Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 841: Broken 1

"I'm in a hurry!"

Lin Yaoyang looked straight at Lin Xin, his eyes full of tenderness and worry.

"I can't have children, but you are different. You can listen to everything else. I'll arrange it for you!"

She and Lin Xin were unable to have children, but it has been carefully detected that the use of a large amount of medicine Shixiandan will not work.

It seems that there is a kind of Qi in the underworld, which affects her and Lin Xin, and has no child.

However, Lin Yaoyang was unwilling to ask Lin Xin to obtain it whenever he had the opportunity. He also tried to find various women for Lin Xin to come to sleep.

She was unwilling to accept the strongest and best blood of the Lin family, and she couldn't inherit it!

For her who valued her family heritage, it was the hardest hit.

Bai Qing's arrival this time has her shadow behind her.

Especially after losing contact with Yue Yang Lin's family, her thoughts about her family bloodline became even more serious.

Lin Xin's thoughts turned sharply, and he instantly understood the joints.

"It's up to you." Men and women are happy, it's already very irritating to him, at most it is a kind of enjoyment like delicious food, nothing more.

Neither value nor exclude.

"You don't understand!"

Lin Yaoyang shook his head, a hint of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

She looked at Bai Qingjue, put on a soft smile on her face, took the initiative to greet her, and asked her personal circumstances softly, what were the difficulties.

Lin Xin did not want to stay inside anymore.

Striding out of the hall, several high-level Umbrellas have arrived outside, and the three city masters of the Underworld do not know when they will come.

"God! The calamity has arrived."

The main road of the first underground city put on a whisper with a solemn expression.


Lin Xin's look changed, and suddenly he looked up and looked at the sky of Youjie.

I don't know when in the sky, the earthy sky suddenly appeared a little black dots.

The dot started out as the size of a fist, and as soon as it appeared, it quickly contracted.


Huh! !!

A harsh noise spread out.

All monks in the Umbra have noticed the abnormal changes in the sky.

boom! !! !!

The black dots swelled violently, blasting off numerous gray-white air currents, covering and rushing towards the Umbra.

The large array has long opened the defense.


A large amount of off-white air flow hit the earth-colored formation shield heavily. There is a noise of water washing away solids.

Umbra is boiling.

Countless people stood up, ran out of the building, and looked up at the changed sky.

An oppressive, heavy, horrible inexplicable emotion burst out of my heart at once.

In the void.

The Umbra and the three underworlds surrounding the defense are like four dark disks, one large and four small, supporting a circle of earthy light film around them.

The array of layers, layers of light blue star power, combined with a large amount of unknown energy, gathered together to withstand the gray air flowing from the outside.

There are also dense yellowish lines rising in the Underworld of the Underworld, as if the huge consumption of the shield is constantly being replenished.

The surrounding stars are not so lucky.

Everything that comes into contact with the gray air flow, stones, soil, biological spaceships, everything, is instantly destroyed, completely submerged, and there is no trace of movement.

The gray air seemed to be devouring all beasts, except for Umbra Underworld, nothing could escape it.

A huge fleet that was slowly heading towards the Umbra, had just jumped out of the star gate, and immediately encountered the gray air flow.

boom! !! !!

The fleet shield only supported for a few breaths of time, and then it exploded. All the ships did not even hum, and were completely engulfed.

Before the huge light blue star gate had time to send out a first-aid communication, it was immediately drowned by the gray air.

The large black void seemed to be filled with stains, and in a blink of an eye, it was completely filled with countless gray and white materials and then directly annihilated.

Master of Bihu Mountain.

Huanyu Tianzun held a cup of jasper-like tea and slowly put it on his lips, but couldn't drink it anymore.

He sat in the anonymous hole, surrounded by the maidens and disciples, the layers of high-intensity energy steadily guarded the entire anonymous hole.

Inside the cave are also several monks who are responsible for the operation of the current Bihushan ancestral formation.

They are all senior stewards of Winter of the Golden Crown. There is also a divine deity, and there is another glorious deity.

"Sovereign, all aspects of the large array have been set up. Just look at when it opens."

The glorious Tianzun with safflower buns whispered softly.

"I hope you can determine the specific time. After the array is modified to the maximum power, it can only support up to days. It is not convenient to start early or late."

Huanyu Tianzun's brow was tightly locked. His other hand was still holding his own contact Yufu, and there was also the exhortation of Tianzun, a pro-photographer, such as Dragon Snake Tianzun and Jiuqu Xianweng.

He must start the fight immediately.

He rubbed the jade charm, hesitating in his heart.

"Sovereign, the array is costly, the inaccurate card is turned on at a specific time, and our final energy reserve is very likely to be insufficient. Compared to the Lord of the Sun, the attitude of the nine-colored **** before is ambiguous. It should be turned on as soon as possible. "

Shen Shenzun's incarnation reminded in a deep voice.

He never had a good opinion of the nine-color god. However, there are several other relationships with Youjie, and naturally they support the decision of the Sunshine King.

