Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 840: Destruction 4

puff! !!

The old lady of the Yueyang Lin family suddenly raised her head and spit a blood, and fell into a coma.

She just wanted to understand now.

She was able to be accepted by Youjie, but it was because Lin Yaoyang's thoughts and the blood of her old love, but this time, the Lin family brought so many people without permission, which is greatly out of order.

Why do they always decide for others and take so many burdens on their own? Use the resources of the sun **** to make your own family? That alone is a taboo.

Not to mention that their original relationship with Lin Yaoyang was extremely tense. If it weren't for Lin Jiazong's family raising and protecting Lin Yaoyang, she was afraid she wouldn't even lose her life.

But now, in the critical period, when the code rules are the most important, they Yueyang Lin took the lead in wanting to violate the rules.

All these piled up together, and Lin Yaoyang finally said those words relentlessly, apparently already extremely disappointed with them.

But now she understood everything, it was too late.

On the way before coming, all planned blueprints for future development were arranged in my heart, and at this time all my brain disappeared.

Before the coma, the old lady in Lin Minyang's mind just said the jade purpose that Lin Yaoyang had sent out before she kept swinging.

"It's over and everything is over!"

The crowd roared violently, but there was no longer any way to hear the black carriage wandering away.

The treatment here is also settled.

Xiao Hongyi's guard was relieved before the teleportation. Yue Yang Lin's family, this kind of relatives is the most difficult to deal with. Now that the wife herself speaks, she can naturally handle it smoothly.

It's been two hours since the black horse-drawn carriage reached Umbra.

Lin Xin got out of the carriage and took Lin Yaoyang out of the carriage.

There are disciples Lin Yi and others waiting respectfully.

"Welcome to the King and Madam."

Everyone was uniform and shouting in unison.

The people greeted were disciples such as Lu Li and Zhao Wumian, as well as representatives of the power factions such as the Shadow Cage King and other veteran leaders, as well as the Flower Demon King Lin Yilin and other Taoist leaders.

The most important thing is that the representatives of the three ambassadors of the Underworld and the representatives of Wing Sing Sect have been there.

"The city owner is urgently processing refugee arrivals. There are too many affairs. It has been five days and five nights since we haven't closed our eyes. We haven't come to meet you. Please forgive the gods!"

The messenger stepped forward helplessly.

"I know."

Lin Xin waved his hand.

"In addition, where are the remaining waves of people who submitted their applications?"

"Secretary, has already received the outer edge of the temple. Several of them are hugely involved, and their subordinates dare not deal with it without authorization."

Lin Wai stepped forward, respectfully.

"Take me to see."

Lin Xin said lightly.

The Outer Hall is a newly-built building specially hosted by Youjie. Most of the visitors here are uncertain, do not know how to deal with it, and distinguished guests who have a close relationship with the upper levels.

Lin Xin asked Lin Yaoyang to take a rest, accompanied by female disciples such as Yao Yuanhui, and was not alone. In the midst of the catastrophe, from time to time, you can go to enjoy the flowers and swim in the mountains and rivers, tease the disciples and children who were born, and live a leisurely and fulfilling life.

Completely immune to outside wars.

This is the life of most people in Umbra today, and also the reason why so many people outside the world want to join Umbra Underworld.

Because Lin Xin is strong enough, there are no enemies in the surrounding tens of thousands of spirits.

Even if there were, they were immediately hanged by the huge legion of Umare Underworld, leaving no residue.

Non-stop, a group of people walked directly through a large black building group to a large palace built by the river.

It was surrounded by a wall with rune formations.

Many Dao soldiers guarding outside, kneeling down to salute when they saw Lin Xin approaching.

Looking out of the distance, kneeling down sullenly.

"Greetings to the Lord!"

The overwhelming shouts sounded loudly.

Lin Xin landed and departed, and walked in along the entrance of the outer edge of the palace.

The first one I saw was Euro and others who came out.


The lava troll is still the same, but it is obviously deepened. It was also a joy to see Lin Xin.

"Brother Euro, long time no see!" Lin Xin smiled and hugged Euro.

"We are all coming to you now!"

Euro laughed, released Lin Xin, pulled a few people around him, and introduced him.

"This is the three disciples I just received, Mei Fengzi, Enron, Wanglongzuo!"

The three young men standing next to him, flushed, were afraid to look up at Lin Xin.

"Meet the uncle!"

The reputation of the Sun King has reached an incredible level. These three young people, however, are Jin Danxiu, who can get in close contact with the top God of Heaven, and are so speechless that they can barely see the ceremony. They are considered to be of excellent psychological quality.

"Well, it's good." The next three people glanced at each other, and their qualifications were very good. Lin Xin's hand flashed suddenly, and a few extra magical tools were made in the fifth grade before, and it was useless to leave in the Umbra , Now just happens to come out as a greeting.

