, his eyes were reddish, and his eyes seemed to be wet.

‘Since you love me so much ... then I have a wish ...’

The voice was more sad.

Lin Xin's eyes were already full of tears at this time.

"You say ..." The white shadow in front of him has become An Ying, Xiao Lingling, and Lin Yaoyang in his eyes.

‘That ’s ... Could you please die ...’

Bai Ying has now reached Lin Xin.

"it is good....."

Lin Xin was completely caught in that sorrow.

He slowly reached out his hand.

boom! !! !!

Suddenly, the white shadow in front of him was punched in the chest and hit him in the middle of his chest.

Countless flesh and blood flew, and a huge red blood hole appeared directly.

"You !? You can break away ..." Bai Ying looked at him in disbelief.

Lin Xin had tears in his eyes, grabbed Bai Ying with both hands, and yanked.


Bai Ying's entire person was directly torn by him ~ ~ The upper half was with his skull in his arms and was tightly held in his arms.

"Don't blame me ..." Lin Xin hugged his head tightly, raised his head, tears falling down his cheeks.

"Everyone who wants me to die ... has to die !!!"

Bai Ying's horrified look was finally more shocked.

Only now he appeared, Lin Xin did not escape the mourning sword at all, but his essence was like that!

Without even having time to use the fourth sword, he completely dissipated and turned into white smoke.


Tenth heaven.

The grey-black sky was like a frozen oil painting, dead and silent, without any trace of activity.

On the vast gray and black ground, a river flowing hundreds of meters wide flows slowly.

The flow of the river was gray and unusually turbid, but there was a faint silver flash in the rolling water.

On the edge of a river bank, several dark shadows stood calmly, watching the turbulent river water quietly.

The black shadow in the front, wearing a cape, can't see the face, only a little white chin is exposed, and the corner of the mouth is icy.

"This is the river of aging ..."

He reached out his hand, his long, white fingers, and scratched gently.

The river suddenly flew up, hovering in the palm of his hand, condensing into a gray-black spider form.

Hiss ...

The spider struggled, screaming wildly at the man in black. The whole body haunts a special wave that can make life decay.

"Holy Lord, we are thousands of miles away and come to the Tenth Heaven World to build the headquarters at such a great cost. Compared to this, why not run the Shadow World well and choose to give up?"

A shadow could not help but whisper.

In such a ghost place where even river water can be dead at any time, even after a long time, even Tianzun may be polluted and attacked.

He couldn't understand why the Lord chose to come here and start again. (To be continued.)

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