"God slightly said that this was bad." Mei Yan Tian Zun shook her head. "Although the Lord of the Sun is closer to the sect, but in such major events as the calamity, the parts and depths he can grasp are far less than those of the nine-colored god. The reincarnation of the previous Buddha is profound and far-reaching. It wasn't something I could catch up with in such a short time. "

She paused.

"It is very possible that even the Lord of the Suns may have mistaken the exact time of the disaster. I suggest that you still follow the arrangement of the God of Nine Colors, and it is best to remind the Lord of the Suns, otherwise the law of the disaster will be opened in advance and cost With energy, I am afraid it will be difficult to follow up. "

The attitudes of the two representatives are quite opposite. Huanyu Tianzun is actually hesitant.

But in the end, it is the suzerain, and in the end, such issues need his next conclusion.

I remembered the background of the two gods, and the jade purpose suggested by Minister Daozu before leaving.

He frowned for a moment.

Huanyu finally made a decision.

"The big array is on and it takes half a day to fully start.

Taking all factors into consideration, I decided to start a full-scale battle at 5 pm the next day. "

His voice passed directly through Yufu to the current six heads of Bihu Mountain.

Both the glamorous nun and the **** slightly can only obey Huanyu's instructions.

However, after all, God's Slightly Heavenly God still had impracticability. Before he actually came, he had already sent his relatives and family disciples to the solitary realm where the Lord of the Sun was. Occupies a place for senior settlement qualifications.

Is not optimistic about the defense side of Bihu Mountain.

The more he knew about Lin Zhiri, the more he admired him.

These geniuses who are so shocked and talented, no matter what, the judgment in the calamity will not be too wrong.

And from his attitude towards Bihu Mountain, he will not deliberately make a mistake.

But the nine-color **** is different. It is deeply involved with the Buddha Realm, and even took a lot of resources of the General Sect, but it is a matter of course.

The attitudes of the two sides were so different that he couldn't rest assured that his net worth was all over the **** of nine colors.

"So, that deity will retreat first."

God has a certain number in his heart, so he will not say more.

"Master, please."

Huanyu made a decision and was relieved.

God turned slightly and walked out of the cave, preparing to unfold.

boom! !! !!

Suddenly a loud noise came from the head of Bihu Mountain.

A few people suddenly changed color, all at the same time unfolded and flew out of the cave.

Outside the nameless cave.

The three fell directly on a clearing in front of the cave door and looked up into the sky.

I saw the original blue sky, at this time there was a dense gray air flow, just like a meteor falling crazy down.

"what is this!?"

Huanyu cried out.

"Where is the Guardian! Where is Zongmen ?!"

Although the final battlefield has not been opened, the general Zun-level offensive can be easily resisted.

But at this time in the face of such gray airflow, the so-called gigantic large array, which did not even play a small role, was suddenly broken.

Huh! !!

One of the off-white air currents has fallen to the ground.

I can hear countless fear shouts in the distance, and there are a lot of spirit beasts and blood beasts in the Bihu Mountain.

"Go and see!"

Huanyu was anxious, but his complexion remained calm, rose to his feet, turned into a white light, and was about to fly away.

Huh! !!

Suddenly, the gray air flow in the sky flew again and shot straight at him.

Huanyu Tianzun looked for a moment, reached out and drew a semicircle in front of him.

"Zhao Tian Zhao Zhao, Qian Yuan Ling!"

Hum! !!

A circle of pale yellow auras suddenly appeared before him.

It seems that the defense is thinner than the egg shell, but it was shocked by the gray air for several breaths, and it has not been washed away.

Although not washed away, Huanyu's face changed suddenly.

He was shocked to find that the real element in his body, because it resisted the gray air flow, actually consumed one fifth directly!

Who is he? !!

Bihu Mountain has been ranked in the top ten since the beginning of the record, with extraordinary strength and amazing combat power.

Zhenyuan reserves are several times more than ordinary star stars.

It turned out that a gray air flow would consume one fifth of the true elements in his body.

Huanyu looked up to the sky, thousands of gray and white air currents, and a deep chill in his heart.

"This is a catastrophe !!!?"

He finally thought of the key possibility.

"Hurry up !!!!‘

He hurried through the jade run.

But it's too late ~ ~ Yufu Nei, who was in charge of the ninety-nine nodes of the original array, had less than half of them responding at this time

Huh! !!

Suddenly another gray air rushed towards him. Huanyu, who had been stagnant at this time, was completely stunned in his heart, and could only watch stagnantly the airflow rushed towards him.


God slightly lifted him from the side and flew away quickly.

Huanyu still looked dumb.

"The million-year foundation of Bihu Mountain is complete!"

He didn't know how to explain to his teacher and how to explain to the rest of Minister Daozu.

They trusted him so much, and entrusted him with the grand master of the Shanmen.

It turned out to be the case now. (To be continued.)

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