"These were made in my youth, and now I just practice for you."

"Thank you Uncle yet !?"

Euro gave a slap on his forehead.

"Yes! Thank you Uncle!"

The three grinned and grinned their heads.

After chatting with Euro and his party, Lin Xin asked people to arrange their senior residence qualifications.

You defined residences are divided into high, intermediate, low, and three types, and the benefits they receive are also completely different.

This was also personally divided by Lin Xin.

Quickly welcomed Euro, and he went on to another hall of the Outer Hall.

Someone was waiting there in advance. And there are quite a few.

As soon as he entered the door, Lin Xin recognized the beautiful women who had stood up in a hurry.

Bai Qingjuan stood up awkwardly, her body was obviously well-dressed, a body-fitting short skirt, the skirt only reached the middle of the thigh, black silk long legs, long hair shawl, and a well-designed curve on the chest, faintly from the side Seeing a trace of open contours, it seems as if you can reach in and play.

The skirt is even more fluttering, and a little wind can gently blow up to see the scenery inside.

Seeing Lin Xin step in, Bai Qing absolutely lowered his head, feeling that the whole person could not wait to find a place to dig into it. This body is completely used to seduce the man, and it is even a bit vulgar, but it can perfectly reflect the attitude of the Bai family. As long as the Umbra can shelter the Bai family, then whether it is her or the Bai family's various resources, It's all up to you.

Bai Qingjie's original cold temperament, although he had known for a long time that his future would be sent out as a family marriage, but after all, he did not expect to use such methods.

Originally based on her character, she would not like to practice herself even if she was dead.

One can think of the pleadings of the family's father and brothers. Under the catastrophe, she can only cling to her teeth and persist.

"Baijia is absolutely innocent, and I have seen God!"

After all, she had a little friendship with Lin Xin at the beginning. Although she was taken care of by the other party, she had such a little communication, but at this time, it was a wonderful opportunity.

Once he can be spoiled for a night by the monarch, the status of the Bai family can instantly rise.

Bai Qing absolutely knows that she has a low profile, but here she has no hope of becoming a wife and concubine. Even if she can become a plaything of the deity of the sun, and obtain a little core sedentary status, it is also a great contribution to the family .

"I remember you." Lin Xin nodded faintly. "You come and send me a gift to see me, why?"

The list of gift money sent by the Bai family, even as Tianzun, was slightly moved. It was not a major trouble and he would not bet so easily. After all, it is an extremely huge business family in the Sky League.

"Clearing this trip is to ask the gods to exchange a bit of dwelling status. That's it."

Bai Qing absolutely whispered respectfully.

Apparently they had already learned a little about the calamity, and it was understandable to be here.

"Your Baijiacai is very big, but it can sell you some places, but the number cannot exceed 50 people."

Lin Xin gives general standards directly.

There are tens of millions of people. Many of them are reserved for the native residents born in Youjie, and together they are doomed to be unable to expand again. Then when the population above it multiplies, there is no place and it is occupied by outside population. It's really difficult.

It is not bad that Baijia business people can give 50 people unconditionally.

After all, some of them are highly advanced, and they can come in on a regular route. The threshold of Umbra has also been hung in the major port towns of Tianmeng.

"Thank you, God!" Bai Qing suddenly rejoiced, his face suddenly red.

She didn't expect it to go so smoothly. The quota of fifty people can completely fill the part with insufficient repairs and unsatisfactory conditions. In this way, most of the core members of the entire Bai family can enter the Umbra.

"Qing Jue and the sisters are waiting at any time." With respectful words, it is very obvious that Bai Qing Jue glanced at the three sisters and sisters brought out from the family, all of whom were blood relatives and sisters who had planned to serve the gods together .

The three women have their own temperament, innocence, charming, cute, and her own coldness, which is all types.

Choosing a few women in the family, the biggest purpose is to want to have a relationship with Lin Xin, the **** of photography.

"You don't need to be polite, you bought the place for the price, it's just a fair deal." Lin Xin smiled. "Well, I still have something, and you will be resettled by someone later. Take a good rest."

He turned and walked out.

Bai Qing was suddenly anxious.

"Sir, little girl still has a question, I want to ask you to answer it!"

"what's up?"

Lin Xin still had a good opinion of this little girl ~ ~ I paused and asked more.

"Some, some personal questions, can it give us a chance to wipe out"

Bai Qingjue said, bowing his head.

"of course can!"

Lin Xin had not spoken, but there was a familiar voice outside the door.

Lin Yaoyang stepped in and smiled.

"Is Bai Qingjie sister? Your mind, I understand. The gate of the Nether Palace follows you in and out at night."

Lin Xin also smiled bitterly. No more to say, gently pinch Lin Yaoyang's face.

"The world has its own set, don't worry." (To be continued.)

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